Is USA ready for its upcoming race-war?

Is USA ready for its upcoming race-war?

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mfw blacks are only 13% of the population and want a race war

there won't be one, blacks are severely outnumbered and they know it.

That is exactly what the terrorist organization BLM wants and why they have been attacking America with their targeted campaign of organizing and demanding the murders of whites and police officers.

Be careful what you wish for.

mexicans and most of latinos might as well be counted as black, they all hate white people

white people will get rekt

Blacks hate Hispanics because the immigrants work hard and integrate into middle class society after a generation or two.

just repeating the obvious: blacks are minority...the best they can do is gerrilla war...

Some yes and mostly the liberals that think they can just walk up and be one of the nigger. The niggers will kill them and then there would be fewer fucks for the whites to kill so we can focus more on hunting niggers in watermelon fields.

Own landscaping business and only employ latinos because they work hard, while dindu nuffins do exactly that...nuffin.

2 sandniggers > 2400+ white people


Yes, race war to distract from the real problem and enemy we should be fighting against. Shits been going on for a long time and us dumb Americans have no idea "we're" being tricked once again. Keep watching the news dumb asses

what are you talking about?

Ha! U don't know Mexicans then dumb ass. They work for the gringo

Where do Italians fit in this war? We haz mafia

mexicans know how white man is only using them their whole lives
you must be joking

Did someone say race wars?!? I got my mustang ready.

You just validated my point. Learn who the real enemy is. Find where the real evil lurks. Ever see a chess set? Black and white pieces controlled by a larger few hands.

Gorilla war is the only thing they know.

no, i asked you a question and got the exact answer i was expecting to get.

I never thought of it like that user. Wow

They are the new middle class. Pay no taxes and companies save lots of money hiring them, send their money back to Mexico and go home to retire better than most Americans. Why fuck that up? Like I said u don't know Mexicans.

Can I join the black side?

The white side's rations and USO tours are terrible.

Your trolling skills are week faggot. Lurk more. Enjoy summer

i am a mexican, i know what the fuck im talking about nigger

Ya for real man. It's right in your face if you're not distracted by all the damn propaganda

Racially challenged folk don't think that far ahead.

trolling skills? are you 12 years old
fuck outta here

Ha good one user. Mexicans don't Internet. Or say nigger.

I feel bad for you
it's time to find some better jokes.

good thing i don't need your stamp of approval

Sure kid. How's summer school? Enjoying the traps and fuzzies are we?

Mexicans don't talk this way. Nice try. Summer school tomorrow. Get to bed soon faggot

>racially challenged


>Implying rooftop Koreans won't take all of you motherfuckers out in the first two weeks

oh no you called me a kid over the internet and told me i go to summer school. you are so Sup Forums

You're forgetting all the nig-nog loving white people, the number of which is probably about two-thirds of all white people.

Most white people don't live in black area's full of nig-nogs, and have only met or known the rare middle class co-worker negro, or have never met one at all but have been persuaded by the media to think they are civilized.

That the typical butthurt response from newfag I expected. Seriously, lurk moar and stop trying to be edgy responder. It's not working summerfag

you are making me feel the cringe so hard right now

>Taking bait this easily

You two chew bait more than Brian Blessed chews scenery

please stop

Mexicans hate blacks
Asians hate blacks
Whites hate blacks
13%^ of the pop

good luck, should be fun.

>nig-nog loving white people, the number of which is probably about two-thirds of all white people.

are you retarded.

>Is USA ready for its upcoming race-war?

Probably. I'm about as ready as I'll ever be

Everyone who blindly sides with blacklivesmatter regardless of facts and evidence is anti-gun.

So yeah.

Are you? Obama won the popular vote. Twice. If 9 out of 10 people you know aren't anti-racist, then you need to leave your cabin a bit more often.

Yes but how many whites are made up of children women old and sick and how many of those men actually want to fight, and how many of those men are actually good at fighting, pick your battles wisely dog black people might be the minority but they love violence and are just looking for an excuse to be violent

>ITT natural selection running it's course

Too bad you're a pussy and would probably choke in a gun fight

quads know the truth

quads speak the truth.

pisses me off tho. Cant meet anybody or talk to anybody or anything related to this shit IRL anymore except for my brother. Even my father is on the "black people are people just like us who've just had it harder than us because of racism." bandwagon.

blacks are to beta

Throughout my whole life I was a straight male. Just perfectly normal. I've had a few girlfriends, some of them were virgins, so I have just enough experience. Right now I am 25 years old. If that matters: I have average body, above average looks, above average dick size, and I'm 5'8.

What happened lately is that I got completely disappointed in sex and relationships. I don't want that anymore by no means. I'll give you my reasons.

Sex feels like shit with condom, without it leads to diseases and pregnancy, both of which I do not want. And even without condom I still prefer fap any day any time, because I can do it instantly whenever I want, I control the pace and everything, and in the end all I need is fast release of tension, which I achieve within 1-2 min. Bothering with a woman to do that seems ridiculous for me. And yea, feel of fapping for me is better than even sex without condom, because girl usually goes dry after a while and it just starts feeling not that good.

As for diseases, of course there are serious ones, but they could be more or less avoided. But there are also lesser ones like mycosis, which I was always catching in one form or another back in a day. Nothing serious, it cures itself, but still annoying. As long as I stop sex for a while, it disappears. Same goes for kissing and small diseases that affects mouth.

The only people that voted for Obama because of skin were blacks

the rest were on social issues and the fact that Romney wasnt likable plus he was a morman.

Voting for Obama has nothing to do with liking ghetto niggers.

The African American community since when the bloods and crips team up and start killing whites were all fucked

Yeah, man. Maybe that was true at one point but now the blame should go to black subculture. No one is actively working to keep blacks from succeeding, except for blacks.

It's because the conservatives got on board the anti-racism bandwagon and now even faux news indoctrinates them to believe that crap.

So so new....

>being this assmad about something

Who dumped you today?

America is fucked. All theses mother fucking racist pigs protesting the police and as soon as they get shot out they come running to the police

What a whiny bitch be a man and stop caring about what other people think no one honestly hates black people and if they do their morons considering they have probably never been shot at before

>upcoming race-war
i know you want this more than anything, but it'll never happen because there just aren't enough psychopaths for you to hook up with to make anything happen

Who's Brian blessed? I'm almost 50

Nice blog

Let's see, 12% of the population, poor, un-educated, poorly armed and equiped, without any external support, versus the rest of the population, with government support, heavy weapons, international alliances...

Gee I wonder who will win...

Niggers make me puke, simple as that! And we all know that niggers have a very low iq compared to White.

You're wasting your time. He got quads. You have no voice.

Speaking of which; pic related.

There will be no race war because if we go more than a week without anything happening everyone stops giving a shit and switches focus to some twitter catfight between Aealealelaeia Banks and whatever celebrity is stupid enough to respond to her.

This the only people who would fight in a race war are the ones you see on the news the Omar's the adam lanzas the crazy fuck already started the war but America is pretty big and a lot of us just want to live in peace


What the fuck are you actually talking about? Go the fuck back to sleep, user

You went out and bought a gun so you think that keeps you safe? Did you shit yourself when you passed by a Tyrone on the street? Pansy ass bitch

Kill Them All

Damn son you just got copy pasta baited. Hook, line and sinker

I'm not that guy but why does it have to be about insecurities? Why can't someone just like guns? I have guns and I've never genuinely worried for my safety.


underrated post

Oh shit thanks. Bad with actor named. Good with faces though.

>Racially challenged
Calling them this sounds more offensive than nigger to be honest.

and you prefer to be called a potato

Yeah but more of them are more willing to fight considering more than half of white america are crying pansys who call the police when they see a black person

I've owned a few guns for 4 years and have gone hunting with uncle a few times, never bought on impulse. Posting on a tablet, so my old SKS was the only pic on here. I could probably get an AR sometime soon but saving for a house. Still got a few high powered bolts at least.

Who tossed your salad today, Tyrone

We should just wall off Detroit, send all of the country's serious criminals there (basically anyone with a sentence over 15 years), and let nature take its course

I hate niggers so fucking much, can't wait until they're genocided.

>Call the police when you see a black person

Considering the average black person is out to get whitey these days, that might not be a bad idea.

I'm assuming the real enemy is either the government itself, Hillary Clinton, or ISIS

easy there, mel gibson

Can't blame them since they were enslaved hopefully my generation gets to go out in a hail of gun fire fighting the slave masters

wut ?

Sounds like a good idea to me

>~90% of blacks are murdered by blacks
>black lives matter
Tell that to black people

you know,
rather than mentally challenged


I AM currently not ready for the racewar if there is such a thing coming. I imagine it being more like armed rebellions without any real centralized direction and maybe some martial law.
I want a firearm/crowdcontrol/problem solver before that time comes but it is increasingly hard for me here in commiefornia and especially living with my family when they are all anti-gun

Um no. I'm pretty sure they hate niggers more than white people

ITT egde lords

wow look at this fucking faggot excising his 1A rights to shit all over the 2A rights. classic

I've been bored after getting out of the Army. I wouldn't mind.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common
defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America.

Article 1.

Section 1
All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the
United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

Section 2
The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second
Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall
have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of
the State Legislature.

No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of
twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who
shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States
which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers,
which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons,
including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not
taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.

The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting
of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten
Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of
Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State
shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be
made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three,
Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut
five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland
six, Virginia ten, North