Should i kill myself ?

should i kill myself ?

You already do


I ask myself this nearly daily, but nah dude it'll get better. But if it doesn't at least do something newsworthy first.


Not before you give that sauce

do it and stream it on twitch please

This user



What if you're already dead, and this is just your life flashing before your eyes?

Do this and periscope it user

sauuuuuuce plz?


Each day brings us closer to death


why not just work for me ? work hard and buy me games . better than kill ur fucking self

Baba mama you mao ma

What's the point, I'm already dead inside. No point in being redundant.

Do you have anyone that loves you?

why are you asking?, just do it



sauce plz

F u








Man, if you don't value your life at all... I'd use it to pursue a crazy dream or something, and if that doesn't work out then kill yourself. But you know, try to become like a porn star or musician first


Not OP but I have contemplated OP's thought and have executed your step. Thing is, while getting a job to save up all the money needed to do crazy dream then dying, I got side tracked and got promoted(moving the ranks fast abnormally fast). I guess while getting a job like everyone while giving no fuck about chatting with useless co-workers at the work place got me promoted.....I'm fucked as I constantly think about OP's subject still. Suicide process attempting happen again?

Probably not, but what do I know.
I'm a piece of shit, feeling like a worthless fuck, even though nothing in my "outside" life warrants that. I live in a 1st world country, have both parents that love me, an amazing girlfriend, no major illness and so forth.

Yet I'm on anti-depressants that don't do shit and seeing a shrink. Can't motivate myself to do anything that would move me forward in life. I have all this rage and frustration inside of me, locked up.

Almost everyday I'm imagining putting a gun to my head or spilling gas all over myself or a rope around my neck. I feel broken OP, like a malfunctioning robot. Some bug inside my brain software.

I'm too afraid of death's permanence to actually do it though. Like what if I missed something or maybe later in life things will be better?
I don't want the people that love me feel sad because I killed myself. I'm imagining my parents finding my lifeless body in my room, that would destroy them. Imagining my girlfriend hearing that I'm dead, crying and locking herself for months in her room.

Of course if you are really desperate you will stop thinking about the people that love you or maybe you don't have people like that.
I don't know you at all, all I know you wrote a message here. Maybe you wrote it just to troll and laugh while people write funny replies. Maybe it means you want to reach out, you want people to know you are hurting.

I say give it another day.

No she wont

You really don't understand how depression works, do you?

I think the problem is that most people who want to kill themselves are too depressed to do any of that. They would probably just say something like "what's the point"


Give us a fucking sause