Dubs decides what I do wish this pure white makeup (nothing that will cause me pain, sorry Sup Forumsros)

Dubs decides what I do wish this pure white makeup (nothing that will cause me pain, sorry Sup Forumsros).

Painlessly squirt it into your anus.

Squirt it in your ass and poop white

Smear on dick

eat it faggot.

Unleash entire tube into your asshole, and then fart it out into a cup and drink it.

Empty it into the sink.


UPDATE: Nothing involving my genitals, you perverted Sup Forumsastards

put it in your nose hole

Thrown it out the window

Put all of it into your ass

your black so the obvious answer is white face

then why are we doing this?

Rolling for this

Rub on butt cheeks and post results

Do nothing with it

put it in your nipple

use it is lubricant, film it and then post it here

Rub it on your neighbors door


I'm mixed race, asshole. My dads white

1. Apply to face/neck/hands
2. Put on respectable outfit
3. Get job


Open the cap and throw it into the street

flush it in the toilet

We have a winner

Rub it on your face to look white

op wont do it


cant tell from pictures bro, white face is still my answer

draw a dick on your forehead with it


better post pics op

OP if you can't just put it on butt cheeks your a cunt. It's not genitals

gross mixed race hands

Winrar, butt is not genitals

All over butt not just there


Best ppst

Wtf is wrong with your hands?


How's this?

Idk, what's wrong with my hands?

gross fingers

Oh, well I guess God just fucked me then, didn't he?

put it on Dik and show results
don't be a pussy