So i fucked my sleep schedule up

so i fucked my sleep schedule up

im on house arrest so im just not getting any exercise. waking up at 1PM everyday and going to sleep at 4-5 every morning

how do i switch it back. this sucks ass

pic related. its me

Whaqt did you do?

are you the hacker know as Sup Forums?

beat the shit out of my nigger ex gf because she was getting too niggy


whats wrong with that? I do the same thing every single day since I was in highschool/

since you are beating niggers, I'll tell you what to do.
stay awake past 5am.. stretch it to about 12pm-2pm, then take nap- 2-4 hours. set alarm if u need tho since its offschedule, u may not. then stay awake again, til 1-2am. crash out, wake up around 8-10am. back in business. make sure ur in bed by midnight or so. takes discipline to correct the fuckup

same except i go to sleep at 5-7 am and wake
up at 2-4pm started because i was
hallucinating/being paranoid and maybe having
paranormal experiences and really realistic
fucked up dreams involving demons trying to
communicate with me. I need to fucking fix my
sleeping schedule help would be nice.

for real though how do i fix my sleep schedule. i tried just staying up through the night but i fell asleep the next day at noon. too tired couldnt do it

i tried this yesterday, but slept from noon to 5, then stayed up till 5 again. its 430 am now. been up since 130pm

dude that sounds fucking rad why would you want to stop that?


im just cranky and tired all the time

Wait, so your schedule is wake up at 1 PM, and you work till sleep to 4-5 AM and repeat?

>work till sleep to

if you wake up at the same time every day, regardless of when u go to sleep, ur body will naturally get tired around 8 hours before that time. go to sleep at 4 wake up at 9 or whatver, you might have 1 pr 2 days of very little sleep but this shit works, helped me through my overnight job

well it's not as cool as you fucking think, i live
in an apartment and when i was walking down
the stairs the emergency lights went on
meaning something was sapping the power
followed by an intense feeling to cry, didn't
actually cry tho.

as soon as i left the stairwell the lights went
back to normal. My aunts pagan and previously
was interested in some occult shit I might be
fucking possessed. One night i also woke
because it felt like another energy was trying to
get inside my body looked beside me and saw
a transparent featureless figure. I need to go to
a fuckin church fam inb4 I'm not even religious

or you can just stay awake for one night and go to sleep the next day at your desired bed time and there u go, like resetting your sleep schedule

you got raped by a nigger

Quit being a weak cunt and stay awake. Staying up through the night works fine for me every time.

Just stay awake till the time where you sleep and put an alarm clock on the time you want to wake up. look at me, i alreaady fucked up my sleep schedule like z4 days agp

It's not even funny i might be the next fucking Anneliese Michel. Either that or i need to be in a mental hospital. I've had much more experiences
don't feel like writing them out tho

embrace it. you are the antichrist. feel the almighty one bless you. you have been chosen.

this message will self destruct in 5 seconds

i dont give a fuck what you want tell us now

it's gotten to the point where i get headaches from bible verses. How can I embrace it when it fucking torments me. This isn't a video game

fuck off with your stories

Shit, I'll be on house arrest from this upcoming Friday to Tuesday. I can't drink any alcohol. Do they call very often? Does the bracelet beep often?

believe it or not, everything I'm saying is the truth and nothing but the truth.

Sleep occurs in 90 minute cycles. Waking up during one of these cycles results in feeling tired and unsatisfied. What you need to do to get back on track is make sure you schedule your sleep periods in 90 minute increments.

Go back to /x/ you god damn retard

you have to sacrifice an innocent being. whether it be the neighborhood cat, your sister, anything. drain the blood and drink it. theres a lot more but that would be a good start. bonus satan points if you kill your own parents, lover, or child.

the will of satan commands it

I don't even go on /x/ i was never even that interested in the paranormal till now.

fucking criminal if you lived near my family I would burn your house down, its proven once a criminal your only a heartbeat away from murdering someone.

okay ill throw my mom's dog over the balcony ive done it before to an old dog but only broke its leg
I guess this is just my destiny.

staying awake through the night works. Just pile on the coffee and youll be fine.

nah, jail for a couple weeks was enough for me. she was the only person who made me angry too. i loved her but she used me for my cash.

also my house is brick so good luck burning it down lol.

also no u

>done it before

see, this isnt anything new. but you cant toss it off a balcony, thats not enough. you have to bind its legs together and hang it upside down. light a circle of candles around it and pray silently in your head. if there is a reaction then satan sees you and acknowledges the sacrifice

taking a melatonin pill an hour before you want to go to bed and then spending the rest of that hour sitting in bed and reading until you actually fall asleep works for me.

bonus: if you do this successfully once you often won't need another pill the next day

skip sleep 1 night
next night you will be sleepy around 11pm
problem solved
also google HIIT exercises

if i dont go to bed im tired 245 hours later, so im tired at noon

I only did it to see if the dog could fly i was 7.
but it makes sense my brother and cousins don't trust me and are scared of me. One time I had a hallucination ran at my brother with a knife he grabbed my hands to disarm me. brothers a gangbanger, and he said the only time when he's ever saw someone with the same look in his eyes. was right before they killed someone. I know you're just trolling me but i think I'm actually fucked.

Fuck dominos pizza. I've been wAiting an hour for my food and the app tells me to take a nap

not trolling.

you should find these. they will help you in your quest.

become one of us. we have been waiting for you.

fulfill the prophecy

skip a sleep cycle. sleep early the next night. or get a sleeping pill reliance. i do both
youre halliucinating and an insomniac because youre fucking nuts. go get some meds before you chop a guys head off on a bus.

borderline personality disorder, famalamjambam

dont listen to the trolls user. they dont understand. this goes much larger than all of us. He is waiting for your allegiance. you are waiting for his eternal embrace.

do what you know you need to do. you feel it pulsing through your veins everyday.

do what you need to do

This is probably true.

dude legit
if you want to go to sleep at whatever you deem regular
just exercise
fucking squats, push ups burpees leg lifts v ups planks, just do body weight exercise if you dont have stuff
do this like a couple hours before you want to sleep, have a shower like an hour before then go to sleep
you might wake up in the middle of the night but thats better than waking up at 1pm
then just continue that over a few days and maybe its back to normal

also if you dont want to do that just fucking stay up pussy. dont even think about getting into bet no matter how tired you are. if you just stay up till you when you would like to go to sleep regularly, fall asleep and set an alarm for like 8-9 hours after if you're afraid of oversleeping then you should be right
the human body is good at resetting its self

same fucked up fag here, I've researched LaVeyan satanism before.
as I've said before my aunts pagan and I've been interested in occult shit. I thought this form of satanism wasn't spiritual.

funny you mention that, my buddy diagnosed me w ith that back in highschool right before he stopped going cuz he was schizo. funny because i actually have the same exact shit happening to that op does, no joke. its scary af and were probably mentally ill.

Trips confirm

Stay up all night so you'll be so tired that you can fall asleep at whatever time you want, then just set an alarm at what time you want to wake up

You should have taken a short nap and set an alarm and continued

not for most of us. for most of us it is a desire. we search for the ones who our connection to our lord. we are merely followers.

you are a part of it. thats why you feel the natural draw. although the longer this conversation goes like this im not really sure you are truly one of them. but maybe.

only one way to find out

ayy I never thought i'd actually come in contact with someone that has the same problem as I do.
Although this satanist fag is tempting and I can feel the energy and aura he's talking about. I'm pretty sure I'm probably just mentally ill
Dad was a sociopath spent months in the looney bin.

pretty sure my mother has bpd, and one of my cousins committed suicide last summer. It seems that mental illness is common in my gene pool, I just got the short end of the stick.

can confirm. i am schizophrenic and am on meds and still have weird sleeping schedule. see a doctor for your hallucinations.

Destiny is destiny, I'm the only one who will
see myself in the future at first I was sure a
demon, was just using me for my energy ect but it might be more than that only time will tell.

lol u soudn like a fukken fagot

>less than a week on house arrest
It doesnt work that way you stupid faggot

I've only had a demon/The devil speak to me once.

I had no idea what was happening at first and it only said a few words so I can't remember what they were.

But I've had many other paranormal instances happen to me in the past.

I do have a naturally negative and hateful / empowering aura around me.

I doubt I'm one of the ones you're looking for, and I'm probably going to end up in a mental institution. If this persists I find it funny, in the past I almost pledged the money to join the satanist church but my forward thinking and logic wrote it off as a scam.

Thanks for this insight it was interesting. I'll continue to go my own way hopefully I don't end up in jail.

Yay it's past the witching hour I can finally go to sleep without having an episode

pull an all nighter and go to bed at 6:30pm