This bitch is going to ruin America! Tell me one way shes better than Trump

This bitch is going to ruin America! Tell me one way shes better than Trump.

>protip: You can't.

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she's not. she needs to be tried for TREASON. expose the clinton foundation, the e-mail investigation is distracting people from the real issue

>one way shes better
I have two, government experience & better hair.

If Trump didn't think that image related was Antisemitic, why did he delete and replace it?

Because everyone was stirring up so much shit about it, and he doesnt want the media spreading more bullshit about him.

He didn't. His staff did. In his last Ohio rally he said how if they asked him first he would've kept it up and defended it to expose the dishonest media

She can queef, not even god emperor trump can achieve that with his butthole shaped mouth.


She's not, well, Trump. That in itself is the #1 reason. I think she's a lying, corrupt, scummy bitch... but she's still not Trump level retardedness.

Who the fuck is this samrtass idiot, theirs no breaks on the trump train, get fucked. We're taking our country back.

to make whiny bitches like you shut the fuck up and move on

"Wiped like with a cloth?

Yeah, totally not retarded.


Actual experience.
A mind capable of thought beyond random gibberish and ego.
Worked for a living.
Has an actual education.

I don't like Clinton. But I have placed deadpool bets on how fast someone will kill Trump in office if he wins, and I'm probably going to make some bank on it.


>believing she didn't know what the questioner meant
>yup, Trump voter


Trump will a make America great again, all those dipshits who say theyre going to Canada need to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out. We'll be fine without you.

she's a woman.

government experience, we all have that.
hair doesn't fucking matter.

Damn feminist fag. Go put on a dress and sit on your dildo, fucking queer.

Sorry lady, Trump just doesn't know much of anything about the world.

She is better than trump because she has connections in the government unlike anyone else. She can break any law she wants and gets away with it. Plus she hates sex.

Then explain how hes billionaire. Hes a lot better than you, fucking autist.

"worked for a living"
"actual experience"

name 3 bills she got passed while in the senate that amounted to anything.

also she shares a fucking Delaware tax haven address with Trump. they are both scum

His daddy was rich, the rest is paint by numbers.

Most of his wealth, by his own account is based on his own opinion of the value of his name, which he was given.

He's ignorant, and if you weren't also exceedingly ignorant, you'd see it.

So youre saying you want a criminal in office? Whos next John Wayne fucking Gacy?!??!

nobody wants clinton in office, but, Trump is dangerously stupid and egotistical and unlearned.

you fucking drama queen

His dad gave him a million dollars and now he has 4,500 million. Have you made 4,499 million dollars profit? No, the fuck you havent!

She's corrupt, 2nd only to the muslim in charge obama bin laden

Just wait until next year, once Trump is in office youll realize he's not the monster the media portrays him to be.

He also inherited his father's entire forturne when he died.

And that 4.5 billion estimate is MOSTLY conistent of his own opinion of the value of his name, if he were to sell rights to it. Look it up genius.

Do you have any idea how easy it is to make money once you have a lot of capital?

Do you have any idea what it means for capital's share of income to be as high as it is in the US right now?

Do you know *anything* about the world?


No wonder you love Trump.

The fear is not that he is the monster the media portrays him to be, the fear is that he is the idiot he portrays himself to be.

fucking Reagan committed treason in office (funneling money to the contras while arming terrorists in the middle east), blamed it on a general and then pardoned him

Fuck, this video really made me rethink voting for Trump.

I fucking hate Hillary, but, fuck.

She has decent hair

how does careless email practices even compare to that?

You shouldn't even take the claims of treason seriously. 99% chance these people fly the confederate flag with no sense of hypocrasy while they call obama and clinton treasonous.

Clinton has a vibe of pure evil that would make even Dick Cheney or Stalin blush. She is not a good soul. Her lust for power is frightening.

she is not Drumpf

Agreed, but Trump has no business in that office. Vote Gary Johnson, vote Jill Stein, but Trump? Sorry Charlie

So same thing obama and hillary have been doing in Libya, Syria and wherever else they feel like it?

No, in this case it was actually treason. The FBI said so, but decided not to indict her because reasons.

>it was actually treason
read the paper you fucking idiot, that wasn't what it was said at all.

no - Reagan funneled weapons to iran, and funded right wing death squads in latin america in direct opposition to congress making it illegal.

But whatever, vote for trump, maybe you'll be lucky enough to see what a full blown piece of shit president is like.

Clinton and Trump are pretty much equally shit. What it comes down to is this:
Hillary is predictable
Trump isn't

In my opinion, a loose canon like Trump is far more dangerous than even a treasonous, corrupt corporate whore like Hillary.

That being said, I'm not voting for either

"Yeah fuck logic and reason, I'm supporting Trump no matter what!"

I'm probably gonna vote Hilary for that reason alone.Though there is the hole that both parties will hate trump and just gridlock everything four four years. That said, at least with Clinton I know that there will just be a lot of bureaucratic bullshit.

Oh and we will get the "first woman president" thing out of the way. That way there will be less need to vote for someone just cause they aren't a white male.

So, what are you losers going to do when he loses? No, really. What. Will. You. Do?

I know a few people who are just gonna hole up and start shooting niggers who come on their property if those America hating asshats rob Trump.


>M A G A

Get out if you don't like it. THIS IS A WHITE, JESUS BELIEVING COUNTRY.


So funneling weapons and funding directly to ISIS is different how?

We already know what living under a full blown piece of shit for 8 years is like. Go get killed in a race riot.

Yeah, this is why people want Trump.

She's not. The Republicans fucked us. They knew that Bernie would win, so they sabotaged by voting hilary. Now we have 2 shitty candidates that nobody wants.

What? The bitch got the votes with super delegates. You think anyone besides you is dumb enough to believe the super delegates in the Democrat party are Republicans? Bill Clinton is one of them. You're an idiot.

what. didn't the democrats rig the whole thing in favor of hillary no matter what? bernie made that favor harder but hillary still won with the uncounted non-hillary votes, closed primaries and lack of voting locations

at least the republicans have a fucking democracy in the primary season, even with marco rubio winning a state due to [rubio-funding] microsoft's rigged electronic voting system

Hello. I am from the future.

Trump doesn't win.

>she needs to be tried for TREASON

summer is awesome

Well I just listened to the whole thing and this guy does raise some very good points, even if it does feel somewhat roundabout in parts. It is a good case on why a conservative would vote Clinton over Trump...

>ignores Reagan's real war crimes
>durr hurr durr durr Obama Clinton


triggered this hard

This fag again. Didn't even change the picture. I HAVE THE TIME MACHINE COME GET ME FAG

Shillbots in denial are even funnier.

I'm sorry. I don't understand your reply. You appear to be upset about something.

I have the X-32 or whatever it is time machine. Sorry time terrorists are bad at reading

>tried for Treason



I am from the future! Trump loses and minorities take over earth

I don't know what an X-32 is. You're kind of being a gay man.

Anyway Trump didn't win. Sorry gay man.

"Make America great again"
Since when was America not great?
Coming from a European whose been to America man many times over the past 25, when was America ever not great? I just don't understand this, sorry

>from the future
>uses stock photos

past 25 years. sorry


Either way America is fucked. With Trump it'll just be funnier.

While that is putting it rather crudely, you are not from the future.

I am the only poster in this thread coming from the future.

It's just some empty slogan for his campaign. There is always something that people won't like and America "isn't how it used to be." America is a lot like Sup Forums everyone always complains that it used to be good even though it was always shit

>le logic and reason
way to fit every stereotype of a fag that listens to (((Sam Harris)))

from whom are you taking the country

How do you know? I may be even further in the future than you. My systems are indicating that it may be the case.

Post medicare and social security
those are the two big ones

nothing's funnier than economic collapse that ruins the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of thousand and possibly millions of people

Trump reminds me of an old pre 1900's southern white guy who's afraid of racial integration lol

>ruin america

shes about 30 years too late for that

better than cucked nanny state where everyone in the middle/lower class gets shafted by retarded government programs.

what exactly ruined america then

Um, because shes someone other than Trump.
I'd vote for OP before Trump

Evil > Incompetent

I'd rather have evil in charge of our nukes than an idiot.

>by welfare
buddy do you know what welfare is?



Shills are out in force today

im from EU and Everyone here hates America so bad so I hope Clinton wins so than your CUNTry can just destry ot self somemore and take some of the sand niggers we have here that are ruining our countries. She will ruin america even more and thats what the whole world wants to see because the usa and that obama is the laughing stock of the world.

the 1973 oil embargo

Is daughter is Jewish right? I think it was a stupid mistake on his part, but an accident nonetheless.


i find it hilarious that they're still trying to push this "hillary is bad because she's in it for the money" eventhough her opponent is donald fucking trump

Your hero Ronnie

I don't know, the evil people seem to hate him. It's a tough call and a coin toss of an election. It will be rigged and stolen anyways.


way to put words in my mouth
also, yes I do know what welfare is. It gives to those who don't work and fucks those who do.

State your time of origin and your business at this current time in accordance with international time law 78XJ5. This is the NTTRA (National Time Travel Regulation Agency and you have been scanned as an unauthorized traveler. Respond to this post within 10 minutes or call us (you should know the number) or our men will be dispatched to your time and location.

It's because she doesn't come out and say it. She wants to be president because of her ambition. Instead she tries to sell herself as a social crusader... which is a lie, and that's what Clintons are known for, lying.