Fuck Sup Forums I'm depressed. My gf is fucking beautiful with an amazing body...

Fuck Sup Forums I'm depressed. My gf is fucking beautiful with an amazing body, but she always shuts me down when I make advances on her. Like apparently she gave her bf before me tons of bjs but the most sexual thing I've ever gotten from her is seeing her boobs (in a FUCKING BRA) and every time I bring it up she gets really pissy,

how long have you two been together?

also stop being a faggot

Doesn't sound like much a relationship to me, bud. You should throat fuck her until your cum comes out her nostrils.

She obviously doesn't like you OP. Move on, find someone who will worship you and enjoy sucking your cock. Life's too short to be chasing after girls who won't give it up. As an added bonus (not guaranteed) once she sees that you want nothing to do with her, she might be more willing to go after you (since she will feel some rejection and wonder why). Just tell her you don't have time for some stuck up bitch who just wastes your life.

Have you considered rape

But seriously she probably fucking someone else

You sure she's your GF? If so, dump her ass.

Sounds like she's only being with you because she's obsessively terrified of being seen alone. Sounds like she has a dangerous validation complex, and no real interest in you.

Try talking to her about it. Then say that you'll be happy to be her friend if that's what she needs, but you're going out to meet other women this instant.

Then get laid.

2 months but long distance have only been with her irl twice and all we did was fucking make out

It just hurts that she'd always call me a pussy cause I'd never make any advances then when I do she fucking shuts me the fuck down

I'm her second boyfriend and apparently her previous bf was abusive but tbh it still is super disconcerting

The fuck is wrong with you, get to see her more cuck, or you WILL be cucked

honestly just end it, shes obviously just a tease and is most likely cheating since its long distance

Dude, seriously, stop chasing her. She's not your girlfriend. Forget her and start talking to other girls. Now. This is a no brainer.

Oh and she was diddled as a kiddy so maybe she just has really fucked up ideas about sex since she's only had negative expiriences

Unless you have a really short dick, man the fuck up.
Thrust your cock in her mouth while she's talking.

Best advice?

Move on fucktard.

>she was diddled.

She's fucked in the head, you don't want to put up with that shit.

Guaranteed kissless virgin.

Take my advice and RUN as fast as you can away from her and her past.
Trust me on this. It never gets better.
Fucking jump ship.

You are a delusional retard. She is not your girlfriend. She is some girl you talk to. Chances are, she is getting dick elsewhere

>Only seen her irl twice

What are you 10, she's not your fucking girlfriend. Maybe she's not a total tramp and doesn't want to fuck some guy she's only met twice 'irl' just wait a bit you fucking faggot.

Shit 2 months fucking relax, this is what you do when you actually meet up not on Skype, take her to a nice dinner buy a few drinks play a few games of Mario kart let her win a game or two, then the next thing that happens is your friend zoned so you don't have to worry about her not wanting you to touch her

>be me, OP.
>meet 9/10 girl online
>meet twice
>no action
>wonder why?
>find local slut and fuck her
>never wonder why again

no sex? no girlfriend status. you are in the friendzone and don't even know it, and she is getting fucked elsewhere. guarantee it.

Dude are you like head over heels for some fucking reason? Cuz you should get the fuck out of that shit you fucking retard.

Fucking cringe.


Have you ever had a girlfriend, other than that hairy guy you met off of /MLP/

What would you advise me to do about my gf of 7 years in this state ? Why doesn't it get better ever ?

Maybe OP met girl IRL and didn't explain this
>pic related

What the fuck.
Is this for real?
Drop the stupid bitch you fucking beta.

Dump her, you little shit.
Try using your attributes for once in your pathetic life.

Did that person have a tail I need more information

OK OK I concede that every woman/experience is different, but in my experience any gf who was molested as a child has the rot seep through as they age. It doesn't go away, they can't seem to reconcile their past or get over the injustice.... it just boils inside of them and surfaces as either controlling anger or alcoholism.
Again, just my experiences.

She is going to be a total cock whore to her next BF. Probably the next cock she sucks...she won't even know his name and she will be begging for it.

I did I've known her since we were 6 months old then she moved away when we were just starting to get feelings for each other

How long did she know her last BF....she sucked his cock alot. Does she swallow?

She was with him for one month. I should've specified, I've been with her a lot more irl then twice, I've only been with her twice when we were "dating"

He sounds like a cool guy. I bet he gets his way alot.

He allegedly raped his next girlfriend and is in jail rn so I'm sure his scrawny ass is doing real well in prison

Then enjoy BJs for birthday and Christmas. Until she leaves you.


I'd be content with birthday and Christmas Bjs. Would mean I got further then a good 80% of these fsggots

>user hasn't got this far yet.

OP, take it from a man with experience. Fuck everything. Literally fuck and have sex with everything you can. If they won't and don't let you, then find someone who will. It's not hard. Get your rocks off before you die of cancer/accidents/Muslims/protesters/etc.

get out now while there's still time, user! this is a large ball of trouble rolling your way.

>the most sexual thing I've ever gotten from her is seeing her boobs (in a FUCKING BRA) and every time I bring it up she gets really pissy,

WAKE UP!! She's being true to her real boyfriend.

I like the way you think I'm going to go fuck my hand right now

How old are you

Op said "13"

I had the same shit as you op. Dump that bitch now because she will do the same to you in the next month, then fuck your best friend. Not worth the effort.