Be honest, was anyone expecting him to be the best part of the airport fight scene?

Be honest, was anyone expecting him to be the best part of the airport fight scene?

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Now giANT-MAN I can get into .

Pretty much, next to Spiderman.

I was pretty angry at that. Planes are the most beautiful machines humans have ever built and to destroy one like that for no reason pissed me off so much.

surprised the shit out of me and the audience in my theater

>Wants to prove that superheros don't need government regulation
>Destroys $300 million aircraft for no reason

That fucking close-up of his eyes getting all wide through his mask and him going "OH-HO HO" like an excited little kid killed me.

computer make me a big guy for spidey

His action was cool. His jokes were not

All I could think of was this faggot debunking the myth that Antman's mass wouldn't float him away.

Faggot totally ruined the fun of the fight for me.

Iron Man also blows up that line of planes when he was going after Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch.


Hi Bill Wilson!

>destroy an entire airport while pulling punches and trying not to hurt each other too bad
gee why do superheroes need to be regulated?

>Implying 'Its your conscience, we dont talk much' was not the quip of the movie

Computer can I get a nude Cap?

computer run the scarjo_xxx.exe sequence

You're a big plane enthusiast

I was. But I don't see why he would fight on Cap's team and become a criminal again. The whole point of his movie was to get away from that and take care of his family

Airport fight fucked.

Why were giant ant man's movements so slow

What? He becomes a criminal again to steal the yellowjacket thing or whatever

Computer, give me a print out of Evans laughing



Yeah this bothered me too. When he shrinks he supposedly keeps his mass or whatever so he still has all of his strength, if not more. When he grows he should be able to move around just fine, i don't know why he moves in slow motion.

Preferred the line when Spidey throwing the plank at Bucky

is the old suit better than the new suit?

When Captain America tells you that he needs your help to stop five defrosted Soviet super-assassins that are each as strong as he is, I imagine it's hard to say no.

Do we have any new sequences?

>No line at the end where he says "I've been to jail plenty of times, but my worst sentence is for doing the right thing"
Its like Marvel wants to be shit

Yes. But the new suit isn't that bad.

Because he sacrifices speed for power.


bro-science at its best,folks


>gets bigger
>moves in super slow motion

Jet fuel and electronics are held inside the wings. How come he didnt esplode

Do you think Snyder cried when he saw Giant-Man damaging that 10/10 Turkish Airlines™ plane?

People really liked spiderman? I kinda hated him. His constant quipping was annoying



fucking hell 10/10

What movie is this from?

>His constant quipping was annoying

That's how he is though. The first movie to actually get Peter to act like Peter.

Is Hank Pym alive in the MCU or did he die in Ant Man? I can't remember.

>gets smaller
>muscle density scales in accordance, needs restraint to avoid killing people
>gets bigger

I'm surprised the achilles heel of Giant Man wasn't that you could throw punches on his toes and break his heel

and fuck the haters, Spiderman quips worked a lot better in context than in trailers

>Why were giant ant man's movements so slow

They missed the chance to having him saying "Fee-fi-fo-fum" when he turned into Giant man

At least this quip would be funny

hes just old

They probably needed the Jaws of Life Spiderman was shoehorned so hard.

He literally had zero place in the story.

Of course it had a place.

oh god kek

The Losers I think.

so what's the point of getting bigger if he will still have normal strengh? to be a bigger target?

That shit cracked me the fuck up. Fucking sounded like he was going to belt out a FEE FI FO FUM

The DCs

He's saying he should still have been fast. Because fast giants are a thing.

Fuck yes. New one isn't bad but

>being big means you're really slow

I'll never understand this physics meme

Now Bane I can get into.

Also why don't they ever address all the dozens of civilians killed in car accidents during their stupid chase scenes? captain america drives on the wrong side of traffic routinely. we see him dodging cars but what happens to the cars that swerve away from him and hit something else/flip over off screen?

It's strange
Bane was big guy but he was also smart

They had to add a weakness of some sort. If he moved regular speed or was fast then he'd rekt all of Tony's team aside from Vision


i get it, but does the logic i said apply?
smaller, normal strengh
bigger, normal strengh?

B-but Bucky...

>Also why don't they ever address all the dozens of civilians killed in car accidents during their stupid chase scenes?

Explain yourself faggot.

No I don't accept that, that's bullshit

No one in the theater got the Manchurian Candidate reference


Doesn't apply here because he still retains his strength or whaterver

The audience in my theater got a good chuckle out of it.

I'm sorry for where you live, user.

Under rated post

>No I don't accept that, that's bullshit

It's verified scientific fact.

That reference bothered me later. Kind of says Tony fully understood what Bucky was, yet still went apeshit and tried to kill him.

>Doesn't apply here because he still retains his strength or whaterver

Someone can't comprehend what he reads.

It revealed a level of Tony Stark that we hadn't seen before. Nobody was even aware that Stark actually keeps tabs on other potential Avengers candidates like this. I guess with SHIELD gone and Fury God knows where he realized he has be be the one to do it. Again, it fits in line with the overall theme of personal responsibility he had throughout the film. He also did not once force Peter to out himself and sign up to these Sokovia papers either and is content on letting him keep doing his thing in NY. And even at the end after the fight he tells Peter he's done, and knows where to draw the line for him.

It's pretty good development for Stark, who went through a lot of emotions in this film, and now has a mentor component to his character, unlike Cap who had on setting all the way through.

Peter's inclusion may have been last minute but it was not out of place and added a lot to Stark's character. Not to mention that Peter was also very fun to see in the film. He's a lot like Ultimate's iteration.

>"I don't care. He killed my mom."
He went into a rage and wasn't thinking clearly.

yeah totally get that he was pissed. Still, that reference is a hell of a lot more involved than Bucky just "following orders."

What annoyed me more was Bucky responded with "I remember everything" just to piss off Tony more. He was really apologetic just moments before.

>implying 'Thinks for thanking of me' wasn't goat.

>DAS RITEs piped up in the back along with stomping and clapping at the OJ reference

Fucking hell.

Anybody got any webms of Spiderman fighting?

The Fuhrman line? Between that and Hawkeye basically calling him Judas, shit got dark for a second there

Yeah they really breezed over the fact that the airport started being evacuated less than 5 minutes before the explosions started.

For all these fucking heroes knew there were civilians on those airplanes that Ironman and Antman were blowing up.

Also Vision dropped an entire control tower on top of Bucky and Captain America.

I mean, Cap's team wasn't exactly perfect during the brawl, but it seemed like Ironman's team was TRYING to kill civilians.

Yeah. Dark, literally.

What if Bucky's mom's name was Martha?

Nothing happened of any consequence in the movie. It was literally a filler movie meant to sell tickets and merchandise.

Emotion overruled logic on that one. He just watched footage of his parents getting killed by Bucky, and then finds out Cap knew about it the whole time. If he wasn't in his suit, he would have an outburst, but he would have calmed down faster. The only way to stop him was to beat the hell out of him.

I didn't take that as antagonistic. He was trying to show Tony how guilty he felt over the whole thing, knowing that nothing he could say would change anything.

Vision was out of control during that entire fight and nobody even gave a shit.

>"I thought that was a water truck!"

>Im a bitter faggot

thanks for sharing I guess

Both Tony and Rhodes scan the area to find Cap and Co. and literally no one else shows up while they search.

Coast is clear.

Yeah that was Bucky trying to say it wasn't fun for me I literally had no control over my actions.

I'm not bitter, but I did waste two and a half hours of my life watching something that started out with consequences but then ended with nothing really changed. None of this will affect the next movie in the slightest.

It may as well have been called Captain America Somewhat Befuddled But Then Okay.

Tony figuring out it was Peter was the most shoehorned thing in the movie.

>im a big baby wahhh

He was cool