Dubs has to say "I love you" to the last girl they spoke to (excluding relatives/current SO)

Dubs has to say "I love you" to the last girl they spoke to (excluding relatives/current SO)

Im not speaking to women

the negro populace must be eradicated

So your mom?



my grandma

sigh* roll.


I never get dubs anyway


Excluding relatives you retard.


it's like three so I won't get a reply

eet fuk

fuck you migcunt

Might as well roll.



GL mate

rolly polly

Ill roll since she's in deutschland

Eh, won't happen in a way that she'll think I mean it so whatever. Rollin'.


might as well

I'll roll but I haven't spoken to a women in 3 years

the cashier at dunkin donuts

id rather drink bleach than talk to that brown motherfucker again, ill kill myself if i get dubs

Some girl i cursed out for friendzoning me