Why do people think that there are more than 2 genders? Are they mentally ill? please converse

Why do people think that there are more than 2 genders? Are they mentally ill? please converse.

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>Are they mentally ill
I don't know if stupidity is a mental illness user


dubs comfirm

How do I get rid of a extra chromosome?

sex ≠ gender
Chromosomes define sex, not gender. I mean, if you want to ridicule queer theory, educate yourself first.

Kill yourself. They rot away.

found the queer

queer theory? Sure right after I learn string theory..

Found the idiot.

You really think only queer people are capable of logical thinking? I didn't say anything about my opinion on the matter, just that OP is confusing two distinct concepts. How does that make me queer, stupid? I certainly don't subscribe to feminist or queer ideas, but I am more offended by stupid cunts like you and OP.

There are 17 genders. 18 if you include attack helicopter.

In reality, it's unlimited. Anything you can dream up can be a gender.

not much of a conversation here, most people who feel this are idiots. I'm trans and know there are two main biological genders, and some variants like the xxx, xxy, and the girl(xy), boy(xx) but that's fucking it. We should be mostly talking about gender roles and how they are made by societal pressures than anything else.

>ITT: People act like complete fucking idiots.

>queer theory

Gender isnt a fucking feeling. Man, woman. Period.

Fuck off back to tumblr

Fuck off back to tumblr

underated post

My bad Sup Forumsroski wrong person

because feelings are more important than whats real.


woman think that as long as they have men to do everything for them then they can have anything they want.

Those people are right, there's not 2 genders, there's Male,Female, And Mentally ill in need of sudoku

Gender has referred to the social construction of sexual typography for about 70 years. Any why shouldn't it? To differentiate between biological absolutes and sociological distinctions is etymologically sound. You and I are both (probably) male, and yet we both (probably) have very different conceptions of masculinity, informed by our own psychology and social/cultural circumstances

lol autocorrect; EPISTEMOLOGICALLY sound

no problemo compadre

Gender is the characteristics that correspond to a sex. So there are 2 genders as there are 2 sexes.

sex is gender.
and being gay or anything of the sort is the same thing that causes someone to become a criminal or choose trix instead of fruit loops.

its fucking opinions.

people developed into men and women so they could reproduce

saying that anything else is natural is ignorant.
its just fucked up moments in peoples lives leading them to make mistakes.

dont even think you are normal. you are an abomination.

2 genders. fuck the queers

When the special snowflake enters the thread. :/

the number of people in this thread who know the difference is probably 2
maybe 3

Gender and sex are the same thing. Gender is greek and sex is Latin.

gas the fags

>Gender and sex are the same thing. Gender is greek and sex is Latin.
That's a shitty argument. So words are static and can never accrue new meanings?

Fuck the queers. Special snowflakes trying to justify their mental disorders

He's saying that those words already have meanings and in fact they have the same meaning.

Biologically speaking there are 2, however there are outliers, some of them being: those born with abnormal chromosomes, hemaphrodites and lastly; gender dysphoria. The latter being the reason for some sufferers of the dysphoria to want several new types of genders to be recognized.

If you ask me i dont really care at all if someone wants to be an ultratrans megafemme manqueer or whatever. Just leave children out of it, dont teach them that they are something they arent.

Being feminine and being a female are two totally different things.

I don't care that people want to put on makeup and get breasts implants. It bothers me that they literally think they are female.

New meanings that run completely counter to the accepted one? No, no they can't.

sex is biologicsal. it is xx, xy and the special mutations (xxx,xxy....)
gender is sozial. 3 exist man, woman and mental ill

Just because society wants to change what a word means doesn't actually change the meaning. When the word was first used and defined it's been that way since. You don't get to change the definition because you feel like it.

If you have come here from tumblr please hang yourselves now

this and this

there actually is more than two genders, it's called intersex. They don't fall into either sex/gender.
In fact because of this many are forced to undergo hormone or surgical alteration to make them closer to what ever gender they appear to be closer.


Yes, but that's still a shitty argument. He's appealing to the Latin and Greek roots of sex and gender as unchangeable authorities. Playing by that card, it's just as valid to try and define 'sex' and 'gender' according to some sort of authority of modern English... what does the OED say about gender? "The state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones)". Using a dictionary definition is an inherently flawed means of defining a concept, but it's just the same as user saying 'it means this in latin'.

Of course they can, look at the definition of racist or feminist. Their meanings switched to the opposite. A racist today is anyone who does not conform to immigration politics and such.


You do realise it's a properly recognised mental disorder, right? That's exactly what gender dysphoria is, and it works for women too - it's not all "pls make me a sissy" guys, it's a genuine thing that affects men and women.

Are you straight? When did you decide this? It's exactly the same for homosexuals and transgendered peeps - it's not like they've chosen to be gay or be born in the wrong body, any more than you chose to be straight.

We should consider ourselves lucky that we do indeed identify with the body we were born with, I can't even begin to imagine the amount of headfuckery going on for people wanting their genitals to genuinely fuck off.

Tell me, who ACCEPTS the meaning of a word? The majority of academic and lexicographical discourse defines gender as social and cultural. Now I'm not actually arguing that should be the case, but I'd tend to agree with that consensus rather than some user on Sup Forums

You mean you don't already know how to calculate flux through a calibi yao space? Newfag...

People don't choose to be schizophrenic or bipolar either.

No. Gays/transgender people are mentally ill. Its not the type of illness that cripples your life or makes you stupid but it is obviously not normal and makes no sense biologically speaking


I just wanna say that Caitlyn Jenner is a hero. A hero for degenerate faggots.

Your point?

Yeah, no one wants to be born with a mental illness

Thats a retarded statement. You are retarded. Go kill yourself pls. Faggot.

i took a womens studies class at my local university (it was a graduation requirement it wasnt up to me) and the way they described it: sex is your body, gender is your mind. sometimes those coincide and other times they dont.

You're mad because we won't accept your dumb fuck snowflake status

It's a mental illness to think you re a gender that you are not. It should not be accepted, it should be remedied, dealt with, or they should accept the fact that they are their born sex and nothing more.

While there are 2 commen genders, being male and female, those who have a genetic malformation and get XXY and karyotype can be genderless of both male and female (hermadaphrodite).

I believe Germany indentifies them as Gender X and allows them to choose if they wish to remain like that or want male of female to be stated on their IDs when they grow up.

the trips have spoken

>don't subscribe to feminist or queer ideas

Yet you adamantly defend it...

You stick a frankfurter up your ass if you want one chromosome to go away. The number of chromosomes you want to get rid of is the same as frankfurters you need

>I have nothing against gays or Trans
>they legitimately have a mental illness
You only get to pick one user


on topic


The what?

The words "sex" and "gender" are both latinate, mate. "sex" in late Middle English referred to either of the two properties "male" or "female", whereas "gender" meant "kind", "sort", or "genus".

Also, shut the fuck up you fucking pleb

LBGT + whatever the hell they added to it, clearly

I don't think that genetic mutations should count as genders though. After all, it's a mistake in the human system, not a functional, useful, and correct human copy.

>mental illness
Maybe lack thereof

It's a proven abstract within individual's minds, it doesn't just deviate from the norm, it completely discards the notion. That is textbook mental illness.

Thank you

No problem. Should call it special snowflake syndrome (S3).

I believe you user

That's not a very scientific name

4 ayye

Because this puritanical culture we live in can't think straight when anything the least bit sexual happens. There are dozens of self-image disorders and identity disorders where people think they're something that they're not, but gender identity is the only one we treat by trying to make the body match the brain. It's retarded.

It's not a very scientific concept. I can think of one though, if it pleases.

Shit, that should have been quads for justice.

yep rip

First post best post


you have 2 biological genders.

3 if you count the incredibly rare hermaphrodite cases.

i personally do not agree with how lax this whole gender situation is becoming. if you are born a man and want to be a woman, sure, no problem.

genderfluid and what ever else there is are nothing more than mental disorders and should be treated as such

Well Gender Dysphoria is already taken and is essentially the correct term but how about, Gender Dissociation Syndrome.



In some men parts of the brain that should be developed differently are shaped and sized exactly like a woman's, and vice-versa.
Another thing I've read about but should look more into is the biological problem in some people in which their sex-defining chromosome begins to deteriorate/alter and their dysphoria is a legitimate physiological problem.
Anything else such as "star-gender" or any 'dysphoria' that is neither diagnosed by a medical professional nor fits into the above criteria is either autism, attention-seeking, or stupidity.

Welcome to Sup Forums. Where trolls troll trolls, and open-minded, considerate people are called retards.

Why do you care OP? This shit has always been a thing. People talk up their problems and quirks to get attention. Entire cultures form around fringe ideas, and sometimes they get mass attention and then everyone feels like they need to weigh in. There are better things out there to focus on. Don't feed the beast.

yeah i sadly think he has nothing against them.
Maybe a Flamethrower would work. I mean bullets worked as you could see in orlando

or maybe gas them


Don't cut yourself when handling all that edge

Wrong website, OP.
You meant to type this on ShamChat.

This must be old as fuck, but I've never seen it. Todd, the absolute madman

Okay, so maybe that's a bit excessive but doctors aren't allowed to treat it as the illness that it clearly is, unless they wish to be labeled oppressive and get sued for infringement of rights. It's disheartening, that we can't help these folks be normal and that they show no willingness to be such. It's self-created animosity for themselves that breeds animosity from straight folks, then they feed off the attention like someone with add/adhd


Normies and tumblrinas are invading Sup Forums it seems.


Better question: who gives a shit?