Help me Italbongs

Help me Italbongs,

is Tapparelli a south italian name?

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>finish in -elli
>south italian
nope, nope and nope

Why do many Italians have tedesco as a surname?

apparently it's either because their progenitors were germans or they looked/behaved "like germans"

it's a southern surname

what south italian surnames ends?

>it's a southern surname
Tedesco is, but Tedeschi is not?

Also is wrong, there are Southern Italians surnames that end in -elli

dunno, probably for the latin origin of Tedesco word, just like Russo. (Russo doesn't mean Russian but, just like Rossi, rŭbĕus / red)
So Tedesco from Theod maybe have something to do with "folk".

I'd say they basically mean the same thing but they are declined with singular or plural for languages customs

i.e. in the south othern surnames are romano, romeo, greco, albanese, in the north there is franchi

De+name...for example De Carlo, De Simone wich correspond to the russian name+ov (son of)
or other surname wich begin with Lo, for example Lo Magro.

ok thanks


Also, do you know why there are similar surnames ending in EL and ELLI? Mine ends in EL but I've seen a lot of people with practically the same surname ending in ELLI. Is it just an error in the registry?

>called Tedesco/hi
>21 in sud-tirol
what did they mean by this?

post your surname and i'll tell you

>what did they mean by this?

You tell me? As far as I know there was no large large scale immigration from Germany to Italy in the past.

italians in brazil are not that the way i've always wonder why brazilian have those weird and ridicously long names...


Which long names are you referring to?

They are mostly from Veneto, like Donadel.

Adding li or i italianised norhtern surnames for people that moved from Veneto to Central Italy in fascist times. Like Trevisani for Trevisan etc etc

for example football player Kaka. his true name was Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite. Why so much stuff?
meh, not sound like very italian

that's what i thought, being from veneto myself, but catel definitely isn't a venetian surname

Middle name + Portuguese surname customs

>As far as I know there was no large large scale immigration from Germany to Italy in the past.
Not that large but there was some after the fall of the roman empire (If you want to refer to them as germans) and more recently when northern Italy was under the austrian empire.
Not to mention countless wars during the middle ages, which always left some troops mingling with the local population.
Surnames of german origin are not that rare in Milan.

That's very interesting. Coincidence or not, Trevisan is one of the most common surnames in South Brazil.

perhaps catel is a mispronunciation of "castel", which again isn't very italian but it's somewhat passable.

it's not coincidence, trevisan is one of the most venetian surnames in existance

"Tedesco" in the Italian region was a synonym of "vulgar" (in the middle age, the "theodisce" were the plebeians who couldn't speak latin). Only way later this term depicted actual Germans.

Those "tedesco/tedeschi" are descendants of uneducated plebeians who couldn't speak latin properly.

You're welcome.

In Brazil, names consist in Name + Mother's last name + Father's last name. Also, compound (?) names are very common (João Pedro, Carlos Alberto, etc).


>mfw based Venetian Menegaz surname

Btw Veneto is not Italy

Catel is French according to

The grandfather of my grandfather was Cattel as far as I remember. I'll check with him about these french roots. Thx amico

>tfw Southern Italian name

sorry to break it to you bud, but menegaz is not an italian surname. meneguzzo, menegazzo maybe, but i've never heard menegaz.

to be honest I didn't like Italian surnames. most of them sounds incredibly random

Be proud. It's the environment and culture that makes Southern Italy shit, not the genes.

Can you tell if sb is s. Italian just by looking at his face?

I am proud. Not in the ironic muh heritage way though. Since I actually visit Italy frequently.

My surname ends in -asso, is it a very Venetian thing?

maybe the original one was Galeazzo turned into Galeasso. in that case yes...otherwise surnames like Galasso are southern at best. Marrazzo into Marrasso too...

one could ask what kind of shitty environment would RUIN such precious genes.. except southern italy is not siberia or greenland or some other unholy desolated and hostile land
so, you see, we are left with.. what? culture? and who is responsible for this culture? someone else I guess

the southern italian people are sometimes so extremely ingenious in being so self-indulgent with themselves; this may or may not be a common trait in western countries as a whole, but the only difference is that southern italy's "environment" or "culture" seems programmed to not give a fuck, and there's no one giving southerners the boot - the more enterprising among them are forced to move. As long as they blame an ethereal third party conceptual or historical or cultural entity, they'll continue to revolve in sub-Saharan levels of shit.

There are many northerners with "mediterranean" traits and viceversa, it would be hard to predict a region of origin reliably; there have been many admixtures. Anyway, there are some regions (in the north and in the south) where you could perhaps tell "true" northerners/southerners apart more easily. For me, it's easy to spot someone from Napoli/Salerno just by looking at a photo while someone from Puglia or Sicilia may be way more blonde or pale or """celtic""" looking than many northeners.

There are like 30 Menegaz in belluno (region my mother came from)

afaik Picasso's mother had Genoan origins