

Weird how?



















Today, in no specific order, i have fished a turtle out of a pond, which i left with my brother, got suckered into babysitting my little sister, found out that one of my neighboors is a strawberry, and, was chased by a flock of angry chickens that came out of nowhere.


Heh, interesting. I wish I could have a day like that, honestly.
>one of my neighboors is a strawberry
Also, what?




She sells her pussy for dope.







Mind you, i myself have nothing to do with drugs, but I used to attend trade school with this major stoner who kept talking about his dealer-buddy and how he wanted to start selling shit himself to get chicks.



I wouldn't smash a berry. They catch something and the plague hits the whole hood.



Weird. I figured I would have heard of that word before, living where I do. But that's interesting I guess. It's a good thing you stay away from drugs. I have a lot of respect for people that do.

I'm sure.








boys taking belts to girls asses!


why is there never any horse?

superior my ass



Only vice i've ever really had was alcohol, from when i was seventeen 'till shortly after i turned eighteen. Then my life got turned around and my martial arts teacher literally beat the alcoholic out of me.

Good times.






You have a lot of respect from me. You remind me of my only real IRL friend in how dedicated you are to martial arts. I like you.














Silly as this sounds. Your praise means a lot to me, thanks.

I like you too bro.




I don't think it sounds silly because everyone's words here mean a lot to me as well. It's why I like this place. Everyone here is so friendly and encouraging.
















It's a pretty great place to unwind after a long day. Specially weird ones.

Those fucking chickens man...


If there's anything I've learned from the Zelda games, it's don't. fuck. with the chickens.




Im gonna use my time off tommorow to go around the neighborhood and check if anyones got a chicken coop somewhere in their yards, let 'em know their little fowley fuckers are outta control.