1. Which one would you bang? (1-5 from left to right)

1. Which one would you bang? (1-5 from left to right)

2. Which one had her nudes leaked?

Guess my preference (1) and the slut (2) both correctly and I'll leak the nudes (won't-be-a-fag honor code)

5 and 4

2 and 1

4 and 4

3. 3 so fucking hard. Holy fuck I would make her cum a thousand times and then I'd put my dick in her and make her cum a thousand more.

You prefer 3 and 5 had leaked nudes.

nobody guessed the rite combo yet but here's moar of her for fun

They have arranged themselves from most unattractive (1) to most attractive (4/5). Obviously, I'd fuck either 4 or 5, 2 looks like she would keep nudes, but so does 4.

3 and 4

5 and i wish 4

>4 looks like my cousin
>5 looks like my gf
>I'd fuck 4
>just found out something about myself

easy 2 1

1 and 4 relentlessly and repeatedly

3 is your pref, 5 is the slut.

1 and 5

Eh, I take it back.

My new preference is 5, and I'm guessing 5 and 5 for you.

2 and 3. Am I right? :P

4 and 3

1. Would bang 1-5 in reverse order.
2. Who cares, share the noods.


4 is your pref, 1 is the slut

1. I think number 5 (all the way to the right) is the prettiest.

2. Number 2, not sure why though, maybe it's the smile.

None. They all look 12.

There's only 15 options in total, so this shouldn't take long.

OP likes 1 and 1 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 1 and 2 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 1 and 3 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 1 and 4 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 1 and 5 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 2 and 2 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 2 and 3 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 2 and 4 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 2 and 5 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 3 and 3 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 3 and 4 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 3 and 5 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 4 and 4 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 4 and 5 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 5 and 5 had her nudes stolen.

Math checks out

(n+r-1)! / r!(n-1)!

That's pretty fucking wrong buddy.

technically you already guessed the correct answer, so OP should deliver now

OP already said that he would bang 1 and that 2 had her nudes leaked.

I would bang all of them, of course. What's not to like?

Wrong. OP could like 5 and 1 had nudes stolen. You're missing a lot.

So, it would be 30. I forgot that it would have to be reversed as well, because it's not redundant.

That's not an exhaustive list.
For example, what if OP likes 4 and 3 had her nudes stolen.


There are

OP likes 1 and 1 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 1 and 2 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 1 and 3 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 1 and 4 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 1 and 5 had her nudes stolen.

OP likes 2 and 1 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 2 and 2 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 2 and 3 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 2 and 4 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 2 and 5 had her nudes stolen.

OP likes 3 and 1 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 3 and 2 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 3 and 3 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 3 and 4 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 3 and 5 had her nudes stolen.

OP likes 4 and 1 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 4 and 2 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 4 and 3 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 4 and 4 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 4 and 5 had her nudes stolen.

OP likes 5 and 1 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 5 and 2 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 5 and 3 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 5 and 4 had her nudes stolen.
OP likes 5 and 5 had her nudes stolen.

That would be all 25. (Not 30 as I said in ) just came from the dentists office and I'm still a little bit light headed, not that I received any drugs.

Well done.

After two incorrect answers, your math skills are now at the level of a 7th grader.

I gave a reasonable excuse as to why I wasn't thinking clearly to being with.

I had the idea that two numbers couldn't be paired with each other more than once.

But then again I wouldn't need to prove anything either way to a random stranger on the internet.

I wand nudes of 3.

pls bro


>But then again I wouldn't need to prove anything either way to a random stranger on the internet.

Although you did prove that you're really not very good at probability based maths.

4 is the hottest, 1 has the nudes I think