What's the difference between rap and hip-hop? Honestly

What's the difference between rap and hip-hop? Honestly.

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rap is a vocal style in hip hop like turtnablism is a production style, in hip hop.

rap = memerap
hiphop doesn't have a correspondent ( O memehiphop)
yet, hiphop = meme

do you ever talk to people not on the internet

* Ø

Why do people say they prefer one over the other if their the same thing?


It's proof that music fans are pedantic assholes

De term komt van het Griekse dichotomia, dat tweedeling betekent. De term wordt in uiteenlopende wetenschapsgebieden gebruikt, waaronder de filosofie, sociologie, politicologie en wiskunde. In de biologie spreekt men van dichotome of dichotome vertakking als beide takken van gelijke grootte zijn; bij ongelijke grootte spreekt men van anisotomie. Bij een opdeling in meer dan twee niet-overlappende structuren of begrippen kan men spreken van polytomie


what he says is unironically true though

Rap is a part of hip hop. Hip hop is comprised of 4 main elements. Rapping, DJing, Graffitiing and B-boying.

You know that image would be funny to people who don't play instruments or know anything about music, besides his focus exclusively on metal, everything he says is true to people who actually know what they're talking about.

lol, metal

Rapping is just the part where you say words in rhythm and rhyme

but metal is also gay


>classical music and metal are very similar
is this the guy that made the "mozart would play metal if he was alive today" pasta


Rap: youtube.com/watch?v=z-mV7rGfzc4

Hip-Hop: youtube.com/watch?v=EuJaStSL0xM

>now Classical music and metal are very similar

what a twat

Are you fucking retarded?
You could've looked this up on wikipedia and found out the answer almost immidiately.

Rap is a style of vocal delivery, like singing or spoken word.

Hip Hop is a genre of music.

rap is the music

hip hop is the culture

unless you are like Common or some afro-american studies phd at a community college, there is no reason for you to ever discuss hip hop culture

just never say "hip hop"

just don't say it

this is correct

The only people who call the genre "hip hop" are people like Lupe Fiasco, Aesop Rock, and white boys who like Tupac.

No, they are people who understand you can rap over more than one genre.

See Grime.

>inb4 some retarded meme which just serves to prove my point

Rapping is the vocal technique used in hip hop and hip hop is the genre.

You rarely hear anyone refer to hip hop as hip hop in casual discussion though. Most people just call it rap.

Hip Hop... it's a way of life.

>rap is the music

It's a vocal style though.

Hip-Hop as a culture was an 80s thing though. Today Hip-Hop is a genre of music. Rapping is the common vocal style used in the genre.

So yeah. I like Hip-Hop. I fucking said it

Hip-hop has a BPM range, rap does not.

Hip-hop was before major labels got involved. Rap was after that.


major labels have always been involved in hip hop

also rap isn't a genre, it's a vocal style, like singing. you can rap in any genre, doesn't have to be hip hop. hip hop is the actual genre name

Well, to be fair, Sugar Hill Records were owned by a guy who operated a subsidiary of a major label, so that is sort of murkey but! It is not owned by a major label. Slick Rick was signed to Def Jam which is actually Columbia.... NWA was distributed by NMG.

So, technically, I'm sort of right!!

Hip Hop founded major labels

Not true :)))))

Many people refer to backbacker type shit as "Hip-hop" more often than they refer to yung thug as "Hip-hop"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""


And I'm the pope

im assuming you're not a fan of hip hop and don't talk about it much with people online, which is why you have these misconceptions.
and what about my post is not true? you probably don't have an answer and will just post more passive aggressive smiley faces.

>anywhere near as good as NOFX

I don't hate Pennywise but they are very dudebro, particularly for a punk band.

rap - lies = hip hop

They're both shit

objectively wrong