Implying 30 year olds aren't the best women

>implying 30 year olds aren't the best women
seriously. perfect age. it's when they're vine. I just wanna fuck ~30 year old women my whole life.

I'm glad they didn't try to force any kind of romance between her and Ethan because we all know he can and has done better. Didn't find her attractive at all.

why are you posting that fetid adulteress?

what a sexist thing to say

you are literally gay

30 year old women are only good for:
>Raising toddlers they ideally birthed 10-5 years ago

>10 year old toddlers

no I just think she's barely above Thandie Newton and not even in the same league as Michelle Monaghan or Lea Seydoux.

Women aren't fuckable past 25

What's when you stop breastfeeding.

Ask me how I know you're under 25.

You are literally gay

IRL most women who are past 25 have sagging tits, bad skin, cellulite and beer belies. MILFs are hot because it's so rare to find a woman past 30 who's still attractive.


Are you balding? Cause it's fucking easy to get laid with women that are under 25 when you're over 25. I feel for you, you must be balding/fat/a manlet/ugly or a combination of the three

that's a good deal,

even when I'm 70, i'll still get to fuck 30 year old women

>ITT: Unkissed virgins share their expertise on the female body.

Rebecca Fergusson is not the prettiest woman in the world but somehow every single pose, movement and glance she made in Mission Impossible reeked of pure sex. I never wanted to fuck someone as badly as her in my entire life.

>relevant irl

You just shave that shit and grow a stubble/beard. Unless you're a baby face, then you're fucked.

>I'll just ignore what he said so it'll look like I'm not anally assaulted.

She has nice tits

>When her age starts with 3 or 4