If you ain't white you ain't right! prove you are white!

if you ain't white you ain't right! prove you are white!

im white

I know who is my father

I own a dakimakura
I post animes

I own juice

But where's your proof?

I can't dance...., or jump.

had to confirm that wasnt grape drank
this user checks out

I can build a functioning and self sustaining fortress in dwarf fortress.

I get nervous around the color black

He asked for proves of you being white, not a fucking weeaboo.

I drink a glass of milk with supper.

my mom bought me lunchables back in the day

I have a talent for cracking whips

I have shot and killed multiple unarmed black,people.

my surname can also be a firstname

I have blue eyes and naturally blond straight hair

"Williams" proof denied

i think #blackLIESmatter

sht guys I think I might actually be black now
wat do

I'm not just white, I'm aryan

I tell people "If its not Vanilla" im not the fella lol

I have a job.

I take care of my kids.... they know im their dad

i don't have a criminal record



I like mayo on a sandwich. Also I own my own house and have great credit.

I hate chicken, it makes me sick

why are you getting mad over synonyms?

I legitimately purchased my bike.

...dat seat cover, doh, I jacked dat shit!


proof: i know that the man in your picture if joseph smith. founder of the Mormon church. didnt have to google it.

[ blue ]

I fucked my cousin.

Who was a white polygamist that worshipped as a free mason and created a shaming cult for all who were not white males.

I have...money
Whitepower, trump for president

I'm whiteish.

d/dx x^log x
= d/dx exp(log x * log x)=d/dx exp((log x)^2)
= 1/x * 2* log x * exp((log x)^2)
= ((2 log x)/x)*x^log x

I have no idea how to cut a watermelon efficiently.

Thanks for the warning officer

When I stop and ask a police officer for directions, he calls me "sir" and offers to escort me to where I'm going so I don't get lost in niggertown.

I have a mortgage, not section 8 rent

what is x=4?

I don't drink Kool-Aid

I don´t live in a Ghetto, can compose orchestral music, get horrible sun burns and I don´t like watermelons.

When I get pulled over I usually only get a warning as opposed to being shot.


I know who my father is