You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing League of Legends

You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing League of Legends.

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I am not a faggot

its not cs:go

The game is garbage

It's fucking boring.

game is really bad

cause my league# subscription expired.

its slow, boring, and overall just bad.

I live somewhere other than my mom's basement

I'm not a retard.

just a wc3 rip off, and somehow made it feel even more cartoony

the game is not dota 2

...says it all

Because im taking a break rn
>someone sounds desperate for a team to carry them

Because MOBAs are fucking boring.

I'll be playing later today :)

i am currently eating schnitzel that why

Played for 2 years...and it's still not fun, even when winning...

Because it's League of Legends.

No other reason necessary.

The game is basically DotA for kids and morons.

And the company that runs it is fucking retarded.

Game sucks

Because I've been playing league since its infancy from closed beta. I've been through it all from bronze all the way up to my week in challenger in season 4 and quit just 3 months ago. The reason? Its just not fun anymore. Every solo game you get 3 people who can play and 7 other retards. There are too many champions. They are extremely complicated now a days and just can't seem to balance out the roles. I main ADC, and I can tell you that there are still 3 champs that dominate the scene without question, and that's Lucian, Ezreal, and cait. There aren't enough bans too accommodate the 120+ champions. And there really is no counterplay potential with some matchups. Tank meta is fucking gay. Communication elements are lacking for such a strategic game that needs team coordination. And riot support is absolute trash Garbo. Switching to Overwatch was the best thing I ever did. The reality is. The game started to die when season 2 ended.


I don't get it



coz its shit

I can relate to this, overwatch killed LoL

becasue i used to play in s3-4 when it was good and now they've ruined it

I have more interesting thinks.

It's not fun anymore


>every new champion is very complicated now
Holy shit, this.

They're making every skill a skillshot and introducing gimps like corki's package for no reason at all.

Not to mention how old heroes are just plainly dead on the water compared to all the mobility and utility new champions have on their kits.

For instance, all that Twisted Fate has going for him is a pseudo-strong Q and his W (stun/aoe slow/blue card for sustain).

This champion used to be good. BUT, riot constantly nerfed the shit out of him on his Q (which now does laughable shit damage) , his W doesn't even carry over with his ultimate and lasts a laughable duration.

He has no escape.

He's an assassin with no burst.

He's totally fucking useless in this tank meta, considering his burst in on a 6 second cooldown and deals what? 200 damage on a slow ass projectile everyone dodges easily?

His main skill has an auto-attack range, which is easily outclassed by everyone and their mother, considering every mage has a skillshot of some-kind (or just outright more range on basic spells).

That's just one example.

Rek'sai is another braindead champion with too much mobility.

What is even happening to this game?

that game sucks and always sucked

it's not fun anymore. risking anything or being good it not rewarding anymore.

top is just a farmfest, bad players just towerhug and last hit creeps and still end up on the same exp/gold as you.
mid is slightly more challenging, but everyone just builds maw if as or zhonyas if ap, resulting again in a frustrating lane where everyone is bored.
botlane is THE farmfest. supports occasionally try to pull or poke, but really unless someone ganks, nothing ever happens.
free trinkets have fucked up junglers, good luck ganking a lucian when not only he knows you're coming, but he has heal, flash and his e.

and all this is assuming that both parties are equally skilled/decent. there is always that one shitter that will fuck up a match no matter how good the rest 4 guys play.

but even if all 10 players are decent, the game is usually decided on lobby. malphite+yasuo+amumu+mf? literally impossible to lose, assuming they are just as good as the enemy team.

tl;dr boring ass game.

>playing a shitty moba

i am

Riot is a company with no morals, their employees are awful, their game is awful.

vid related. the enemy team could literally do nothing, other than spread out and be killed 1 by 1.

First three off the top of my head:
1) Riot's strangehold of the meta.
2) Mobility creep.
3) Champion design-philosophy obsoletion.

Can't afford it.

I don't like it

because im not an underage eastern european spergerlord

>3 champs that dominate the scene without question, and that's Lucian, Ezreal, and cait

but draven is the best adc, pic related

not very related

Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth 1001%


dota is better

Will never play a moba