Wtf is wrong with my dick?

wtf is wrong with my dick?

MD here. this looks like phimosis.

Its never entered a vagina. Medical term is called Faggot.

Just look good. Are you porn actor?

its so... thin

It's small

just cut the end off with scissors. problemo solve-ed

you twist the top off to get the juice out


It's cute, I'd love to suck it off. If you can pull the skin all the way back over the head then it's completely fine, if not then phimosis which you can fix with stretching.


i cant

Everyone is born with it, but it goes away in most people as they age. You need to retract the foreskin bit by bit. Pull down on it as much as you can. Not too much or you'll cause scarring and/or a tear. Just stretch it slowly. Do it everytime you shower for about a minute and it should eventually be able to retract fully.

it's attached to you.

It's not in me

when i do it my penis is bleeding

penis enlargers.
this method will stretch the excess skin accordingly to the new size of your dick

Sucks to be you

do it more and it will stop GP here

Thats bad?

i've got 1,5 nuts man

you still have foreskin

The shape of it makes me think of a Gnome dressed as a ghost for Halloween

An ex of mine had surgery to correct his. He was Fucking awful in bed. Literally the worst. good luck with your turkey gobbler ding dong, giggledick.

Yeah really. Soak it in bleach to cure the wounds.

Paint it white and let him join the KKK


fucking lmao

Let's see your dick

oh shit my sides


Says the mutilated jew


>how he no?
>fucking caught.mp3

this was my first thought when i saw your penis


I have a fetish for people with phimosis

Jesus fucking christ, op gave me a mini heart attack, I have exactly the same drawer and i thought this was taken at my house...