Just ate 20mg of THC for my first ever weed experience. Bout 10 minutes in, don't feel anything much. What to expect?

Just ate 20mg of THC for my first ever weed experience. Bout 10 minutes in, don't feel anything much. What to expect?

20 mins in still nothing

You ate 20mg of THC wat?

Weed is overrated imma sell the rest

It was an edible cookie

Sit tight, wait an hour and a half at lest before thinking about eating more. Have fun,

Verification: Grass

>what is a drop in the ocean for 100 plz alex
>i inject more than that erryday

In my experience a first time user can get anything from a full blown panic attack -> nothing .> or high as shit.

Just take more. Tell us how you feel when you eat the whole cookie.

I already ate the whole cookie. It was 20mg

I ate a brownie with .5g of reclaim in it earlier. I'm soaring

Then what do you want me to tell you? You got ripped off.

Have you never had edibles? It easily can take up to two hours to get high off of them depending on metabolism.

It's medical you dumb fuck

To peak.
cannabidiol? congrats you took an anti-psychotic enjoy your anti-high.

This is it

get food, lots of fucking food and if you think your overdosing your not

have fun user
your going to get real fucked up

You'll feel it. Stand up and go look in the mirror. Check out your eyes.

Also did you eat anything before hand? Body weight?

op is going to be very stoned post results

Looks dank, bro. Nice trichomes.

Bruh weak sauce.

I have oil capulse i made at .4g in each.

but have you done it before?
OP hasnt

Still 20MG is nothing when .3 .4g is recomended dose for an acutal high.

Its like expecting to get drunk on a sip of beer jsut because its your first time.

op ur ruining ur high by coming on here jesus

Those measurements don't mean jack shit.

Just because someone can print a label doesn't mean their milligram measurements of a powerful drug are accurate.

What? Are you simple? Go to bed, kiddo.

yeh youre lookin[ ro4 q raather unconvenient

Not feeling anything over an hour in

I told you so.

Wow, you're stupid.
2mg THC is extracted from about .4g of weed, which is the recommended dose.