Thoughts on captain america civil war

What are your thoughts on the new Captain America Sup Forums??.

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I liked it.

It was pretty good.

Thunderbolt Ross starts his gaslighting presentation with New York, the city that the politicians he represents wanted to nuke off the face of the Earth when the aliens arrived. Iron Man had to lead the nuke into a portal. Millions would've died.

Vision was cool in this movie. He had the best lies and the best thoughts and the best scenes.



I enjoyed it. Certainly not a perfect film, but I had a blast watching it. Great characters and some pretty well done action sequences.

The shaky cam during the fights was just a touch too much, but didn't ruin anything for me.

A lot of movies I've seen recently had me wishing I hadn't wasted my time and money. This one didn't.

Tip top capekino

Explain why the bad guy didn't just upload the video on YouTube and send it to Ironman
Plothole of eagle-tier proportions desu läds

I think it did a good job.

It begs the question though - why wasn't Vision in on the opening mission? He literally could have just won, without any casualties.

Why did Cap have to get so pissy about Witch being on lockdown? Her instability JUST killed innocent people, but Tony's the bad guy keeping her isolated with a friend she can't hurt?

Why didn't they just ice Bucky the second they captured him? Why put him through interrogation the second he steps in the door?

Black Panther stood idly by while Zemo tricked the Avengers into fighting each other?

The fuck is the point of the Accords? If Aliens invade, the Avengers are just going to sit with their thumbs up their asses until the UN says go?

Shield clearly still exists after the events of WS and AoS - nobody was around to negotiate the need for the Avengers to exist outside UN control? They think they have more authority than Thor?

Am I to believe Howard Stark was driving that piece of shit in 1991?

bland, predictable and forgettable

there was one good fight scene, and I'm not talking about the CGI fest at the airport, but even that was brought down by stupid motivations

shoehorned characters, generic bond villain and nonsensical motivations for the main characters brought the overall story down

but people don't watch these movies for the story, so yea, just another circle jerk of capeshit

What do you think of the new Spider-Man?.

I think it did a very good job managing several plot lines and making sure they all had sufficient time and were developed and concluded.

The airport fight, which I thought would be a mess, ended up being the highlight of the film. Ant Man and Spiderman were fantastic, easily the best part of the movie.

I just wish Vision had more to do, but its clear they knew he was too OP and toned him down. Also, where was Nick Fury??

Overall, not as good as Winter Soldier but pretty high up there. Spiderman was better than any other depiction of him before and Captain America was right

I'm done with this Mickey Mouse-tier soap opera drama. It doesn't help either that all the fight scenes are edited by a teenager with Tourette's and Parkinson's, it's as if they want to distract the audience from how shoddy everything looks by waving a flashlight on their face. I couldn't give a damn about any of these sterile excuses for characters. During the airport scene all the artificially-inflated conflict devolved into a child playing with one toy in each hand and bashing them together.

It's riddled with sophomoric and shallow pseudo-political ponderings that are thrown out the window when the quiptastic action starts. They completely disregard for the umpteenth time the collateral damage while they're having fun showcasing their flashy abilities.

The third act pretends to get serious when in reality it turns into a cheap heartstring manipulation revolving around "why didn't you tell me Cap waaa".

This part completely disregards the fact that Stark knows all too well that brainwashing and mental manipulation is a thing, let's not forget that he has witnessed it firsthand with Banner. There's no excuse for him to have such a sudden change of heart other than to extend the conflict for another 15 minutes of mindless violence, and leave the manchildren with the impression that they've just witnessed an intricate revenge tragedy.

All smoke and mirrors, the constant quipping is an effective tool to cloud a fanboy's mind and judgement.

Finally, what's left is an entire team of "world-class" heroes that got fooled by a man wearing a Bucky mask. Not to mention that the villain's stale trope was better executed 19 years ago when Scream 2 came out, ironically, a film satirizing this cliché.

If you don't think this is cartoonish and laughable you might be too young to post on this site.

Never again.

I really liked it, Zemo was a good villain. It did feel a little weird and stupid how Iron Man went to recruit a 15 year old kid for a giant battle.

No, he's right.
This glorification of trite entertainment and soulless moviemaking is really getting out of hand.

>Good popcorn movie bro!

It's a cynical treatise on destroying people and the masses are eating this shit with a grin on their faces.

I didn't the comics but in my mind, I always thought Spider Man would be on Cap's team

oooooh ah ah ah ah

not that guy, but the kid they got for the new spiderman is GOAT. he is literally peter parker as fuck.

>There's no excuse for him to have such a sudden change of heart other than to extend the conflict for another 15 minutes of mindless violence,

Every single movie until CW has established that Stark is a hypocritical childish impulsive narciscist and border line sociopath. He switched on Ultron and didn't even hesitate about turning on Vision because as he said to Banner, "we're mad scientists". He genuinely sees people as tools that he can use to get what he wants.

That's why when he see's what happens to his parents, he lashes out like an impulsive child.Cap was totally justified in not telling him shit because he can't have mature relationships with anyone. He's a self destructive asshole with addictive tendencies.

Stark is low key super villain but you're too much of a dummy to see it.

Simply put, you have a low cinematic IQ, or some sort of Stockholm Syndrome, from overexposure to bland, safe, PC and soulless mass-produced blockbusters, which has conditioned you into accepting the absolute lowest common denominator standards in filmmaking, writing and cinematography as somehow acceptable, when you should in fact feel nothing but contempt or disgust for any Kevin Feige-conceived product.

Even strictly in the field of capeshit entertainment, where the bar has always been pretty low, since they're primarly a children media, the level of genuine quality and creative abilities (which comes from studios giving freedom to an auteur with a strong personality and vision towards the material) has kept dropping since the 90's.

When Raimi's Darkman/Spider-Man, Del Toro's Blade 2/Hellboy, Burton's Batman 2 or Bird's The Incredibles offered innovative and playful set pieces, meaningful and relevant themes, each with a very distinct, appropriate tone and truly cinematic aesthetics (simply compare the lighting or editing to today's equivalents), none of these qualities are to be found in Civil War or any of the previous MCU entries. This is why Edgar Wright got fired from Ant-Man. This is why Feige keeps hiring visionless point-and-shoot directors who come from TV or comedy, colorblind cinematographers and art/set design teams who seem to be in love with grey, sterile hangars for some unexplainable reason. Action scenes are now being conceived by CGI teams months before the movie begins shooting and all follow the exact same formula.

Even as a child, I couldn't imagine being dazzled or amused by those turds, as they're utterly devoid of any charm, colors, magic or imagination.

Listen bud, he's got radioactive blood.

I think this might be the strongest Spider-Man yet to be in a movie. Everyone bitches that he gets beat by cap, but he is actually much stronger than most of the villains portrayed in Spider-Man movies so far, barring venom, so that's actually pretty damn impressive.

>Why did Cap have to get so pissy about Witch being on lockdown? Her instability JUST killed innocent people, but Tony's the bad guy keeping her isolated with a friend she can't hurt?

because the deal was to be regulated, not placed under house arrest

The Marvel Studios fandom is full of generic cunts who try to seem quirky and unique by identifying heavily with a slightly offbeat fandom such as the Marvel Cinematic Universe "But wait, that's actually incredibly mainstream and not offbeat at all!" you say. And you're right. But actual offbeat things don't give as much 'nerd' cred, and these things have more creative value than reality TV so people on Tumblr can make posts such as "Why are all girls nowadays such idiots who watch Jersey Shore? I'm very unique because I like nerdy intelligent stuff like Iron Man 3, and I like quirky men like Tom Hiddleston and Mark Ruffalo teehee, look at this repeating gif of 0.5 seconds of Loki doing a thing with his face and a theory about how all the Marvel movies are connected and Thanos is going to collect all the Infinity Gems except in the movies none of them are really "gems" at all and here is some fanart of all the Avengers gender swapped and with less sexist costumes and they all have the exact same fucking face with that bulbous red nose also did you know that I am a girl who likes superheroes I know it's hard to believe but it is true I AM AN AVENGERS look at this gif of Tony Stark raising his eyebrow, anyway The Avengers is sexist because Black Widow's costume is too tight and unrealistic for a special agent so here is a redesign of her in figure hiding combat fatigues because I am progressive. Does anyone else think that Hulk and Iron Man would make a good couple? TEE HEE I LOVE GAYS BECAUSE I AM SO TOTALLY NOT HOMOPHOBIC EVEN THOUGH I TREAT GAYS AS AN AMUSING NOVELTY Rocket Racoon for president!"

it wasn't very good

>Thorlene Odinson
This triggers me so bad.

I personally think hes a huge wuss Tobey & Andrew did it better in my opinion.

Shoehorned? Who? Everyone had a purpose and therewas clear motive with the villan. The motives were actually there and on top i doubt you actually seen the movie... Oh fuck me this is bait.

hes a high school student fighting captain america, you expecting him to go toe to toe with cap??

At the very least, it is what Avengers 2 should have been

This is a samefag, btw. He's been posting this in every pro-MCU thread.

inb4 a shopped image """""""""""""""""""""""proving""""""""""""""""""""""" me wrong.


Nice blog post.
Here's your one free you.

No stakes
No risks (both by the characters and by the "creative" team that developed the movie).
Same ol' "tune in next week :^)".
Like crack cocaine for children, might as well consume the real deal if you're already damaging your brain cells this much.

Aww, is someone upset he doesn't have buddies who'd go watch it with him?

Wait wait wait ....
You mean to tell me a comicbook movie is writting like the comics to have a spring board for other movies that are based off of comics to have an entrance?
It's almost like 99% of franchises do that to allow a sequel or other movies..

>Why was there a camera in the woods?
>why was it pointed exactly at the car crash?
>Why did Hydra hise such damning information?
>Why wasn't Vision in Africa
>How did Zemo know they would get people killed there?
>why didn't Scarlett Witch contain the explosion?
>how did Zemo know how every single character would react and which ones would go where?

I thought the sped up movement in the action scenes was really lame, particularly after Winter Soldier, which had some pretty impactful, weighty fights in it.

captain america was annoying and did everything wrong

literally can't understand how anyone can like him in this movie

>wahhh he doesn't believe how i believe wahhhh
>he sucks wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>I know I'm literally Americas mascot and a highly devoted soldier, but I'm going to say fuck and choose me BFF instead

yea that was some shit

Shameless self promotion:

Here's me and 4 friends thoughts post seeing it at a theater. Any listen's would be appreciated.

The whole point of the movie is that these "heroes" are just humans and are bound to be irrational. The Accords are just a plot device that offer a glimpse into the mind of the avengers and how they feel about their place in the world.

It was entertaining.

t. DCuck

Can we all just agree that pic related was the worst thing this movie had to offer?

>stealth mission

at least she knows not to trust the colored man

>Why was there a camera in the woods?
It was placed on a chainlink fence, most likely bordering Stark's property.

>why was it pointed exactly at the car crash?
It was pointed at the road, because it's a security camera.

>Why did Hydra hise such damning information?
The Winter Soldier program may be infiltrated by Hydra, but it's still a soviet spy ops. They have to pretend to answer to higher authorities, present proof of Bucky's actions.

>Why wasn't Vision in Africa
Because a gold, green, and red man isn't exactly the best person suited for a covert operation.

>How did Zemo know they would get people killed there?
He did not. He took the chance and used that event and the accords to further his plans.

>why didn't Scarlett Witch contain the explosion?
Seriously? She tried, but failed.

>how did Zemo know how every single character would react and which ones would go where?
He didn't care about most of the characters, all he needed was to get Cap, Bucky, and Tony at the same place and shot Tony the tape.

I don't know why anyone would think that comic deserved to be adapted in the first place.
>Same ol' "tune in next week :^)"
Actually, if you ignore the post-credits you can pretend this was the last movie.

You are either a woman or an homosexual.

its not really good or bad it just kind of is. felt like a 3 hour setup for something that doesnt happen. jokes arent funny. no good banter. panther, antman, and spiderman being thrown in for no real reason other than being plot devices.

it was like the fantastic fags movie, it just kinda ends.

I thought Age of Ultron was the bottom of the barrel. How wrong I was.

>soviet spy ops still existing in 1991

wtf bro

It's shit.

The point is that the main goal of the movie seems to be set up future sequels.

>soviet spy
But he's Hydra. They're the Nazis.

Felt like the idea was taken from BvS. The idea of superheroes not caring about casualties of their world saving. And the idea of one guy going berserk when something related to his dead mother happens. And in both case it is the technology guy.
Or perhaps Hollyjews are trying to tell us something in general?

Its a comic movie following up to infinity war. Can't really tie up loose ends then go lol jk

>villain's main goal is muh family
Why not just put that his father was Pierce and his death forced him to leave his family and save his legacy?

The only thing they're trying to tell us is one can make the same movie but better.

>felt like it was taken from bvs.....
>civil war was out before bvs move..
Dcucks everyone

Great action, had an ending that was something other than a giant thing trying to destroy a city. 8/10

because that's completely unsympathetic and makes him just another HYDRAfag, sorry it was too deep for you pleb

the USSR didnt collapse until December 1991

>Marveldrones still getting triggered by the same reliable pastas that tear them a new asshole

I was a huge Captain America fan, but at the end I ended up sympathizing with Tony and wanted him to win. Couldn't stand Captain America after that.

Really? I think Iron Man has been a giant asshole since Avengers 2

tbqh, Spider-man is strong but he lacks experience Cap is an expert combatant.

Is Civil War the best superhero movie ever made?

I believe so.


Did you get it guys?
Don't want you to get lost, this plot is too "complicated" after all. It'll give you a false sense of accomplishment after you're done, you can even explain to your friends what was going on, and it'll make you look even smarter!

God, the fight editing in this shitflick was done by apes, where does the budget go?

Nostalgia Critic just reminded me that Mask of the Phantasm exists so I'm going to have to disagree with you.
Best live action maybe.

But here he had a point. At the final combat scene most people would have done the same thing. Captain America ended up coming off as some Dindu Nuffin.

I understand Iron Man being angry at winter solider. But he was brainwashed at the time he killed Tony's parents, and Tony was doing exactly what Zemo wanted.

You make a very good point user.

The thing was Captain held the truth from Tony all this time. Then had the nerve to go punching on Stark too.

That's why i wrote "forced", retarded meme spouting marvelkek. He is FORCED to save Hydra's legacy, maybe by other hydrafags that have his family at gun point.
The Russos could have done any possible thing with this movie but they went for the safe way because money.

Okay, let's pretend for a while that you're a human being with actual emotions. Pretend you just saw a guy punch your dad to death, then choke your mom.
Are you going to think logically about it?

Budget doesn't have anything to do with editing or handling a camera correctly.

i dont get why everyone was bitching about the people dying in nyc and dc. if the avengers werent there aliens/a nuke would have leveled nyc and killed way more and hydra would have 3 carriers killing whoever they want.

sara-whatever makes sense cause ultron was made by stark, but the avengers didnt cause the nyc/dc shit

But user, SOMEBODY has to get the blame. That's how life works.

Pretty much this. Fuck Bucky and Steve.

Captain America knew that Hydra assassinated Tonys parents. He didnt know that Bucky himself did the deed
Since he cant control his emotions hes really not much of s a super hero. Ironman did nothing but lock up and/or try to kill his friends in this whole movie

>worst thing
not with dem titties

well what are they supposed to do?? is bucky supposed to let stark kill him and rodgers is supposed to stand there and watch??

>Since he cant control his emotions hes really not much of s a super hero
That's a completely nonsensical statement. Emotional control isn't what being a hero is about. Think about what you typed for a minute.

Still though I became sour at Captain, even though he was my favorite up until that point.

I wonder what Thor would have done if he was in Tony's place.....

boring af

Best Marvel movie easily. Wonter Soldier and GotG were also great but this one just sets a new standard. Seems like Capt America movies has the best plots of them all, with real world subthemes and a realistic touch to political organizations that rarely gets into other movies. Superheroes exploding a building and killing people would DEFINITELY turn the law, politics and society against them. I'm surprised it took around 8 years for writers to realize that and do something. I understand they had to follow comics but god, Batman did that back in 2008 with TDK and the whole "the hero we not deserve" bullshit.

9/10 because the ending could be darker for both main characters. That was the only flaw, really. Best Spiderman to date.

>an evil terrorist just showed me a video to make me angry. Better try to kill Captain America and his brainwashed scapegoat friend
Tony Stark is retarded

A lot is lost when your movie can't stand on its own.

He does have parent issues and think after having to be against your friends and now ross down your neck, to top it off you found your parents killer cN ypu blame the guy?

It was alright.
Loved Black Panther and Spider-Man,

>this one just sets a new standard
>has the best plots of them all
>ending could be darker for both main characters
>Best Spiderman to date

>I wonder what Thor would have done if he was in Tony's place.....

he would have done the same thing tony did and if thor was in rodgers place he probably would have done the same thing rodgers did.

both parties did exactly what most people would have done of they were in those positions

They cut through the bottom of the barrel and began digging to present you with this piece of garbage.

It's like when a book is made a move a lot is in translation. It's different mediums

forgot to add my picture