Help me choose my new pokemon Go name

Help me choose my new pokemon Go name
Also pic related is a fucking lie, lapras are impossible to find

Alton Sterling Archer


The I is a lowercase L to get past censoring.

whoa look at this edgy dude


Nah thanks I did the same with RAPlST and i'm growing tired of offensive names
Dunno why but it's nlt as funny as it used to be

Faggot McFaggotface


Ps: bonus point if music related

go explore except fucking dont because you can only find pokemon in urban areas

Hitler did nothing wrong

Call yourself


hang around pokestops giving out candies to children

I live near the capital so i'm good


How old are you?


Why are even normies playing this chink game now?


About as old as your mom, kiddo

I never said you need to roll user

You obviously need a boat, user. Did you even look at the cover?

so about 12?

So 54? Aren't you so old to be here?

>Also pic related is a fucking lie, lapras are impossible to find
>pic related is a fucking lie

Have you gone kayaking in the arctic to look for one?

OP this is it^^^

No normal man above the age of 16 is playing this.

They're exploring for something to poke, but it's definitely not a fucking pikachu



Yes, I am


Duh, it should have been obvious that it's an overcomplicated dating app, but I'm kind of an autist.


Booby Fat

If your over the age of 30 and playing Pokemon Go, your most likely a pedofile