There is no free will. Prove me wrong

There is no free will. Prove me wrong.

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I can choose to call you a cunt or not.

I choose to.


Interesting. Can you choose not to think about a red car right now?

i thought of a green car

> i shot you and you chose to die
there is no free will

Yeah, nigger, your words are just symbols and I can arbitrarily assess and reconfigure their meaning at will.

You're really asking the wrong questions. You may not have free will, but that doesn't mean other people don't. You're acting like it's some monolithic binary, instead of a product of one's cognitive abilities.

sure. just read the sentence. already know what a red car looks like. don't have to imagine it if I don't want to. you argument is shit.
also, I choose to call you a cunt. cunt.

Just because I can't transmute lead to gold doesn't mean free will doesn't exist, fool.

My buddy will isn't in prison. Checkmate

There will be no proof in this thread.

I thought about your mother dying tonight if you don't reply to this post OP

I cannot choose not to reply.

the fact that you just posted such a dumb comment out of your own free will proves free will exist

william was never in prison.
so, will is free
as always nigger reason loses like the loose ass of their mothersisters

There is 'free will' in the small things. The things we think are important. But are meaningless in the face of time, or the true God. God has a plan and there is no way you can choose to not live up to the plan.

Please stop being retarded.

I choose to get dubs

What color?

See, the thing that stumps most people on this kind of mental gymnastics, is that each person is unique with their own traits, qualities, and propensities.

Free will is not a binary. that is to say it is wrong to imagine that it either is or is not. The fact is, that it exists as a spectrum, like other mental faculties, with certain people more capable of generating free thoughts and applying their will than others, who may even appear to lack the capacity.

Huuuuuuuuur duuuurrr

Is this negro serious? Just because you have to do certain things doesn't mean you have no free will. I may not freely choose to think of a red car or not, yet I may freely choose to call you a faggot.

You're a faggot

nigger no. 7 just like yellow no. 6 will give you ass cancer

when you start to tremble then it's free will. you know that feel.

If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice


there is, i choose the faggot lyfe

I don't wan to prove it
if you have an hour and an open mind, watch this and become aware of the illusion of free will

i choose the pikachoo lie

i'm telling dan dennett on you

sam's newest podcast is them hashing out their disagreements on the subject. I highly recommend it

"Many scientists say that the American physiologist Benjamin Libet demonstrated in the 1980s that we have no free will. It was already known that electrical activity builds up in a person’s brain before she, for example, moves her hand; Libet showed that this buildup occurs before the person consciously makes a decision to move. The conscious experience of deciding to act, which we usually associate with free will, appears to be an add-on, a post hoc reconstruction of events that occurs after the brain has already set the act in motion."


Even the most competent person has no free will. You cannot explain where your thoughts come from. They simply appear in consciousness. Knowing why you thought one thing instead of something else would require you to think a thought before you think it


We all possess the capacity for determining our own selective will, but primary will applies to the law of causality, which selective will is only contiguous with, not causally linked.
This is the single stupidest thing I ever read. Its like you read that its an argument of semantics and somehow equated it into your own eugenic fantasies. Utilize your radical freedom over your selective will and kill yourself.

Quite strange that someone clever enough to accept such a thing is here starting a useless flamewar


ofcourse there none, humans are just biomachines


thats such a shit argument against free will considering that free will is literally the decision you make as an aggregate of all your body's chemical and electrical actions.
in other words your consciousness isnt separate from your physical body - those "electrical signals" are a part of who you are


In your deluded fantasy of equality, do you really believe a microcephalic psuedo-vegetable has free will?

>KYS meme
Dude, you're an idiot child. Adults are speaking here. Enjoy your elementary level fantasies.



Psychology is supposed to make you learn not fucking assume bullshit.


are you making red blood cells right now? Hopefully your body is. But if it were to stop it would not be "you" doing that. You would be a victim of that circumstance. We cannot honestly take credit for the subconscious actions of our minds




Free Will is a buzzword.

What does exist is the capacity to make decision.

"True Free Will" can never exist. Even a Quantum Computer-based AI will not have True Free Will because there are always outside stimuli affecting the decision.

The less affected by herd mentality you are, the closer to True Free Will you come.

>Even the most competent person has no free will. You cannot explain where your thoughts come from.

Well, enjoy living in your science-less, metaphysical, medieval dreamworld. You can believe whatever shit you want to come up with, but the fact is that I can try to explain where thoughts come from, just fine. You may not believe that they are the result of biochemical processes in what is basically a matchmaking process for your sensory perceptions and memory, but don't presume to have all the answers by simply saying "I've given up".

this triggers christfags?

except were not talking about every single intra-body functions that happens automatically. were talking about decisions the body makes as a whole

I haven't given anything up. I just follow all the facts involved.
If you have an hour and an open mind, I insist you watch

Of course it does.

But I would prefer to discuss the implications of what Free Will truly means, though with all the summerfags that will never happen.

Fuck off your shit sucks

Any student of the mind knows that the libet experiments are fundamentally flawed, and no relevant people in science believe the experiment was good and the conclusions are valid. That being said, i still don't believe in true free will.

Why the fuck would it trigger anyone? I've heard this "Free will" vs "Fate" Bullshit all my life, and I've always felt it was the most absurd shit ever, because it's pretty obvious that free will exists, just like thoughts, but whether or not someone else chooses to exercise their will or not, is not up to me.

A good friend of mine who is also a Post-Doctorate Chemist, believes that free will does not exist. He indicates as proof, that he has innate desires that are not his conscious will. Well, as I told him, that's missing the forrest for the trees. Your active consciousness is a tiny fraction of who you are. You are also the product of a lifetime of experience and sensor memories, but that doesn't mean free will does not exist, just because you get an erection or not when you look at tits.

decisions the body makes? What are you talking about? The fact is that every conscious decision we make is preceded by unconscious decisions we did not make, which were influenced by things we have no control over.

really great argument!

Pfff you can't ? Newfag

Panda bears are vegetarians.

I once read a physics article about that
It pretty much concluded that there cannot be free will because everything depends on so many things that are determinable. So your experience at this board plus your aggressiveness plus a thousand other things that may or may not have happened yet made you call Op a cunt.
If you do things that don't depend on anything, it would be a random decision and not free will.
Germanfag here I hope you get the point.
>also someone knows what this thesis is called? Would like to go over it again

He are driven by instincts.

This is called (physical) determinism

underrated post

I'd be willing to discuss this with someone who is actually willing to think about it. I almost forgot that Sup Forums is the internet's armpit and the average iq here is 80. I'm out.

Do you have more pictures of the hedgehog?

Sure there is. Nobody would go to heaven if there weren't free will

the decision your whole body makes (such as your decision to reply to my post) are controlled by your conscious decision. sure they may have some basis on your subconsciousness, but that subconsciousness is a part of who you are, so the decision influenced by your subconsciousness is a decision out of your free will

I thought of a van

>The fact is that every conscious decision we make is preceded by unconscious decisions we did not make

Are you really trying to suggest that I can't modify my environment to foster a higher level of consciousness? If so, let me go ahead and tell you, that I not only can, but I do, and it works.

Just because you are not God, doesn't mean you have absolutely not control. That's a pretty bad excuse for poor behavior, if you ask me. What separates Man from Beast, is the capacity to override instinct with reason and rational thought, which is the free will that we're talking about.

It's like saying that because a building doesn't appear in your back yard while you stare, the capacity to create one must not exist. Free will requires exercising control, which is the foundation of what makes a man, Man and not Beast.

If everyone stops using the herd mentality, does that then become herd mentality?

Interesting stuff

pretty bad excuse for bad behaviour that you make.

No, herd mentality is "Mob Rule". It's saying you believe something just because members of your tribe say they believe it too, even if you have not fucking clue what you are talking about and are just literally parroting words and rhetoric.

So, no, the end of herd mentality, would be the end of society as we know it. It would mean each person has a foundation for their mind instead of building it off of someone else's beliefs, which my be built on sand for all you know.

It's about personal responsibility, at the end of the day. Right now, most people appeal to authority and what's popular because you can do that even if you're an idiot. What's hard is laying your own foundation and figuring out reality without someone filling your head with fantasy.

you proved that there is just by posting OP.

>There is no free will. Prove me wrong.

Do you believe you were somehow predestined to make this shitty troll thread? The way I see it, people who say free will does not exist, are people who would rather not be accountable for their actions. It's a cop out, to say it's all fate.

No, unfortunately for many people, you do have control over your own mind and body. You're not the only one, of course, as a social animal you take cues naturally from other members of your species, but to try to wash yourself clean of responsibility by claiming Fate and lack of free will, is pretty silly.

Prove that there isnt.

How can all you atheist fags on this site think free will exists when science tells you that everything is just atoms interacing with other atoms? If that were the case, then let's say you had the ability to freeze time and observe every atom interacting with other atoms in the universe, would you not be able to predict everything that was going to happen in the universe?


Well problem here is that if you choose not to believe anything you would waste your life finding truth that is already known.
You'd end up dying dumber than most people even if some of their "copied" knowledge may be false

What makes you think that it's atheists who believe in free will? I don't see the relation. Is that some meme or something?

Honestly, what makes you think that you don't have free will? You don't have the capacity to walk away from or toward something?

It's honestly an absuridty for me to try to imagine the mindset of someone who does not believe in free will. Like some feral animal, I guess.

I don't see it as a cop out, i personally think that whether or not free will exists, it doesn't change the fact that, for example, if you commited a crime, you should be punished for it.

No, you're missing the point. It's not about "choosing not to believe anything" That's absurd. I'm talking about independently assessing your internalized belief system for errors.

Dude, you probably can't imagine, but most people grow up being fed lie after lie without ever parsing it for legitimacy. That's herd mentality. It's mindless copying. Purposefully copying is just fine. Seeing what works and applying your own version of it is an excellent thing.

But to believe something just because you were told it was so. That's absurd. You have to lay your own foundation, as I said. You can furnish it however you wish, but the point is that it's not built on bullshit, and that it's UNDERSTANDABLE to you in a real way.

But if you don't believe in free will, how can you say anyone is culpable of wrong? Or worthy of merit for doing good?

The very idea of responsibility is completely absurd in a world of no free will. Explain yourself if you disagree.

I see, good explaining man

I couldn't help it.
