Hey b, how can I kill a pig so he doesn't suffer and people don't realize it was killed...

Hey b, how can I kill a pig so he doesn't suffer and people don't realize it was killed? Some neighbor has one those mini pigs and it smells bad as fuck, already talked to them but they can't smell their on feces so I need a quick, not so painful and suspicious today kill that pig.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=poisonous to pigs

slice its throat open

Host a BLM movement

The jugular is the way to go

Run it over with your car

The neighbors will see that and know it was killed you fucking idiot

bury it alive, duct tape it's mouth too.

That's not quick

You could try growing the fuck up, OP.
If it really is as much a problem as you're making it out to be, you contact the police and the homeowners ass. and they're fix it for you.

If they don't, you're exaggerating the smell.

just get some rat poison or sleep pillls and overdose it hard.

Slice it's throat after u kidnapped it, then Bury it or smth

can't the cats kill them ? or a dog ?


Are you talking about actual pigs of cops.
>dress up as chupacabra
>poison pigs with large amounts of lsd to make them freak out beforehand
> drain pigs of all blood
>spread the legend of so chupacabra

best poison

10/10 idea

Why the fuck would he be talking about cops? Are you that retarded you couldn't get what he meant through context?

Cum in your crusty sock and hang yourself u fucking cuck

Paint it black n call the cops idk


no need to kill it, just fill a water balloon with fabreeze and pelt that mini fucker

take it to dallas

Snipe it from somebody elses house. Dont forget the bullet. And when the owners of the house you are sniping from are not home. Silencer would be great too

alright 'murican sniper calm your shit

Fuck you, im a norwegian hunter from the north.

Just pignap that fucker and throw it off a bridge.

Underrated post

lmgtfy.com/?q=poisonous to pigs

$10 says when a link is dropped its to an image saying my mom is going to die tonight

atom bomb
>nobody will notice a dead pig

$40 should do and it will blend into the feed

Pigs can be killed quickly by putting a tack on their forehead. Their skull is a bit hard though so use a hammer to punch it in.