Ask a Britfag time traveller from the year 2037 anything

Ask a Britfag time traveller from the year 2037 anything

Do people still have assholes in the year 2037?

when did you start having your delusional fantasies, OP?

How do you plan on baiting us this time good sir?

Did i saved the world from Armagedon?

What year did niggers go extinct


Yes the bloody cunts in Sweden attempted to invade with dildos up their arseholes but luckily they failed

why havent you assassinated Richard Nixon and undid the War on Drugs yet?

you crawl back to eu for some german dick or is the broken Kingdom in yo time a 3rd wolrd shithole ?

what's it like to be a liar?

How are you able to speak English? If you are from 2037, I do not think you are a britfag at all.

Since the great cyber war of 2025

Are all Americans still assholes in 2037?

Selling rifles to drug lords and the government is good money

Feels good

>Russians all look the same

What a surprise

The UK dissolved into several small nations and the EU has attempted invasion

Did Britain ever recover from the terrible disaster that was Brexit?

I assure you English will survive into the future mate


good, good...

>EU attempted invasion

Sounds about right


Europe has had to be conquered by the Americans to be able to stop the Russians

>the EU is not already just a Puppet state

That happened 70 or so years ago.
WWII - remember?

If they would have succeeded I would be speaking sand nigger

what happens to west sussex?

World war 2.5

How is Finland doing?

Speaking Russian why do you ask?

Does anyone become immortal or ageless


Conquered londres area

What about an American Civil War v2?

When trump was assassinated the nation split into two factions,the minutemen and the patriots

And each faction does/believes what?

Patriots are trump supporters aided by Russians and eu
Minutemen are democrats,republicans,and libertarians supported by all the former UK states and China
Patriots want a more authoritarian nation while minute men want the old republic system
So far minutemen have control of the western us and recently captured texas