You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing League of Legends

You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing League of Legends.

I needed to see the trips.

It's become really fucking boring

too much civ5

im in que

It's that 3-hit passive.

Overwatch has taken my computer gaming time over

Prefer skill based games.

Because DotA 2 exists.

Because I get laid regularly

you have as long as you'd like to explain why you DO play it.

you will never convince me the game is fun

Busy playing a superior moba

It would be average if there wasn't a huge grind/pay wall blocking off basic content. But there is, so it's shit tier.

>League of Legends
>huge grind
>pay wall

>I don't want to take the time to learn the game
Sorry you feel that way.

Yes, because you learn by being denied the things you need to learn. Streetfighter should have just had Ryu unlocked and made you grind for points to unlock the rest. Riot brainwashing successful.

LoL its a festering piece of shit.
Not sure what to do with the other 8 seconds...

>what are runes and champs being locked behind shit tons of ip or rp.

>$100 buys 15 champs from a roster of 110 some
>community is trash
>no chance to play and learn you're stuck either getting shit on by team mates in ranked or being told to go play bots/aram
>No balance to characters just make champs for dem "LCS PLAYS DOE!"
>Delayed attack animation instead of attacking right as you click

for all I care mobas in general suck, LoL sucks about the least and right now imo HoTS sucks about the most. Probably going to try smite next.

make that 130-140 some odd champs actually

sex in 8's soon, awesome

Busy playing dota
[spoiler]thats a shit get[/spoiler]

And the new ones added cost 6000+ ip and 975 rp.

it just looks really really boring
im going to keep playing tf2

I already took out the trash yesterday.

I've just quit and uninstalled after getting back from a 14 day ban, I've been playing since open beta 2009 and I lost all hope in this game it's become way too PG, can't vent or banter in a game.

Hell I can't even put; 'fuck, shit, bitch, cunt' etc in my OWN status message? Riot sucks dick now.

Switched to Overwatch, where I can call people faggots all I want at the end of a match and not get banned for enjoying a fucking game.


Street Fighter isn't a team based game.
Hell if I had my way I'd block off certain champs entirely until you reach a certain level.
50% of these kids main Lee Sin, Yasuo, and Zed with no idea how to play them.


I weight less than 200 kg


Whether or not a game is team based has nothing to do with blocked off characters being obnoxious as fuck and anti-competitive. Presenting a bunch of cool characters to new players and then saying they are all locked behind a wall is the easiest way to blue ball people and get them to play overwatch or some shit.

Closest number I can find is close to a year old and it lists cash value*(after purchasing RP) of all champs at $588 dollars.

Even aat my worst times playing pay for access MMO's I never spent that much on a game for all the content access.

It's easily crossed into the 600s now. But it's a f2p game, guise. ty rito.

Apparently "F2P" means grubbier than the worst jews at EA

$600 for all content in a game.

Even EA makes GOTY/Season Passes. RIOT is a bunch of California cucks who want the asian dick more than kiddos jerking it to starcraft tournaments.

If they wanted a decent game they'd offer a premium or season pass that charges on a monthly basis but pretty much operates like a super boost for ip or makes everything that you buy with RP %75 off(except maybe skins for champs or holiday items)

grubby fucks are too hung up on neckbears busy thinking they're pro while fighting out of Wood V and i'm over here contemplating why I even play the occasional ARAM anymore