>General pokemon GO thread

Other urls found in this thread: is a polygon&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b&gfe_rd=cr&ei=SieDV97ODO3k8AeRp5rwDA

any1 know some funny retarded user names u can use like traffic cone or grocery bag


Bump .


I always wondered how they came up with porygon. Its Just so very different from the other pokemon with how theyre designed and what environment its derived from.

Just a weird pokemon. Nice catch!

Thanks bros
I think the stole it from another game .

Just got this making some nachos

Fucker was waiting for me outside.

>dont go to sleep so i can lure at the morning
>4am walking up the block seeing this cat nearby
>walking in circles for like 10 minutes
>didnt found
>found Psyduck instead
>best day of my life

Must remember to buy chalk...

When outside at random places, draw pokemon body outlines...

Actually, I need some fake blood too...


Any tips for catching pokemon with high cp?

level up. use berry's.

I've never played Pokemon so Idk what is rare and what isn't but I caught an Abra and he is pretty cool

It's a polygon, and it's how a japanese person would pronounce it.

When I caught it the name was porygon . Weird that's what I thought it's name was .

>making nachos
>look at what's near by
>holy what what's that
>open my door
>walk around like a idiot
>make a left
>runs away
>meowth poops up
>here fucker have some razz berry
>winning .

Yes, the pokemons name is porygon. is a polygon&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b&gfe_rd=cr&ei=SieDV97ODO3k8AeRp5rwDA

Best spots for specific pokemon??

I'm not saying it's not I'm with you .

>When I caught it the name was porygon
>Implying that it should be called something else.

I'm pretty sure his name is ura faggot

Why would anyone play this game?? What type of self respecting Pokémon fan would actually spend their time and money on such a bastardized version of pokemon! You should all be ashamed... Unless you're all just casual mobile faggots who've never actually played Pokémon... But anyone who has ever played Pokémon should not support this monstrosity. There are 4 aspects that make up a Pokémon game: Hunting, Capturing, Grinding, and Battling, this game satisfies 1 of those categories. The capturing is merely a Pokémon Paper Toss game, the grinding is accomplished by paying real money, and the battling is done not with the classic Pokémon battles mechanic that requires actual skill and strategic, it gets replaced with tapping on your phone screen as fast as possible wins.... It's disgusting, whoever pays the most money wins... You fake gamer fans supporting this disgusting sellout by Nintendo releasing a half assed sorry excuse of a game after promising to never release a shitty half assed mobile game and sellout with micro-transactions. I urge you all to open your eyes and uninstall and rally together to send a message to Nintendo to not fuck us over with half assed games! There is no reason why this game shouldn't have the same classic Pokémon battle mechanic!

someonee help me. i made a pokemon account on my burner email. if anyone wants to help me, please tell me. im moving soon, but i dont want to be so far behind. ill help you when i move back to cali. or i can give you some tf2 shit or some steam cards

trading cards btw. not cash. lol


well im trying to get help from Sup Forums here