Rekt Thread ?

Rekt Thread ?


fail so far. both of these have been in about 4 posts in the last 2 hours.



Dat filename....



Yeah of course



Poor elephant got rekt



now i let u guys contribute

Fucking nerve gas.


He got a chance to be a Alchemist. I envy him.


He deserved that. What kind of idiot is that?




Clearly he was angry and not in the mood to deal with the wrath of the people who owns the elevator.

That's what happen when life has little value.


so... how the fuck did it get in there? looks like they had to enlarge the defect

Fucking cunt.

Hello newfriend

Your mom, dad, brother, sister, other family members, girlfriend, boyfriend, and any pets are still going to die, even if you reply to this post. No immunities are ever going to save them.

Thats kinda impressive tbh








that's a mudskipper



Thanks for ruining my caturday. Faggot





Not the crackyflap ones though, those are snappy willies

it's because we don't use the metric system.

Yo sauce???

This immunity will faggot.



That guy walks away like "God damn it, this is the 5th time he's dodged that $10 he owes me."

Sheeeessss gonna need her stomach pumped


