[YYYY] Album Title

>[YYYY] Album Title
>YYYY - Album Title
>YYYY Album Title
Which one, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


just put all songs in one folder, albums are for rockists

Artist - (Year) Album Title

Tracks are left as found, though they're obviously tagged correctly in my media player.

>anything but YYYY - Album Title

Artist - Album - (year) - [codec]
Finally got around to making a Java program to rename my folders

>bloating directories with useless information that is already a part of the band's superfolder

Album Title

>year of release
>useless information

Τhis desū

Artist -> YYYY - Album Title
only acceptable way

He said it's part of the band's superfolder, obviously he has different folders for every year of music releases

I'm talking about including "Artist" in the album folder name. Why the fuck would you do that considering it's already in a "Artist" folder?
This is just straight up fucking stupid. Why would anyone sort their folders by anything but release date?

>Artist - (Year) Album Title - Song number. Song

O I see. I should've worded that post more clearly; I meant (Year) Album was inside the Artist folder.

But that's
>(YYYY) Album Title

(YYYY) is (Year) ya dingus

[label] (year) artist - album

folder is Artist - AlbumTitle
tracks filenames are Track# TrackTitle
I ought to add year to the folder name, but it's too late now

Yes, and as is shown in your image, your setup is having the year of the album's release in brackets followed by the name of the album. Or
>(YYYY) Album Title
in short
You bloody eejit. This thread is about how you choose to label album folders.

>browsing music in windows explorer

>he's a spotify cuck
>he actually pays for the ability to browse what music he wants to listen

this youtube.com/watch?v=PNcVnaMBNuc

I don't include year anywhere in the folder.
parent folder: Artist
Children folders: Albums

Grandchildren folders: Discs

this guy gets it

>this guy is as much of a mouthbreather as I am