What are prisons like in your cunt?

What are prisons like in your cunt?

How harsh are they?

What are their demographics?

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Very easy, low rates of violence, high parole rates. Babby tier

this but on shitty sheep island

albanians/gyppos packed into small cells crawling with cockroaches

I was in prison and it wasn't bad. Just some bullies.

first world tier and full of polish intellectuals



Eh, I don't think anything happens in our prisons besides sitting out your time playing games.

Sadly, I know first hard what you're saying is a lie.
It's more like OPs pic.

I was in for 3 weeks on some shit and saw several fights. One was over sugar cookies.

It's full of criminals. People who have done bad stuff.
It's not a resort bro. I know the media wants you to think that, but it's a literal jungle in those places.

Go to your local jail and say it's "baby tier".

Full of niggers, spics and skinheads. Take a guess what happens.

Well it wasn't provincial that's why

It's just like an unemployed lower class family, except locked away. They smoke and watch TV all day.

Full of muslims everywhere, also a lot of niggers in parisian region and a lot of local gypsies in the countryside.
Corsicans still control most of south-eastern prisons but they used to control basically every prison in the country so it's a downgrade

Plus will all the fucked up Canadian laws, you go to jail and sit there several days because bail or release in considered. For pretty much any offence.
If your ex-gf calls and lies about you, you're sitting in jail for several days bro. Not the police station, the local detention center.

Then you will get driven to the local court house in a armored van handcuffed to murders and rapists, sit in a cell with them all day, finally get into court and be released.

It's not like American jail where someone can spring you atm.

If you get caught friday night, you're in jail all weekend

Mostly full of g*psies, horrible conditions.

>tfw neither I nor anyone I know has ever been to jail

What province are you even in

OP pics is from a "county" jail.
I doubt you've been in federal pen. That's 5+ years to end up in one.

Ontario, every province has jails and every province has people in them.

Jail sucks.

Just being accused will get you a little vacation.

That's a good feeling to have. Jail is full of losers and low lives.

Is it just petty criminals?

I guess makes sense

Low violence, guards like to sell shit to the convicts, not that harsh.

Blacks, russian/ukranian mafia, drug dealers mostly. Those drug dealers are mainly blacks or russian/ukranian mafia.
Oh, and lots of drug dealing, thieving gypsies.

My father spent 10 years in a federal pen.

He said it was fucking awful, we very aspect of your life was under strict scrutiny and whenever the guards looked away shit would hit the fan. He remembers one inmate pinning down another one and attempting to rip his teeth out.

It was mostly white and Aboriginal, but it should be noted that this was in Manitoba.

He wasn't a violent offender either, he was in for heroin trafficking

He deserved every minute of it.


wow I find it hard to believe thats real in 2017, didn't the EU make them raise the standards of living??

>It's full of criminals
oh really?

Why did he traffic heroin?

Rather awful.
Thanks to our new citizens, prisons are WAY overcrowded and politicians can't build new ones because merely suggesting it will cause a public outrage ("You want to spend money on dirty criminals while we desperately need the money for roads/hospitals/children/etc????"). As a result we put 10 men in a 4 man cell and have 1 guard for 50-100 inmates which means they spend 24 hours per day locked up.

To feed his family and let go to college.

And probably killed people in the process. Scum.

45% Arabs
45% Arab Jews
10% Ethiopians

Looks like a barracks room in the army here


*cough* *cough*

Nah bol we have fight clubs organised by guards

Not him but,
White drug dealers and traffickers tend not to be violent. For many of them the first time they encounter a gun at work it's in the hands of the police arresting them.
Maine for example (the whitest US state) has well above average opioid usage rates and above average gun ownership but the lowest violent crime rate in America.

He never hurt anyone to my knowledge

>kill someone in germany
>go into vacation
you can't make this this shit up

A young rabbi from Moscow leads a ceremony with Jewish prisoners. Prison authorities tolerate all religions, figuring that a practicing prisoner is less trouble than an idle one.

Prisoners are kept in distinct sectors to prevent them from sharing items and ideas with other groups. For example, prisoners convicted of terrorism charges (mainly from Chechnya) are kept together in one sector.


>that arm length and handsized

the fuck?

Overcrowded human zoos with 80% blacks.

This inmate was allowed to keep his mustache after proving that it was a part of his family heritage dating back to the 16th century.

Just a foreshortening.

This prisoner killed a man who was nearly 10 inches taller, and did so "without special devices"—that is, with his hands.


That's the guy from Geography Now's Demographics transition.

Were having a crisis in British prisons just now there has been large scale riots with prisoners taking over entire wings of jails more prison officers are leaving because of how dangerous its got and they went on strike a few weeks back to protest the lawlessness in our jails just now heres a news report from inside a jail recently.


The fuck, this looks better than my dorm room.

>He never hurt anyone to my knowledge

Oh really?

He's never hurt anyone? Do you have any clue what heroin does to peoples' lives?

I spent months in county jail, besides not getting any food and the medication you need it is baby tier. Oh no you saw a fight how scary you baby

They are ok

Anything less then 2 years go to provincial jail, you're both retarded

bullshit almost every crime they'll give you a undertaking, you don't go to jail until you breach that

Overflowing with perps, drama and gangs hungry for fresh sphincters.


>full of polish intellectuals
why would you do this?

I'd honestly rather kill myself than end up in prison in a third world country like r*ssia

> canadians acting though itt

Lmao id like to see yo ass in a south american jail

nigga i run dat shit

my boys will shank you if ever leave PC pussy nigga

> Vids related



They are not prisons, they are gladiator pits.

What is the point of a prison if it is better than the outside?

Since outside here is pretty bad the prisons must make up for it by being even worse

Must be because of the Italian heritage.

some people believe in rehabilitation instead of punishment


>bragging about being a poor 3rd world shithole

They are amasing. Feel free to visit.

Scandinavian prison would only seem better than the outside to a complete third worlder. You're still locked inside and have no control over you own life.

Which is worse than the outside in scandinavia so the logic stands.

So your mother had a child with a drug trafficer?
What a nice lady. Tells us everything about your class.

>tend not to be violent
Yeah, they kill with what they sell, you mongoloid.

>canadian education

The ones in the south are lax as fuck but the ones in the North are some of the highest security prisons in the world. They are extremely strict on prisoners, most of these prisons are for political prisoners.

Pic related is two political prisoners who died on hunger strike and smeared their cell with shit as protest of the horrific conditions in H block. They were beaten regularly and hosed with cold water.

This is a prison cell for prisoners who passed their jail term, but have a huge risk of recidivism (rapists, murderers) and are therefore still locked up.
It's a fucking apartment.

Such banter.

It's mostly junkies, muggers, and retards who thought they'd get away with something.
A nice fist to the face or just staring at them straight in the eye is enough to keep them from trying to intimidate you.

Is there any Whites in South African jails?

prisons here are full of dindus
they kill each other constantly
you dont survive a sane person
youre fed rotten food
they operate in gangs

its not as bad as in venezuela or brazil though

>What are prisons like in your cunt?
>How harsh are they?
>What are their demographics?

I have no idea because I'm not a fucking nigger.

I've been to prison and I'm not a nigger. Prison was actually very diverse. There were whites, blacks, Latinos and even an Asian who didn't speak English.

Nah, you're definitely a nigger. Sorry.

rooms are like this, not much violence, probably at all, maybe just some fights but no killings

I find it funny how people can get indignant over prisons not being a hell on earth and just a place to hold people.

We only have one prison here, and somewhere around 150 prisoners

It's a typical prison, steel-and concrete building with a double-fenced yard right in the middle of nowhere (Eyjabakki)

>I'm a fincuck and I find it funny how people can get indignant over prisons not being a deterrent and just a warm & cozy club to hold & snuggle people.

Eh, I think this is the most realistic picture of a cell

Two people have to share it.

>right in the middle of nowhere
The prision in my city is right next to the hospital and university, more or less close to the center.

>Britain with that classic Islamisation again
ahh yes

>highest percentage of incarcerated citizens in the world
Americans trying to school other flags on punishment and rehabilitation is pretty rich.


Woah there cletus, don't get upset about the fact that american prisons are literally third world tier gangster factories that can turn anyone into a hardcore killer. Considering your homicide and home invasion stats I can see it's working wonderfully.

You didn't mention the numbers gang? Really?

I do wonder if it would be possible for countries like UK and US with huge prison populations and generally big populations to enact Nordic style prison system

To my mind the Nordic model is the best model, but given the numbers we have, and the crimes we send people to prison for, I just don't know if it would be possible to change our system so drastically

>Illustrerad Vetenskap
You danes really don't spare the rod huh

> What are prisons like in your cunt?
Usually like hostels.
> How harsh are they?
Unless you violently assualt staff, it's pretty much vacation, see above.
> What are their demographics?
Muslims, Gypsies, Eastern Europeans, Neo-"Nazis"

South Americans are not people.

Rather harsh. I'm okay with it for rapists/serial killers but it's far too much for drug offenders.

>he lives in a country so shitty that sub par housing like pic related is considered """""warm & cozy""""" and something people would be ready to commit crimes for


He means violent psycho retards, not like politicians and white collar criminals.

It's next to a small village, and has three sides facing nothing but empty fields

If anyone tries to escape he'll be found pretty soon

You can't copy just a single part of the system and expect it to work though. The prison populations are small in the first place because of all the other social security safety nets and public services.
It says a lot when half of the prison population in funland are foreigners, immigrants and other maladjusted groups of people like gypsies. You simply don't get that many people in prison because outside of just being shitty people there is no incentive to commit crime.

the skinheads murder everyone?