Fuck Niggers, and fuck the black lives matter movement

Fuck Niggers, and fuck the black lives matter movement

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living bismuth.txt

Fuck your mom too. And don't forget about kikes


Yeah fuck 'em

posting to own thread kinda funny
more like a dumb racist with this one

Reactionaries gonna react. Gather all the facts you can bros, and when the motives of these terrorists are revealed ask yourselves what caused this. The dumb nig nog moaning about justice, or the white middle class that answered the moans with silence and boot heels?

All lives matter equally, let's stop fucking killing each other in the street

Finally someone who understands.


Every day cops violate your rights and you sit there and just take the cock right in the ass. Finally someone sent the message that some of us aren't going to take it anymore. I'm delighted, whether it was a nigger or not.

It's not white vs. black. That's what you believe when you're an ignorant sheep or just an edgy faggot. It's us vs. those in power that use it to subjugate us.

LOLZ. I'd say some pig's wives in Dallas are going to get fucked today. With big, black cocks.

Hope the injured die slow.

>Fuck Niggers

Nah white manlets get fucked by nigger master race

I hate niggers too but your pig friends had this coming for a long time.

the amount of blacks killed by cops is 1 percent. They all get mad when a cop kills a black person, but black on black crimes can happen without the blink of any media. The black lives matter movement is a joke and you can't prove me wrong.


it's funny. they want all the black guys let out of prison so they can kill, beat, rob and rape more of THEIR OWN RACE. the guy who was shot point blank on the ground had done some insane shit. one of his crimes was BREAKING THROUGH the wall of his apartment to some lady's apartment where he tried to "sell her a goldfish for $20". he was fucking INSANE and beyond dangerous. he got busted for fucking a 14 year old when he was 20. he had been in prison many times and busted MANY times for resisting arrest WHILE possessing a gun.

every day, 90 people die from guns and 54 are black (CDC statistics). cops kill 2-3% of all people that die from guns.

we need to tranquilize them so they can continue victimizing and killing their own race. THAT is intelligent destruction of them; not killing a few a day.


Exactly. But Black Lives Matter still has a place in our society. It's helping to organize a minority that has been voiceless for too long in the face of police brutality and racial profiling. The point of BLM isn't to act like only black problems matter, or that we shouldn't draw attention to any other racial/social class. Co-opting it as All Lives Matter serves to pacify the movement's radicalism and dilute its message to America's elite

>not using clover?
OP is fag

NWBTCW. Here's hoping the workers won't fall victim to the inevitable racial division propagated from above. It'll only serve to shatter the cause




Nobody is disagreeing with you that the BLM movement is a joke. But what you are either not understanding or are in denial about is that the police force in the US has become more and more aggressive over the years. They act like a cult whose members are above the law.

And the knowledge that any case brought against them is virtually guaranteed to be acquitted by the courts have only made them brasher in their behavior. It was only a matter of time before the people revolted. It's unfortunate good cops had to die, but that is what happens when you let the bad ones amongst you go unchecked.

An incident like this was bound to happen. Do we stand united, or divided by the crackers? Hear the protesters and come together with them in common cause, don't listen to the whispers of your masters. You have nothing to lose but your chains

If this doesn't show how fucking ignorant these apes are then I don't know what will

has anyone devised a final solution for this problem?

Underaged b8
>Fucked with big black cocks
Newsflash bud, women don't like men that can't and wont raise a family, support it, or support the woman.
Also Sup Forums is for white people only, nig-nog

yo this ain't the right thread but I came up with these right after it got pruned. "replace a word in a movie with the word nigger"
>Stop or My Nigger Will Shoot!
>Kung fu Nigger 3

>we want our land back

finding who started it won't change a thing. If anything, whites have fought and died so that niggers could be free and not segregated. Bad mistake.

The solution now is either niggers try some soul-searching, but they can't because muh white oppressa, or race war (not blacks against whites, but niggers against civilization, but niggers are too cowardly for that). So it's going to be the ideological guerilla.

>It's us vs. those in power that use it to subjugate us.

Nope. It's you against yourself.

>white manlets get fucked by nigger master race

Niggers can't even take it upon themselves to confront the "white manlets" face to face in an open war. Because they're weak and cowardly, and less intelligent than educated monkeys.

So the "white manlets" are going to remain in power, thank you very much.

> want their land back?
Free ticket to Africa and ban their reentry.
Sounds good

niggers are the fucking worst.

the entire world would become a near utopia overnight if they all just vanished. i don't think i would really miss a single one now that prince is dead.

Black Americans represent the repressed working class just as much as poor whites do. The only difference is that blacks have had their pride beaten out of them. The pride that stops a man from looking at his life and realizing he is the victim of a system that's out of his control. White Americans, especially the poor, get fed the worst sorts of Patriotic and nationalistic gruel until they become little more than pigs to be pit against the very people that they need the most. The same goes for blacks, but in a different way. They believe that all of their woes lie with the white man, and this further divides the people.

The only way change will come to America is if the working poor mobilize together and show the elite the true meaning of class consciousness. Don't buy the lies of the rich, Sup Forumsro, you are just as much a victim of the system as the blacks. The poor have for to long sown the seeds of success for their oppressors. In the end, Uncle Sam always reaps the harvest, leaving nothing but the chaff


I can somewhat agree about this class struggle, because it is indeed true that there is a problem there.

However, regarding this "pride beaten out of them" thing, I'd like to remind you that every individual in our society today has had pride beaten out of them in their lifetime (well if you're not a 1%er at least). So to make this a race thing is the worst thing you can do, and you can count people like me out of your class struggle if for some metaphysical reason whites living today have to apologize for the past.

Blasé white woman using nigger as disposable fucktoy, thus only confirming the superiority of whites over blacks. I am not even mad.

Bitches just love the taste of chocolate

In that case they need to eat ice-cream, not get AIDS.

That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying many whites that I know, and this is just from personal experience, don't acknowledge any sort of class struggle because they can more easily identify and be swayed by the white elite. I agree, part of the bullshit is trying to get white people to apologize for the past. That's part of the racist bullshit that has helped to split the workers. Most whites in the South were poor yeoman, and couldn't have afforded one slave if they saved money over the course of a lifetime. I did phrase that wrong, what I meant was that black people don't have the artificial links to the ruling class that the white poor do. Blacks have always been a minority, suffered under Jim Crow, and now are dealing with increased police brutality, while poor whites are getting silently marginalized and being fed the idea that poor blacks or immigrants are to blame for their problems by the corporate media. It's like two sides of a poorly minted coin; both groups have struggled in equally valid but distinct ways. The only people that should be apologizing to anyone are our oppressors


>friend is dating 6/10 black girl
>in group chat on facebook
>3 of my best friends
>tell them the last thing we need in this world are less niggers
>friend gets pissed off
>this confirms that he is dating the black girl
>call him out
>denies it
>wont admit to it
>tells me that that is not why he's mad
>ask him since when does he fucking care about what people think?
>since when does he care that black people are a thing
>literally do not care about black people at all
>he use to not now he does and is basically a normie
FFS My friend turned into a normie guys :(

>black people don't have the artificial links to the ruling class that the white poor do

Makes sense.

But what's your solution, in practice? I don't need to remind you that communism and communist-like ideologies have failed multiple times in history and aren't going work, especially in America.

Yes, fuck them.

I know butthurt when I see it ;^)

>make a camp
>invite all niggers
>tell them there is free weed, watermelon, malt liquor, fried chicken, grape drank and mintholes
>they get them
>gas them all
>throw their bodies in a volcano

kek. Sounds credible tho

If you have hate in your heart let it out! Can i get a Amen!

I don't know. I really don't know, and the prospect of what may happen in the coming weeks fills me with dread. Opening a dialogue with each other is at least a start. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me.

There may be a solution in socialism, but I don't know what that solution is. It'd have to be from the bottom-up, that's for sure, state capitalism has done nothing but ruined nations. All I know is that this is the start of something big

You have to work to represent the working class

>the prospect of what may happen in the coming weeks fills me with dread

Me too, and most people.

>All I know is that this is the start of something big

Yeah, but sadly most big things start with a blood bath... Seems to be what people want, on all sides.

I don't have a solution either, but I'd tend to think that if there is a solution, it's not outside in the political world, it's inside. As banal as it sounds, you can change the world by changing your view on the world. Perhaps one of the only thing to do at this stage is to get rid of the hate we have in ourselves, if it's possible.