What is your biggest current problem user? Are you hopeless?

What is your biggest current problem user? Are you hopeless?

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>Realizing that I can never have a beastly PC because of financial problems.
>Realizing that the girl who broke up with me five months ago was the best thing I ever had and I'll get it back again
>Realizing the break up caused my exam scores to drop from well above average to fucking beta-levels making it hard to find a decent college.
>Realizing I'm a sad fuck who won't amount to anything in life because I lack social skills
>Realizing that posting this on Sup Forums was a bad idea because I'm Indian.
Bring the rain.

I want to kill everybody, but it's kind of illegal where I live.

I'll *never* get it back again
I even suck at typing. Just end my life, Sup Forumsros

im fat and addicted to porn

Honestly I'm just a fat lazy fuck. It's an easy fix. I just have no motivation. Not sure what my problem is.

I keep getting raped by the cream team

I fear im not talented enough to be pursuing the career path I have chosen which is music. I don't want to be famous or anything, I just want a simple job where I can make a living with music whether that be teaching or running a music store.

you want other people making things for you

Noone to put my dick into.

this is exactly my problem. shit good to hear someone say it I guess. now to FIX

Hey,you wanna work for me? I'm Dimash Adilet, you might have heard of me. You're Indian so I guess you have basic skills in programming? I am designing a mobile app and I need a small team of programmers, look me up and find my email, I don't want to type it out for all the spam bots here.

Getting kicked out of apartment. Have three weeks to find new one. All the places I have found near my work are out of my price range due to rent hikes the last couple years. I might have to move far away and look for a new job. Might lose my dream job.

I'd much rather not

Easy money but of course, your choice

I don't have it as worse as other anons as my social life is fine, however my work week makes it harder for me to meet new girls.

I took on a new job hoping it would be better than my last but because I'm one of the few who are competent and quick I end up doing a lot more even though I'm still on the minimum wage. It's shit but I need to keep at it as I have a solo mother with cancer that I absolutely love and I don't want her to leave early without me showing her that all the things she has been through for me was not for nothing.

My home city is also getting ridiculously more expensive to live in which is making life a lot more stressful.

I guess my life is a solid 6/10 right now so not too bad.

you in highschool?

it's especially hard to keep up since everything higher tier than minimum wage requires a BA in the minimum

and getting a BA while having a day job sucks. what sucks more is if your job has toxic people in it.

Graduated three months ago, just screwed up in the finals.

My face xddd

I find it impossible to communicate with women because I place the ones I try to speak with on such a high pedestal that it's like I'm trying to talk to the president but simultaneously harbor an extremely deep hatred and distrust of all women in general.

I'd say I'm pretty hopeless.

Feeling sorry for you, but then I realized you're Indian

>have a tumour on my left testicle
>lost my phone today in a taxi cab. the fucker stole it from me cus i noticed immediately that i dropped it inside and the fucking faggot ran away.
>sister and her bf stole from me 3000+us and 100+ games (7000+us) and a cellphone (galaxy s5) that was from my work.
>all that money was to pay a debt they had with a dealer that was threating them they were going to kill my nephew.
>gor fired cus of that
>have to pay that ridiculous amount of money
>gf dumped me
>dont know what to do
>its 6:30am and im awake waiting for the fucker to turn on my phone so i can track where is it.
>thinking of really fucking end my life.

I have strong ideals about making my own way and not accepting help (ideals I extend to nobody but myself) yet am fully aware that I have no discernable skills or talents, no matter how much time and energy I put into things.

Pretty much. I left highschool with no money so there's no university for me (yet). I salute anybody who can handle school and work and the stress that come from both, especially the fuckin debt.

My job has plenty of fuckin idiots so I and many others keep going home sore with half a pack of cigarettes.

Ted Bundy confirmed

I just found out that my girlfriend of 4 years shares the same father as I do. She was adopted, and as it turns out, she was my father's child from another relationship. I have a child with her. With my sister. I don't know what to do with this information.

Searching for work in an overpopulated area after losing my cars. Making side money for a new ride. Trying to get life back on track after 9 months of jail. Also no pussy at all

Move to Newfoundland. You're probably more removed from your half sister than most of the couples there.

You're young, people with much worse circumstances make it out in one piece. There are literally billions of women in the world, you'll find another. Just weather the storm because shit gets better if you work on it.

>Receiving engineering bachelor in 3 days
>Getting engaged end of August with qt3.14 gf of 8 years
>Starting my own company. Government is interested in funding
>Health is 10/10

Still don't enjoy life and have trouble getting up in the morning.

>guess it's okay..


It's ok lad, same thing happened to me. Girl broke my heart and my home life was shit my whole life i got a little more careless with school. Relied heavily on my natural smarts to carry me through those last two years.

I felt lost after school so I just took a job, made a list of all the shit I wanted to do and learn in life and I've been giving myself a sense of purpose again.

If you keep on moving you can eventually look back at this dark point in time and see how strong you actually are in time. You're young as fuck man, just take it easy on yourself for a sec man. Have a drink, smoke a joint, tell your parents you love em. Have a real good think about everything. Show some love to yourself man.

At least your right testicle is fine.


I hate my fucking wife

when they say life's a bitch this is what they mean

I make 1500 a week and im two months behind on rent and utilities because I drink so much.

you're stubborn. solved.

Loved mine. She just decided to leave yesterday.

So I tripped enough mushrooms yesterday to dissolve reality and float through a fractal world. Sounds amazing but was terrifying at times because my mind, ego whatever the fuck, kept fighting the trip like it was dying. So now I'm trying to process it all post trip. Didn't mean to trip that hard either. The little bastards were way more potent than I thought.

Your better off...

My issue is that I'm still young. (inb4 underage b&, I'm just 19 and fresh out of high school.) Hear me out.

I can amount to anything. Kind of. I have my own life aspirations, my own goals, and I have these visions of great things I could do and how I could do it. And yet, with all of what I can make of myself, I can only pick one path. It's like an RPG where you can only level up one type of skill; point is it sucks. I'm not going to be mopey and "poor ol' me". I am fortunate. I can start a business, I can work on being an astronaut, I know a way to make a quick million and retire, I can focus on my relationship and turn it into something beautiful, I can publish a book with what I and only I know, I can lead aid in some poor country, I can start a revolution, the list goes on and on. The world is my oyster, as that one over posted motivational greentext goes. And yet, even though it may sound incredible and fortunate, I hate it. I hate this. The world has so much to offer; and I can only pick one. And the worst part is, if I screw up at all, at any point in any journey, there's no going back to pick a better route. It's a choose your own adventure book the size of the bible that absolutely sucks ass. One option sounds easy but I hate the outcome, another has a horrid journey but a beautiful outcome. Life is too short to go through the whole book, to level up every skill. Life sucks.

Maybe just do a music related job like fixing instruments... and keep music as your hobby. And wait till you are so good to become next (insert overrated artist here)

Starting to agree with you user.

Also forgot to mention the fact the girl I'm currently in love with hates my guts and fabricated a rape story about me while I was gone. Nobody believed her, that isn't the problem. Its just I care for her so much but I'm too proud n focused on my life to try and reconcile everything . She still checks up on me and I check on her but its not the same. Now I'm fucking my friends girlfriend and hating life

it is rare to find another life addict in Sup Forums
real sad that we wanna live out a crazy life but at the end of the day we just flat out die... what kind of ending is that?

>Went to Germany for college coz muh free education
>Struggling in the language

Goddamn it why can't everybody just speak English

Want help?

Sure thing mate. How are you gonna help me?

I quit my career job last month because it was taking all my time and energy, but not paying market rate for the work. I found a new job.

The new job hasn't started yet, but since the first duty has a hard and fast deadline, I'm working to learn as much as I can now while there's time.

I'm also using the downtime to do all the home improvements I didn't have time to do before, and won't have time to do in the future.

I'm also trying to enjoy myself as much as possible during the summer months.

In the meantime, my old job decided to pay me higher contract-level wages to finish up some old tasks.

So, I went from one job that took all my time and energy, to now having to split my time between four demanding activities.

Still trying to figure out if this was an improvement or not.

Wow, my first trips.

I'm assuming it'll take a while since it feels like shit now. It'll be a struggle but I'll fix myself up and get back out there.
I'd much rather stay alone though. A five-year long relationship with an abrupt end can cause a man to no longer need affection from someone else.

You're right. Some day I'll look back on this soon-to-be archived thread and realize how naive I was.

Gonna teach you nazilanguage

The ending we live for.
I was thinking about why I live, and when I look at what I have to live for right now, I've come to realize that I legitimately do not know. I guess it's the refusal to become a waste. To fulfill one of those dreams no matter how terrified I am of actually making a choice. And yet, as it may be those upcoming choices that give me the will to live that I am oh so terrified of, I should be scared of living and find comfort in death. But I don't. It's quite the contrary. It creates a morbid curiosity, wondering that perhaps I won't live up to be any of those visions, and just die a waste of genes and spirit like everyone else.

I am in love with someone I cant afford to move close to for several more months, and even then, when I get there I will have to find a job that will help me afford living there. I currently have to live with my family who do nothing but criticize my every move and make it difficult to keep living. I want to be with that person I love more than anything right now because I cant stand myself when I have to deal with myself alone. This just fucking sucks as I asked them to marry me and the whole answer is contingent on when I come back to see them/ be with them.

the chick i like is just a clever hologram
i have no money
fat and lazy

Sure why the hell not. Add my kik: pravoka

any fucking moment

forgot to say... im chilean.

I need $100k right now to solve all of my current biggest problems.

I feel you, I just said fuck it and went for something while I decide what I truly want.

What do you need the money for?

I have a problem that is quite unique on here.
I have no gf.

I can count the amount of times I've gone outside in the past 10 or 11 years or so on my fingers.

My parents are crazy and took me out of school when I was like 7 under the pretense of homeschooling, but in reality I just sat in my room and played videogames all day.

I turned 21 at the beginning of the month and have no idea how I'm actually gonna stay alive after my parents croak

I wouldn't be that worried honestly if it just came down to that but the real problem is they pulled the same shit on my little sister, and shes a lot worse off mentally than me. Somehow I'm gonna have to get my shit together so that I can take care of her, but the whole concept just feels unreal, like a dream.

>the chick i like is just a clever hologram

3d printers are available

>i have no money

Stop leeching and start working

>fat and lazy

join a gym with the money you earn

cheer up at least you aint me who's currently failing his math classes and can't code for shit

attaboy. oh don't worry men age like fine wines, sooner or later another girl will come.

good luck user.

to be honest, i don't have very big problems. but i'm sad, disappointed, angry and in generally, not happy with my life at all. i've just learned to live with those thoughts and I've accepted it that it will be like that until the day i die.

Wait a moment, trying to find a way to use it without a phone

I'm nervous about doing that.
My apologies for being rather pushy, but care to share what some of your aspirations are and what you're doing to pass the time? Could use some inspiration and ideas.

exams. 5 of them and 2 of wich will cause me to get kicked out of uni if I fail them.

Alright thanks man, I appreciate it. I can also use other things like discord if you want.

Don't sweat it user, odds of failure are slim if you've ever payed any attention. And if not, hit the books. Start with "For Dummies" shit and move forward from that point. When're they coming?

>The world has so much to offer; and I can only pick one. And the worst part is, if I screw up at all, at any point in any journey, there's no going back to pick a better route.

As a grown up fag, I would say this is the biggest problem your generation has.

You've been raised on Harry Potter, Divergent, Hunger Games, Maze Runner, etc etc etc - all these stories where young people basically run the world, and everyone older is foolish, corrupt, and/or ineffectual.

You've been raised to think that if something meaningful is going to happen in your life, it's going to happen when you're young, and that life is over by the time you're 30.

This is bullshit. You really don't know shit at your age and it's going to take you a long time to figure it out.

Look at movies that were made in the 1970s. They almost all showed adult people - not juveniles - accomplishing meaningful things. This is why previous generations were more successful - they were raised to understand that it took long work and hard effort over years to become a person that can accomplish something meaningful. And they did.

That's why so many young people are still living off the work done by the previous generations.

Enjoy your parents' free WiFi.

Figuring out what to do about a grill, and deciding if this job is worth taking up full-time if they offer it to me.
Just normie probs this time, Sup Forums. This time.

spending too much money on coke. Currently in a kind of fwb relationship with an 18 year old girl even though I have a gf

That picture is so depressing.

>Have Marfan Syndrome
>Body looks and feels like shit
>Going to the gym will literally kill me
>Social life is dying faster than I am somehow

>Hopeless. Pic related its me.

asides from the thoughts of suicide here and there i am doing fine

Pretty much what's on my mind everyday, part of the human condition is the constant struggle for success and making our lives mean something. Wonder what it would be like if we were just naturally content people. Ah well, I guess I couldn't enjoy all the shit I enjoy unless someone out there truly believed that they were put on this planet for a reason. Even though no one gives us a reason or purpose from the get-go because we have to decide that for ourselves. That's the hard part.. as me, you and many others have discovered. I love that I love everything but man I wonder if my life would be easier if I was extremely good at one particular thing. It'd be more boring living that way but at least I'll sort of feel like that is my purpose. Fuck it, I'm an explorer, I'm deciding now.

>being fat
>trying to fix debt to income/credit to buy a house

I can't find anymore of Gamecatts college dormroom lesbian vid and its killing me.

google can solve most problems. a job, therapy and some normality for your lives can also help.

Seriously, Emma Watson and Natalie Dormer could have a sextape leak and I wouldn't care.

Drink less

>met cute girl
>first gf despite being 21
>been going out with this girl a few times, we are ok together and i really enjoy her company and i think she enjoys mine
> nervous about sex in general after kissing her and finding out that was a whole weird experience that wasn't like i thought it would be
>fucking worried that im gonna do something stupid in bed
>i want to make her orgasm too but being a virgin i'll probably blow my load in under a minute
>i might be going out with her tomorrow night and will be dropping her off at her house around midnight
>if she invites me inside for the night that will be it, it'll end in sex
Fuck bros i know im pathetic for being like this but i've always been slower to adept to shit then everyone else i know. im just hoping that when this shit goes down that i dont fuck it up

Yeah that stuff sounds nice, the job part is whats gonna actually be pretty rough. A ged seems like the logical place to start but I feel like I'm probably way too stupid to get one right now, what with the whole no school past the 3rd grade or so thing.
It feels sorta surreal even writing about this stuff since I haven't talked to anyone about it in my whole life.

wouldn't really call it being raised more like being bombarded by cancerous messages and living in a completely toxic period. better than the 1940s though so that's still a plus.

You're probs right, except for the whole what I was raised on part. I was pretty sheltered until just recently really. Grew up watching 70's and hell even more so 50's shows, while reading books like 20,000 Leagues and the Neuromancer. That's beyond the point though, I get what you're saying. It will take a lot of hard work. And I understand that. Really dumb luck and natural charisma and intelligence have gotten me to where I am today, not hard work. And yet, the paths I can take and what my life has really been go against my personal beliefs of what life should be about. There is no free lunch; you've got to work your ass off if you want something. I don't expect to be anywhere until I'm much older, and that's a thing that worries me. A fear of building up my kingdom per say, working for years, and coming to a dead end or abrupt stop, and regretting the path I took.

My wife is riding high on the Zootopia "Anyone can be anything and be happy" train of thought. She supports any cause that begins and ends with people being free to be what they want.

I hate it. I hate that train of thought and I think schadenfreude is one of the most wonderful feeling ever. I enjoy seeing misery, and humiliating defeat. Not being edgy, I just get a kick out of seeing people's dreams collapse and drag them down to the wretches with the rest of us. Think Married With Children

I can't tell her this because it will destroy my marriage. She used to think like me as well, just a little more optimistically, but now she has gone off the rails with Positive Attitude YAY!!! I think I might be in serious trouble because it's not getting any better and it's driving us apart.


I have no friends. And no way of finding any. By making a wrong choice about my education 5 years ago i have condemned myself to be surrounded with morons. Now there's only 2 years remaining, but then what? What are the odds there will be nice or at least decent people on my furute job? Given that all my student "colleagues" are straight up braindead? Don't get me wrong im willing to put up with a lot of shit from my friends, i am not perfect myself, but i can't endure those oceans of shit that my fellow students are capable of producing. They seem to like be but really, i don't need that shit. So i'm just making an excuses to not contact with them most of the time. I'm so fucking afraid. It's beed such a long time since i've talked to a decent person. Needless to say no gf either, but that doesn't bother me. Well at least it feels nice to share my misery with somebody i guess.

>Not being edgy, I just get a kick out of seeing people's dreams collapse and drag them down to the wretches with the rest of us.

I chuckled tbh

Enjoy free college.
Also enjoy 2 years conscription.

You just sound condescending with some slight hints of narcissism to me.

If this were a feels thread, I'd say I feel you bro. Take that genuinely.

I hate the pointlessness of society. Not the concept of it, just OUR society. Everything is vain, humans going left and right switching rapidly between forms of communication and entertainment. A life of vanity. A life without purpose, trying to snatch on to the things that give us the slightest bit of delightment in a search for joy and peace.
And then there are those of us who get it, and must watch hopelessly. There is no hope for them, nor us.
Godspeed user.

Just faggot your ass out there.
Then faggot the faggot you get.
Easy done, you fucking faggot.

Yeah, im easily misunderstood, the point is: i just want to be friends with some nice people. I also am a filthy foreginer so that's might be the case.

Including english I assume?
>also checked

I fell in love with a woman after being in the military for 8 years. Thought a family life would be good, but instead got fatter, have less money and hate my woman and wish I stayed single and alone where I had more money and a better body.

>getting in debt with your dealer

Worst decision