Your vote doesn't count because you live on this side of the imaginary line

>your vote doesn't count because you live on this side of the imaginary line

KEK, nice "democracy"

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Nah it's all good

It prevented the wetbacks from swaying the election to their favour

self-determination is more important than democracy

you wouldn't want me saying what laws you had to follow, would you?

It's the same thing with seats you mong. Bet i can find NZ elections where one party won the seat count but lost the overall two party vote.

Don't understand why everyone suddenly finds proportional representation systems such an alien concept. It's so vastly different demographical and geographical can be equally represented.

Its called united states of america not united people of america

what teh fuck only 55% people went to vote?

USA is a union of states.

Got to do something to balance out the voice of people as a whole, and the voice of individual states.

Do you know what happens when some states feel like their wishes are not being considered?

>all these newfags replying to this classic bait

Many people feel like neither option is good for the country, that neither option represents them.

Have you Breitbart nuts cooked up any "proofs" yet or are your pulling this out of your ass like your leader?

So minorities deserve representation disproportionally larger than their numbers?

This thread in


Voting should be mandatory, it would help third parties if the big candidates are shit

With pure popular vote it'd be similarly "your vote doesn't count unless you live in one of 3 or 4 metro areas".

With voting strength based on congressional representation it ensures that the diversity of living experiences in our country isn't silenced.

But what if most people are retards?

The two-party system isn't that big an issue tbqh given the far lower party discipline here.

Agreed, but mandatory anything other than taxes and jury duty runs a bit contrary to American culture. I do think voting should be encouraged and take place on a weekend/holiday.

Agreed, but I think all states should have their electoral votes by Congressional District rather than winner-takes-all.

Well representative democracy is better fulfilled if retards elect someone like them
Voting here takes place on a saturday, unless you vote early

>forgetting the illegals that voted

Yeah, Election Day is on a Tuesday, because people back in the day couldn't work on Sunday and had to have an extra day to travel to the polling places. Also, people tend to think that only the question of the Presidency is on the ballot, when in fact many issues at the state and local level are also on it, which lowers turnout in non-swing states.

>With pure popular vote it'd be similarly "your vote doesn't count unless you live in one of 3 or 4 metro areas".

Why do Americans keep perpetrating this myth? If the president was popularly elected then every vote would count equally and therefore the candidates would have to be broadly appealing. As it stands now your vote is worthless if you don't live in one of the few marginal states.

The argument is that since more people live in cities, cities, whose inhabitants tend to vote the same way, would control the elections more than those in rural areas.

We aren't a democracy.

I didn't say shit about votes counting equally, I said the diversity of living conditions is better represented in government.

In NYC only about 10℅ of the population votes in local elections.

We're not a democracy, we're a federal republic.

>United States

their individual will factors in, it's how we avoid things like civil war as much as possible

if California and Friends chose the leader every single election cycle we would have problems quickly

Somehow Euro's either fail or refuse to grasp this. They think that their form of democracy is perfect for a continent sized country of 320+ million people.

Not even true.
There are tens of millions of republican voters in cities.
I'm in NYC, arguably the most liberal city outside the West Coast and I see plenty of potential Republicans-voters every day.
But of course their votes don't count because they live in blue states due to the winner-take-all system.

It's fucking retarded. The electoral vote should just be scrapped or re-worked. ESPECIALLY the winner-take-all vote.

>a democracy




>Why do Americans keep perpetrating this myth?
Right now? Because Trump won (he was curiously against it befiore his victory) and because historically gerrymandering has tended to hurt Democrats rather than Republicans. It isn't some principled thing, the people supporting the right of Cletus to have a disproportional say in how the country is run over smug liberal Johnny in the city are also the same who would argue against Tyrone and Jose being given any similar preferential treatment, the bottom line is conservative rural whites are the people who count to them as the only "salt of the earth real Americans" and that they'll acomodate their opinions around these basic principles.

If it turned out rednecks were all of a sudden to find common cause with poor lalcks and Mexicans these guys would change their tune mighty quick, you'd be hearing them talk about rubes running the country to the ground and republicans would be running to make sure whatever constituency supported them had the upper hand in polling.

It isn't a mistery really, same as all those crows who had been pushing Obama to get tough on russia now all support Trump's overtures to Putin or how all those pro-free trade fiscal conservatives are now all about raising barriers and slapping tariffs on goods to "keep jobs in America". The very same policy they have rallied against in the past in other countries.

It's all about guns and whites entitled to "feeling" the system is rigged in their favor, even if it means voting against their very own interests. Terms like intellectual consistency are not in their vocabulay, it's all SJW hogwash designed to impose cultural marxismon Dog fearing Americans.

>people elect representatives to govern the country

It appears to be a democracy.

I and millions of others don't want Mexifornia to choose my president.. She won Mexifornia by 4,000,000 votes alone but the over all vote by only 2,000,000 votes...

>implying flyover states are capable of making educated choices

And the majority of Californians don't want your shithole shate choosing our president either.

But unless one of us secedes we're stuck sharing a president. Now if only there was a fair, objective way to decide who that president should be...

Oh wait. There is one. It's called the popular vote.

>implying anyone gives a fuck what some random farmer in arkansas thinks

We'll get our political philosophy from the typical corrupt Latino shithole

I for one only become more and more impressed with our Founding Fathers by the day as I realize just how much foresight they had

the system literally worked

California is literally one of the least educated states in the nation

Liberal states generally are more educated, though.
California is just one big fat outlier.
And at the same time, California has a lot of what makes the U.S great (Silicon Valley, Hollywood, etc.)
What the fuck do Arkansas and Tennessee have other than crime, poverty, and hillbillies?

>muh founding fathers
Like the principled among them wouldn't be terrified to learn they helped create an empire far worse than the British.

I wasnt making a point of conservative vs liberal states or relevance in any sort of capacity. I was simply pointing out that california is one of the least qualified states to make an educated decision on anything.

Also I auto filter all trips. If you want to continue take it off.

They knew what they creating.

>liberals worship hamilton after the new play depicting niggers as our founding fathers
>same people have never even heard of the federalist papers or know that Hamilton was the one who pushed for the electoral college

hell yeah fuck the working class scum no one need them no one likes them t. liberal arts major in ucla


Absolute strawman.

im posting from work juan carlos

>Bet i can find NZ elections where one party won the seat count but lost the overall two party vote.

Kek, good luck. We've had MMP since 1997 where every single vote counts.

Stay furious.

>More outsourced shills not realizing that we're a constitutional republic, Not a democracy

t. spic

You can have such a system without a winner takes all approach.

The number of electoral collage votes taken by a candidate in a particular state should be proportional to the amount of votes they got in that state.

Nah the main point is we are a FEDERAL republic

We should be one though. Trump is the biggest cuck.

Fair but at least we could take Australia in a fight.

>gerrymandering is actually legal and encouraged in his two party dictatorship

KEK, what a corrupt shithole.

I hope the tears continue for all 8 years

>muh popular vote

Popular vote is mob rule. The Westminster system does the same thing you fucking idiot. Do you not how our system works?

This shit is to ensure the large populations centres don't dictate the entire election, and everyone from all areas are equally represented. If popular vote determined the election politicians would just focus on a select big cities and completely ignore everyone else

>Trump tells the truth

No one can seriously, unironically believe this at this point.

If you genuinely do, you deserve to be dragged out and shot.

t. butthurt neo-liberal globalist am*rican diaspora

Great post! Will be sharing this with the guys on facebook. LOL!

You deserve to be dragged out and shot for not supporting the man who is going to save the Western world from the cancer of Globalism

>trump tells the truth
Except when he doesn't.
If you think the electoral college makes people care any more or less about small states or "small towns" then you, my friend, are mistaken.

>m-m-muh globalism
>m-m-muh Soros
>m-m-muh rapefugees

The alt-right are a walking parody

This basically. I can tell you my family living in rural Kentucky have very different concerns from me in NYC.

the united states is not a democracy we are a republic, look up your stuff

5 freemason silver dubloons have been deposited in your maltese vault


>people who have never read The Federalist Papers:The thread

If you are an American you have to read this book, in fact if you want to comment on America and the structure of it's politics or government you have to read this book first, there is no exceptions.

I'm serious, the entire thing is online for free and your here wasting time shitposting so there is literally no excuse to keep being ignorant.The most pathetic part is that most of you haven't even read passages from it, go ahead and start right now by reading Hamilton's defense of the electoral college

>If you think the electoral college makes people care any more or less about small states or "small towns" then you, my friend, are mistaken.

It actually fucking does, shitposter. It's because of small towns and districts that Trump won Florida, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Trump didn't win a single big city district in any of those or most states. Trump and Pence literally campaigned in bumfuck nowhere and won because of it. Pence even rallied in my literally who district before he election. Without the electoral college the candidates would just have gone to Philly or Pitt and be done with it. Hillary had have the vote from Penn just by winning those two districts, yet all the small towns put together gave Trump the win. The system works and this election shows it very clearly.

Good post lad.

Why shouldn't big cities be represented according to their population?

Elections should go to the candidate who wins the most voters, not the largest geographical area.

It's not a democracy, it's a federation of states forming a constitutional republic

We aren't a democracy. We are a democratic republic.

> kiwi BTFO

You can win the election with 11 of the largest states.
It's a complete fabrication that the electoral college has anything to do with big or small states.
As a matter of fact, Alexander Hamilton never even had small/big states in mind when he designed it. It was conjured up because he and his gang didn't think the American people were good enough to vote for the presidency. And at the time, they were right as most people back then couldn't even read. It also had to do with the logistics of being able to gather all the ballots and count them and shit when you could just have an electoral college decide it all in mid-December.

Now of course we live in a different world, where information is transferred at the speed of light and people can actually read (more or less).

Because we're a bunch of states, you have to take into account every states needs. It isn't about land mass stop saying that.

so youre saying all the small towns should be abandoned and ppl should move to state capitals and build favelas around them?

Literally a republic

Quit pretending like the electoral college and the presidency have anything to do with states' self-governance.

Arkansans are free to be hillbillies and play their banjos because individual states have their own legislature.

This shit right here. Julio gets it.

> implying they are less educated than your standard issue beaner

>Why shouldn't big cities be represented according to their population?

They literally are, you fucking taco. States are won by popular vote, fucking twat.
There are states that look like a fucking red wall with one small blue dot (a major city) that went to Hillary. States are won by popular vote. Look at NY, this is a mild example too. The US is a union lf different semi-autonomous states that have unique and diverse interest and necessities. The states themselves are then assigned a electoral value ACCORDING TO POPULATION. However, this way each state is represented.

> babies first time being told they can't get what they want

>more trees and grass voted for trump

Actually they are called Barrios in the United States

>You can win the election with 11 of the largest states.

But those states don't vote the same way now do they. Cali and New York vote blue and Texas and Florida vote red usually. They have different interest and necessities. That's why it's important they're represented separately yet as a whole.

This is exactly the attitude that let Trump win. Congrats on not learning anything in 2016.

>"the ignored masses will not be ignore any more"

t. urbanite faggot

I'm saying each state has its own set of issues you douche. I like that the system works in a way that they can be heard from time to time. People like you calling them hillbillies is also not helping the divide between rural interests and urban ones. I've seen way to much of that shit during and after the election.

People like you should be starved by the framers until you stop disrespecting them

I'm from NYC and Abu Dhabi. I'm about as urban as you can get. And I'm proud of it.
>But those states don't vote the same way now do they.
This entire election was a clusterfuck, with PA and FL breaking their democratic record, especially PA.
>They have different interest and necessities. That's why it's important they're represented separately yet as a whole.

And they can self-govern as they please. That has little to do with the electoral college. Especially the winner-take all system. There is absolutely no justification for that. It is entirely arbitrary.
>ignored masses
I beg to differ.

>Not knowing how to grow your own food

Jesus you're the type of smug asshole that makes us all look bad.

The "framers"? Are you talking about the Founding Framers? They didn't think we were smart enough to pick our president. Valid at the time but not so valid now.
Like I said, your voice doesn't matter any more because one can easily take the presidency with just ELEVEN (11) of the total states.
There has been zero evidence to show that the electoral college makes presidential candidates care any more about smaller states. As a matter of fact, if you look at the # of visits, presidential candidates literally only ever visit those ELEVEN (11) states that I just talked about.

Dud if you want to live in this country and have any say on our politics you're gonna have to read this, if not you can go back to executing and throwing rocks at gay people in camelfuckistan and criticizing our political process from afar

I'm pretty sure he meant to say farmers and misspelled.

Well my bad if I'm being smug.
My whole issue with the electoral college is the winner-take-all system.

It completely silences Republican voters in blue states and Democrats in red states.
All of the pressure is placed on swing states like Florida and Ohio.

wrong thread. muh bad

>And they can self-govern as they please.

Oh really? So i imagine the Federal government is just a fantasy. Oversight must be too. It's not like gun rights, criminal law and federalizing the police aren't issues rn. It's not as if the goverment has the power to regulate interstate and international commerce. The federal government has ZERO control over what states do. Sure. You can't be that fucking stupid to think the Federal government isn't a big part of life in the US.

Federalization is a big part of the Democrat mission. Fuck off, honestly, kebab.


My inferencing capabilities are expert-tier. I just talked about Hamilton's ideas. They're outdated. People are literate now.

Also, don't call me a camelfucker, dogfucker.

>They're outdated. People are literate now.
They were back in Hamilton's time too you dumb sandbrained camelfucking monkey, only land owning white males could vote back then. Those people were more literate than anyone in this entire thread or board