What will happen if I take some of my brother's anti-psychotic pills for fun?

What will happen if I take some of my brother's anti-psychotic pills for fun?

I don't have any mental illnesses, will they fuck me up?

Don't worry about the consequences, just eat them.

You'll probably develop a mental illness

what is he taking? It will be not fun...

If I do that, consequences will never be the same.

What are the pills called you fuckface

>on Sup Forums
>>I don't have any mental illnesses
stop lying to yourself

chek'd, triple dubs, nice.

crush em up and dump em in your eyeball.

lol , depends on how much^^^^

It's called Olanzapine. Will it just make me tired or will it actually be unpleasant?

No. You won't feel anything. Read the side effects.

crush the whole bottle up and mix with water. after it dissolves soak a pair of socks in the water and let dry. wear socks and go for a hike. trip balls. don't forget to bring earbuds, music, and a gun.

I can tell you from personal experience that the side effects of anti-psychotics are almost worse than just being crazy.

oooh that's jenny marrero from indosplace I like her and Mal's stuff

some anti-psychotics are fun to abuse tho I can't speak for that one. Don't take with psychedelics, and start low dose. But chew the fucker anyway. Report plz as interested

i think it depends on the person. like I said, some can really be fun

look it up on erowid

op you niglet RSVP

Or you could just fucking use wiki. God damn idiot thinks he's gonna get high on anti-psychotics.

cos a safe drug info site is useful in this case. Or any other, Erowid is great but their doses err on the conservative. Good practice I guess but expensive for some head people

anti-psychotics will fuck you up. take them with shrooms. I dare you

fuck op, just take sensibly. drug people don't need to be retards. test and report

i know I'm samefagging here but it is in my interest

You're an idiot.


Because we're not talking about mushrooms.

that was a reference to me advising not to take with psychedelics. Antipsychotics or even benzo's can give you the most horrific of times with psychedelics. I'm trying to be helpful to op. I made mistakes he doesn't want to