3 million votes don't count

>3 million votes don't count

Why does USA insist on spreading democracy when they don't use it themselves?

Other urls found in this thread:


The US is not a democracy, it is a Russian colony under aristocratic rule.

gerrymandering at its finest

You made this thread yesterday you utter Kiwi.


We're not a direct democracy. We never were.

>liberals still believe what that Green Party shit who knows nothing about computers pulled out of her ass

To prevent tyranny by new york and california

Pretty much

It's a republic retard if popular vote decided the election new york and california would decide the election every year.

Would you like to be ruled by a small concentration of people in a far off land on wait

>canadian democracy

>"I'll tell you what: no computer is safe," he said. "I don't care what they say." It was better, Trump said, to do things "the old-fashioned way" if you wanted true security. "You know, if you have something really important, write it out and have it delivered by courier," the president-elect advised.

This is a modern justification for the system.


We are a FEDERAL republic, for all Americans and foreigners who are interested in what that means please read the Federalist Papers. It's free to read online and it entails entries by founding fathers like Alexander Hamilton detailing why certain institutions should exist like the electoral college and how it related to our federal structure

>massive population centers with thriving economies, diverse populations and a lot of social and financial influence on the nation
>deserve less influence than a bunch of illiterate uncle-dads who vote Republican because they're scared of brown people and great uncle grandpa and their favorite millionaire with a fake southern accent who makes mass-produced country "music" told them to
Yeah that's trash.

What the fuck are you talking about? The states borders haven't meaningfully changed since Hawaii became a state, the president has never been able to change state borders for better votes.

Ah yes, everyone outside of the city is le retarded hillbilly who has sex with their cousin and drinks moonshine.

An excellent memay xD

The original justification for it was to have the best men of each state decide the President and not the riff raff, which is why faithless electors are still around even as they have long been obsolete.

Come down here for a while and see it for yourself m8.

It's literally true though.

fuck i thought it was depended on county votes

And this is a revisionist justification by modern scholars, the electoral college was the brainchild was of Alexander Hamilton and he lays out the need for existence before the squabbling over issues or representation and the states

You can read his full argument here let.rug.nl/usa/documents/1786-1800/the-federalist-papers/the-federalist-68.php

>We are a FEDERAL republic
OP asked why we our foreign policy claims to be about spreading democracy, yet we aren't one ourselves. You just responded by confirming what he said, that we aren't really a democracy.

JAFA scum

You know this demonization of anyone who doesn't live in big cities and doesn't agree with liberal horseshit is the exact reason Trump won.

Calling normal people "rednecks" for their perfectly reasonable political views isn't constructive and only pushes more people down that path

Inbred sheepfucker

>your quote states that the electoral college is partially there to prevent foreign powers from gaining an improper ascendant in our councils
>yet that is exactly what the electoral college enabled with Russia


>This proves the Russians hacked the election

We are a democracy but there are many different types of democracies. OP was implying that we werent a democracy because of the electoral college and the fact that we dont elect a president using a plebiscite. Also being a republic implies being a democracy so you sound just a tad bit retarded right now

Tbf, we do use the word "democracy" rather loosely, to mean ideals that arguably be better described as Egalitarianism and Individualism. Also, States are far more democratic than the Federal Government (no State has an electoral college to elect its Governor, for example).

>We care about the poor, we mustn't let the rich trample over them
>But not when they vote against us! Then they're too stupid to think for themselves!

Hmmm, rly makes me think. I guess if you keep calling them retarded hillbillies they'll come around next election and vote for ol' hildawg

>You know this demonization of anyone who doesn't live in big cities and doesn't agree with liberal horseshit is the exact reason Trump won.
But it's also the reason Trump lost the popular vote. Most people are tired of the rural areas getting subsidies for a ton of shit and generally being a drain on our welfare system.

Do people actually believe the Russian hacker thing or is it an inside joke to troll righties?

>being a republic implies being a democracy
I guess the Union of Soviet Socialist REPUBLICS and the Democratic REPUBLIC of Korea are democracies as well.

>Most people are tired of the rural areas getting subsidies for a ton of shit and generally being a drain on our welfare system.

Who comprises a disproportionate amount of your prison population?

Who collects most of the welfare monies?

Which race in the US makes up 13% of the population but commits half the murder? Hmmm really makes me think

Alabamans have a higher IQ than Californians.

Read A federal republic is a type of democracy, being a democracy does not imply rule by popular vote by the masses. That is simply one type of democracy

AHAHAHA, nice meme man

>3 million illegal immigrants allowed to vote by commiefornia

No thanks. The USA is a union of states, not of people. The popular vote decides what your state seats are going to vote for, that's it. If the world opperated by popular vote, it would be rules by Africans and Pooinloos.

Since when has our foreign policy been "dude spread democracy lmao!". And it's also quite obvious the thread was made to piss and moan that Trump won, it wasn't a serious question.

It's legit, although most leftists admit that it was Trump supporters who put Trump in office, not Russia.

Democracy fucking sucks anyway.

Politicians just have to pander and say the right things to win.

I for one think we should back to the days of Absolute Monarchies. We need strong leaders, not these weak cucks we see "leading" most countries

It's pretty obvious that Russians hacked the DNC and released their emails to discredit Clinton.

Whether it was orchestrated by the Russian government or had a decisive effect on the election is up for debate.

No, they simply hijacked the word to appear like something they werent. Are you not bright enough to recognize the difference?

>It's pretty obvious that Russians hacked the DNC and released their emails to discredit Clinton.

So did the "russian hackers" release the truth or falsehoods?

Were the emails legit?

The fuck are you on, the inner cities are a bigger drain. Even in the states that voted Trump, welfare is mostly drained by the cities (ie. Detroit in Michigan)

>all black people live in cities

I'm glad they did 2bh, rather be influenced by the truth no matter who's mouth it comes out of than being ignorant of it because it comes from a source I dont like


>Butthurt neo-liberal bashing on the election system of the US cuz trump won
do us a favour and hang yourself

Which, while true, isn't paramount to hacking the election and directly manipulating the results.

That wasn't in the implication but I suppose it is mostly true actually.

I guess I was just more curious how much Welfare money black people use, and how much they give back to society.

>Since when has our foreign policy been "dude spread democracy lmao!"


Direct democracy means that the people vote directly on the decision making of the country. Save for maybe Switzerland, literally noone does that. Essentially every democracy in the world right now is an indirect democracy. As in the people vote for someone that votes on the decision making.
The US on the other hand votes for the people that votes for the people that vote on the decision making. It's like an entire new layer of indirect democracy.

Also why does every burguer seem to think that republic and democracy are mutually exclusive? Is that what government approved textbook tell kids so they don't revolt or something?

Blacks, but what have conservatives done to bring the black crime rate down? In the past ~25 years, the black crime rate has been cut almost in half. Democrats have held the presidency for most of that time, and they've controlled almost all the cities where blacks live.

The fact of the matter is that the more variables you control for, such as school funding (which republicans keep cutting), environmental pollutant levels in neighborhoods (republicans oppose regulations, black neighborhoods are disproportionately polluted), home environment, etc etc, the more equal the outcomes become. What the flying fuck have conservatives been doing to help black communities? What does increasingly stigmatizing blacks accomplish?

>AHAHAHA, nice meme man
It's not a meme, the CIA confirmed it.

Not a neolib and I'm glad Chump won. Just can't help but laugh at the seppos' silly system

what if trudeau was your monarch?

>What the flying fuck have conservatives been doing to help black communities? What does increasingly stigmatizing blacks accomplish?

How are you suppose to help people who aren't capable of being civilized?

Isn't that a crime against nature?

We don't, it's just that most people on Sup Forums don't understand that we were the first true Federal state and that the electoral college comes from our Federal background and not our Republican one

United States, not United people. States cast their votes in the electoral college. How the popular vote turns out is a participation trophy. A candidate could win just the top 11 states by merely 51%, the get 0% in all the rest and still win. This forces candidates to appeal to many different states and respect the unique and diverse cultures and issues of each state rather than occupying himself with 51% of the country as a whole.

Tldr I'm from the Midwest, and Californians can go fuck themselves.

No. Rural farmers get billions in subsidies. A lot of other rural industries get subsidies too.

Well he wouldn't be. We already have a Monarch you silly guy, we just to give her total control

>Since when has our foreign policy been "dude spread democracy lmao!".


>Since when has our foreign policy been "dude spread democracy lmao!"


So you want charles in absolute control?

The queen is a fucking corpse who knows what scumbag behind the scenes would actually be in charge

The only thing that is obvious is that we have 17 intelligence agencies. This was a phishing attack; I doubt there would be much lost in the way of sources and methods if they said who owned the domain from which the email was sent. It's more likely that Obama wanted it to be Russians and the agencies agreed like they do any crazy lie Obama wants everyone to believe.

>Gadaffi died 24 years ago already

fuck, time goes by fast

You're only confirming the stereotypes about rural people that caused them to lose the popular vote.

>Isn't that a crime against nature?
Human civilization is by definition not natural. Anything we do, from stigmatizing blacks to worshiping them to ignoring their skin color, is not natural. You can't commit crimes against nature though, nature isn't a sentient being. Stop treating it like one. Nature is simply what happens.

What is wrong with Charles? He seems like a reasonable man.

You can count the number of successful absolute monarchies in the world on one hand.

>You're only confirming the stereotypes about rural people that caused them to lose the popular vote.

Too bad the popular vote doesn't count :^)
And never, ever will.

Charles would still unironically be better than any faggot we have here.

>The queen is a fucking corpse
Take that back. She's doing just fine and still has a good 20 years left

They need subsidies because farm crops are completely elastic goods, it's based on the nature of their trade in the modern economy. And we can't just stop paying them because then we would have no one producing food

You'd think that a country that was found spying on virtually each one of it's allies and foes a few years ago with highly classified material leaking it would improve it's digital security years ago

When you going to learn that democracies simply do not work especially for larger cunts, hence why the US is a REPUBLIC not a DEMOCRACY

>implying that's not his plan

there's a reason he's pushing this electoral reform bullshit

people already call his wife "queen sophie"

We werent exactly hacked in that fashion though. A few people in the DNC were just dumb enough to open dirty leaks sent to their emails, we can't defend against that kind of personal idiocy

A Republic is a democracy, for some reason you think democracy is a plebiscite

He's an absolute rich toff cunt who couldn't give a shit about anything worthwhile.

He literally campaigned to get homeopathy government funded, and succeeded.

Pull your head out of your arse.

go the political dynasties route like america has, that's really been working out for them

>Too bad the popular vote doesn't count :^)
Except it does in a way. The popular vote reflects how most people feel. How most people feel reflects on our culture. People like Trump could control the government until the end of time, and as long as Trump doesn't turn us into the Soviet Union, then popular culture still won't be defined by the government. Our society is still liberal because our culture is liberal. Most movies will reflect our liberal values. Most music will. Most books will. Church attendance is still declining. Young people are still leaning more and more to the left. Etc etc. This wouldn't be the case if the majority of people today were conservative.


>She's doing just fine

Republics and Democracies have some things in common but they are complete different, especially in how they are run

>muh feels

what would be the title of the queen's bull?

but didn't Clinton get a few security programs and classified material that she didn't have the clearence for?
shouldn't that trigger all kinds of responses from the US intelligence agencies?

Trump isn't really much of a conservative though. He's rather centrist.

You're making Trump seems like some sort of crazy christian fanatic or something

Liberals have justifications for their forms of welfare as well. It's still welfare. The government is still extracting money from my paycheck BY FORCE against my will to pay for goods that are not viable on the open market without distorting the market.

True. The youth tend to always lean towards the left before moderating/turning rightward as they age; those growing up under Bush are especially left as a reaction to such an unpopular President, while those growing up under Obama are more centrist since he wasn't particularly loved or hated. If Trump fucks up too badly we might have some more super-leftists. Ewww

>Implying a fucking cold is going to kill The Queen


The Queen takes her role seriously, she isn't going to appear in public looking sickly. She's fine. Ain't the first time the woman has been sick

Yes, unfortunately the poor are the biggest victims of corporate propaganda and lack of education.

That's why the overwhelming majority of climate change deniers are poor and rural dwellers.

>Since when has our foreign policy been "dude spread democracy lmao!"

All (true)Republics are democracies, not all democracies are republics. That's your error here

She was using her own personal email, that's why it was leaked and not the government issued one

How was that muh feels? I honestly do not understand the point of your comment or what you're trying to convey.

>Trump isn't really much of a conservative though. He's rather centrist.
He only looks like a centrist if you are extremely far right. Trump is not in the middle of the mainstream American political spectrum.

>You're making Trump seems like some sort of crazy christian fanatic or something
No, I'm not. I'm not saying all right wingers are religious right wingers. I simply used the declining church attendance as evidence that our culture as a whole isn't conservative anymore.

>He only looks like a centrist if you are extremely far right. Trump is not in the middle of the mainstream American political spectrum.

In what way? Besides opposing illegal immigration quite vehemently none of what he has said is particularly awe-striking.

>He only looks like a centrist if you are extremely far right

lmao what. Nothing he has said is "far right".


My grandpa is 92 and he gets pneumonia every month now. He's almost always on steroids. The old bastard just doesn't die but he's never well anymore. The queen is on her downward spiral as well now.

>tfw to intelligent to support drumpf