Going to a club for the first time in my life tonight. Anything i need to know?

Going to a club for the first time in my life tonight. Anything i need to know?

What can I expect Sup Forums?
I'm 21 btw

Shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots

Its cooler not to dance.
It's cooler not to get wasted.
Don't over dress
Don't get excited.

He didn't say he was going to a gay club in Orlando

This guy gets it. Keep calm untill you know how things work and the culture.

>What can I expect Sup Forums?

Expect a gay Muslim to ruin your fun

a Muslim walks into a bar what does he order?
an ice cold beer like everyone else you xenophobic fucks

Interesting. My plan was to get pretty drunk before with my friends to habe some confidence if any girls would talk to us/me, but I guess thats not a good idea?

It's gonna be shit unless you're high as fuck. I suggest ex, coke or speed.

Muslims don't drink alcohol you dumb cunt.

City area country?

Its actually a great idea until it works and now you cant get a hard on

Copenhagen, Denmark

xenophobic is for countries you retarded fuck

Yeah true, that's usually not a big problem though, but ofc there is a limit

ratchet normies who cant dance for shit, getting drunk and fucking. only intellectually vapid people visit clubs... unless you are in a latin country.

I reckon he'd walk into a gay bar and order a "shot" of something tbh

So what's bad about getting drunk and fucking Mr. Virgin?

Getting laid wouldn't be bad, unless my ratchet-meter goes off the charts.

Any drinks/cocktails you guys can recommend? In my country sour shots are super popular, but I'm not a big fan of it...

giving 4/10s a great night at your own expense

what country


I'm speaking from the perspective of what is presented in my country

Already said.

Im sure its the same in many countries