Can I an hero with 10 squares of LSD? My friend's brother has some and I know where it is...

Can I an hero with 10 squares of LSD? My friend's brother has some and I know where it is, I'm just wondering if that'll provide me a quick and painless death. I'm just done with this world and I can't ignore this huge window, considering I'm too much of a pussy for most other ways to an hero

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helium method

Yes. Do it now.

Do it take all the acid. That should do the trick
Post timestamp of acid

Actually, yes, that should do it.
As long as the acid has been kept properly 10 squares of it should end your life, no problem.
No pain, just blackness.
It takes about 2 hours to kick in but when it does it should be quick and quiet.

Bleach your way out.

Just do carbon monoxide like a normal person. You can't die from acid, you'd just mentally fuck yourself up

so long, OP

Pretty good idea, you'll be relaxed and it will be quick. One of the best ways to go.

You would trip ass. probably go insane. Probably would't die either/ Your mind would break.

drugless retard detected
as long as you swallow the 10 pack you'd most likely black out in about 30 min, you wouldn't even notice

You wont die you'll just trip balls. I suggest the classic painkiller/alcohol combo to stop your breathing.

you'll have an extremely heavy trip which will last for like a week or so

Lol. You're going to die in some of the worst horror and fear that can possibly exist

You need at least twice that much to od

OP here getting mixed signals, come on faggots I really do want to die. And no bleach and the other shit is painful, that I know

Put it this way, OP
The life you're tired of will be over.
A new life will begin.

Just take the acid faggot

Yeah, but if you really want it to be fun, do 5, one every half hour, so you get an awesome trip, then the other 5 all of a sudden to end the thing.

Stop being a faggot and go to your parents for help. Get yourself committed to the nuthouse for a few months. Start looking for help, you need it. You're too young and dumb to be making a decision like this.

Dont take someone elses good time on ur way out you selfish fuck. Get him in trouble and make him feel bad. Just go die u shit

Look at all these fucking morons who don't know shit about drugs, op it won't kill you, but will most likely make you retarded and or insane

This guy I knew bit into a whole sheet of lSD, his minds broken, nows he's locked in a mental institution forever

Please do OP and write down experience before you blackout

Damn dude idk.. That's only 1,000 mics , I've done 6 strip and came back fine... If you can call me that

lsd can't kill you

You can't an hero with LSD. Sorry. Most psychedelics and tyrptines won't. Try nbohm-25 instead if you want to convulse to death.

You sound like a suburban mom

You're going be a new person.
Or not.
Up to you.


ive always thought off killing myself on L
Id do a 50 strip.

duck that dude, cut them in half and microdose for 20 days

If at the end you don't feel any better then an hero.

If you are worried about pain then don't do the acid. A bad trip is a special kind of pain. It's mental, it effects your fucking soul. Physical pain is nothing. Mental anguish will really make you want to kill yourself

It depends, OP. Did you get actual LSD, or did you get cheap knockoff shit like NBOMe?

If you bought actual LSD, you can't overdose on it, period. But the chances are pretty damned good that you got cheap shit like NBOMe, which means that you probably CAN overdose and kill yourself if you use all 10 tabs.

This. If you're going to kill yourself don't be a dick in the process. Taking someone else's drugs both ruins their chance to use it, AND gets them blamed for your death which is just an asshole thing to do.

Just jump off a fuckin building or something, nose dive head first, shit'll kill ya right quick

You can't die from a 10 strip of acid.

It'll be an intense trip that will last a day but nothing else

>Can I an hero with 10 squares of LSD?


Well who knows, if it ended up being nBome, he probably could die lol.

shut the fuck up faggot you clearly dont know shit about drugs, dont try to be an smart ass you cringy fuck

you should only need like half that to kill yourself OP

The ld50 is like 12mg the average street blotter is like 60~100ug. The only way you would die is if it is not lsd but a member of the nbome series .

Really? People have died off two hits off the stuff, retard.

You don't get me. I live in constant pain every day. Everyone else my age is out doing fun things, fucking chicks, going to clubs, and my fat ass is here on minecraft close to 24/7 and eating sliced bread because that's all I have the energy to make. I was built wrong, so I'm RMA'ing myself back to the factory up in heaven

I'll be gone, I won't have to worry about that

it's the fact that posts like these popping up... I don't think this is a good idea anymore


Will that be enough pain to make me slit my wrists? I have plenty of cutting utencils laying around. I'm just too much of a pussy, but I guess if this mental pain is worse maybe I'll want to do it?

The most I've ever taken at once is three tabs. The body high was so intense it was like painful almost. And this went on for almost an hour. The visuals were amazing and I was having strange audio halucinations. You should try it

This is true! but could probably need more than 10 tabs for death, 10 would just wreak your world for like 15 hours

If your size of a hit is 100mcg and you say someone died from two hits... that is seriously pathetic... i have a hard time believing that

Idk man I tried over 10 diff rc's I'm fucked up after doing so many Chems in such a short period of time. Really weird now everything is

I know a dude who did 12 hits and woke up handcuffed to a hospital bed, after being tazered by police for freaking out in the middle of the street.

He's talking about 2 hits of an NBOMe, faggot. NBOMes come in milligrams, btw, and two hits of some of these can very well be fatal to some people.

One of the people who died was a teenager, 16 I think, but we don't know how old OP is.

Take the LSD. At least you may have a new outlook on life if you've never tripped before.

I also blacked out every once in a while, I would come to in the middle of conversations and I had no sense of time whatsoever. It was all just intense. My friend also took 3 and he stayed in his bathtub most of the night.


Please do not do this. You hurting yourself will hurt everyone you know a hundred times more. Your emotions are destabilized, I get that; but imagine how it will be for those who love you.

Have fun not dying and having permanent brain damage

hmm i see but if someone isn't used to LSD at all and then takes 10 tabs they would certainly be very fucked up

Taste them if they are bitter they aren't lsd and probably some RC than can possibly kill you if you take all 10.

Take the LSD
i mean, you have nothing to lose and things can only get better, right? ^^
Go for it, big guy!

Given the next to nil toxicity of L, you'd die from ingesting too much paper before you died from an "OD" bud.. Go ahead and eat the ten strip, it might change your perspective of the world enough for you to want to live afterward. It would actually probably be very good for your mental health.

one time i took too much acid and i was tripping for more than a day and i felt like i'd never be sober again

I know that after i took my first trip i had an entirely different outlook on life and my senses were changed as well

Also, you'd owe about $70 to whoever you took that shit from. Might get your ass kicked over it, but it'd be worth it.

If you're feeling depressed, LSD might help you

Any amerifags here need acid mailed to them? I accept iTunes gift card codes as payment.

Least painful way would be carbon monoxide poisoning. 10 tablets arent guaranteed to kill you and will be painful either way

get the fuck out of this thread, dickhead!

Had a buddy at a festi once get 3 ten strips soaked in the hard rain. He figured better to eat then to waste since the water would degrade the Lucy, and before we could stop him he popped the whole handful of wet paper in his mouth. The next four days were pretty fun for him.

You fucking kids Jesus christ.

You CANNOT OD on lsd. Period.
Albert Hoffmann, the creator of lsd, did not know what to dose the first time he tried it, so he took 250 millograms, that's TWO THOUSAND AND FIVE FUCKING HUNDRED "hits" in today's world (10 Micros on average). And he didn't even go crazy.

Hay there

yes my address is 1313 the white house

you get out

Hell of a bike ride, jesus..

Probably not. Take some of the acid though, it might change your mind or make life seem a bit better.

but if it's not actually LSD it could be fatal

This guy fucking knows what's up

You interested or something? Or are you a "hello FBI" fag?

Of course I concur with this

That is true. 2ci, 2cb, or nbome and he's out. Knew a guy who took one drop of some research chems nasally and died from the seizures.


How about just do one square and lighten the fuck up a little? We are all beautiful lives with infinite potential. Stop wasting your life with negativity, pop some acid and start figuring your shit out. Even if it takes you a decade at least from there you can say you did it and live the good life.

tl;dr: pop acid and get your shit together


ever tryed to change your lifestyle?
hit the gym and go out some times
you got nothin to lose

why the fuck would you want to kill yourself via acid

most people shoot up to much heroin and fall asleep forever but taking 10 hits of REAL acid and not some research shit would most likely just make you go fucking insane


>do the acid
>walk into traffic
there you go!

lolyou can't OD on LSD faggot.
so no.

Oh FFS, no it won't kill you. Acid doesn't work like that. If you haven't taken it before it might make you mental.
If you're keen on having a 12-hour bad trip + psychological problems after, have at it. However, it might not and make you see life in a new way but seeing as you're already searching for ways to kill yourself, it's almost guaranteed that a bad trip is on the line.

Go seek help, see a shrink, get hospitalized, whatever. If it doesn't help you can still kill yourself then. or 10 years after. Death, most of the time, comes too early not too late. It won't run away from you.

best reply yet

just take 2-3 squares and see life in a better light.

quicker and less painless than dying. also, you have some time to do something with your life, that you didn't realize you could do.

I was about to post this but you just did in better words.

Take 2 and listen to chill music.

If you have LSD just trip balls everyday, just trip and trip and trip

apparently LSD overdose leads to panic attacks and seizures and you'd likely die from brain hemorrhaging and idk how painful that i. Also seizures and vomiting along with mood swings and panic attacks, it doesnt sound all that fun but then again there might be a different effect taking very high quantities

LSD won't kill you.
You could take 10000 tabs and it won't kill you.
However, people sell other shit as LSD all the time, 80% of the LSD going around isn't real LSD. Some of those cheap substitutes could easily kill you if you take 10.

Point being, try it faggot.

OP i would 99 percent of the time try to troll you and say take it.

The reason it is such a bad idea is that there is no possibility of dying and since you are in such a depressed mindset it would be a beyond nightmarish bad trip.

I suffered a bad trip last year and pulled my shotgun on my family on 3 tabs.

I wouldn't wish a bad trip on anyone OP but 10 tabs will be praying for death tier. Trust me.

This, that much acid will fucking ruin your brain.

Anyone got that post about that guy who's roommate slipped him a bunch of acid in a can of Red Bull?

maybe just try one tab or see if you can get shrooms and try a spiritual journey to get a new outlook on life

None of these people know what they are talking about. It is possible to OD from LSD, but the amount required to kill you such a large dose that you will never acquire enough. If you are feeling that bad that you want to die, I would recommend taking a hit. It will change your perspective on life.

it takes 211 hits of acid to show any signs of near death signs. Do it with a gun to the face that is easier.

Its nearly impossible to OD on LSD. I've done a 1000ug dose and it was crazy and patterns were overlying alot of my vision but thats not nearly enough to die. Even if each tab is 300ug you still wont be able to OD. Youd have to take 200 mg and 1000ug is only 1mg