Discuss or your whole family will die

Discuss or your whole family will die.

it's right

there's too much ambiguity in the writing of the problem
thats why you cant write division with a slash

basically what she means about chsnging from the old way to common core is just how theyve chisen to intrpet ambiquity has changed

It's 16 user, use PEMDAS

We are all going to die eventually

What the fuck is PEMDAS? Its BIDMAS

Depends on what you mean by /



Do the brackets first, simplifies to:
20 / 5(4) or
20 / 5 * 4
Division comes before multiplication:
4 * 4

There is invisible () around the denominator

You cant trust a teacher who can't even focus the projection to match the square.


They're going to anyway



Math is fucked.
Children are fucked.
I'l like to fuck that teacher.
And the correct answer is 1.


Is this really that difficult?

PEMDAS starts with Parenthesis. So, start by making
5(2*2) = 5(4) = 20
20/20 = 1

I'm not sure what fucked up way they are teaching kids now, but the answer will always be 1.

In math there are no multiple correct answers except in matrices. Common core puts butt hurt prevention above education and is the definition of degeracy.

In the UK we use BIDMAS (brackets/parentheses same thing)
We do division before multiplication

This seems to depend on where you come from...

20/5 = 4
4 * (2*2) = 4*4 = 16
20/5 * (2*2) = 16
You degenerate imbecile.

If we did logic your way life would be so bad civilians would be allowed to have guns no matter how stupid they are. (Like Ame-)

"He killed her" according to you can mean both: "he killed her" AND "her killed him".
Calculate in order. Holy fuck.


Exactly this is now a Taco Bell thread


Uhhhh do you math bro

what the fuck operator begins with 'I' ?


You know, the little number at the top right

>autism the post

Common core another way that sjws are destroying the future by making everyone exist at bigger level

The answer for the 'old' way is 16. The answer is not 1.

PEMDAS is divided into segments of priority.

It goes P->E->MD->AS

First you do anything in parentheses, then do exponents, then do multiplication AND division, and last addition AND subtraction.

The 'MD' and 'AS' are to be done statically, not in order. This is where people fuck up thinking that they need to do all multiplication first, then division. No, it's at the same time, so basically you just do it in order of how the problem is written.

Syntax error or 1

Two ways for poorly written problem


Do as a pc would and get 16.

Its ambiguous and not even common core (whatever that is)

It'seems 16 either way what the fuck?

No one thinks they need to do multiplication first in the UK its the other way...


I'm not sure on this topic

It's certainly an interesting theory, Steve.

Ok everyone lets move onto integration


>greentexting buzzwords wins any argument

***5*(2*2) read the damn problem

division and multiplication are given equal precedence. it's left-to-right after everything else is gone

that's why you write it as a big fraction and always express division as inverse multiplication

division and multiplication have equal precedence

Amerifat pls stop.


fi you go from left to right while doing order of operations youll get 16

if you treat it as 20 is the numerator and 5(2*2) is the denominator it will be 1



s u c c

20 / 5*(2x2)
20 / 5 * 4
20 / 20

what the fuck s this common core. it's MATH there's only once answer. Are they really trying to teach kids variable sciences that early on? They are like at age 6 tops!

The projection isn't completely shown on the board. That really triggers my OCD.



PEMDAS. It's written a shitty way, but 20 / 5 (2*2) is 20 / 5 (4) is 20/20 = 1. PEMDAS is Parentheses, Exponents, Mulitplication and Division, and Addition and Subraction.

you added an * where there wasn't one

Try doing this equation with physical objects and tell me what the answer is.

order of operations
P, E, M/D, A/S

I was taught BODMAS. B for brackets and O for orders.

Taco kek

mah nigga

Common core will allow you to draw little circles until you find the answer. The answer you find will always be correct as long as you feel it's correct.

P -> parentheses
M -> multiply

what are you some stupid nigger? It's one.


>both answers are equally correct
No. No they're not.

The problem with idiots nowadays is that they don't realize that a fraction line in a regular text line only applies to the term directly after it.

>5 / 3 * 4
is the same as
>(5 / 3) * 4

If you want to write this
>3 * 4

You HAVE to put parantheses like this
>5 / ( 3 * 4)

That's all it boils down to. There's only one correct answer and it's 16.
>(20 / 5) * (2 * 2) = 16

If you want to get 1, the problem would have to be stated like this
> 20
>5 ( 2 * 2)

Anything else is incorrect. Also common core does NOT have an influence on this WHATSOEVER.


As long as everyone feels good about it! Oh, and as long as you aren't white or successful

Multiplication and division have the same precedence, you elaborate them in order from left to right. 20/5*4 -> 4*4 -> 16

Fuck you

Only retards think that 1 is the right answer at all.

I so wish i was here to post this under that

It's 16.

it's wrong because you're a faggot op go fucking kill yourself

You mean exponents?

Negative. PEMDAS.

Do as a PC would and get turned off.

This is the only right answer


I don't see how it's 16 but whatever

That's what he's saying you fucking retard. The division comes first in the expression.

Exponents, indices, orders, they have different names.

(yes I'm still here)
No, I meant indices because I live in the UK

Holy fuck dude ...

you're incredibly stupid.

I don't understand common core

and if you have to decide which way to do it the problem was written by a normie.

In my Australian High School we used BOMDAS (brackets, orders, ect). I'm actually surprised at how many different ways people have of sequencing their order of operations.

>It's written a shitty way
True. You should always use correct syntax, but if you HAVE to use regular inline text, then a division always only applies to the term after it, if there are no parantheses telling otherwise, so you're wrong with it meaning 20/20.

good job user

If you use PEMDAS you get 16, time to retake your algebra class dumbass

Dat PEMDAS tho

In python, putting something in brackets after something like that means it tries to call it as a function which it obviously can't do as 5 is an integer

That's nonsense

because you're a nigger who dropped out of school

Get your shit together Sup Forums and stupid teachers.

use PEMDAS, or suck my dick.

Finally someone explains to OP.

Multiplication and division are done in the same step because they are the same operation. Likewise with addition/subtraction.

a * b / c is the same as a * b * (1/c), so doing either first doesn't matter. Ambiguous equations like this are intentionally designed to cause confusion because they leave out parenthesis. In its current form, it's not ambiguous, people just choose to look at it differently and favor one operation over another, or insert additional rules.

a / b * (c + c) is not the same equation as
a / (b * (c + c))

It's pedantic to a point, but specificity is very important in math.