For all the edge-lords out there, is it possible to kill someone with just your thumb?

For all the edge-lords out there, is it possible to kill someone with just your thumb?


But how?
I could see gouging someone's eyes out, but that isn't necessarily a mortal wound.



all edge aside humans are relatively fragile we can kill each other with pretty much everything. A thumb, a pencil, a fucking cheese wheel. If you are determined enough there is a way.


Yeah, I guess you could do it to someone in a coma. Take a long fucking time, though.

Not really.

Most of the force you'd need to use it in any sensitive spots would end up breaking your thumb.

Palm or knuckle-raised fist would be the absolute minimum, though technically you're using energy in your torso and arms to do the damage.


Probably. Maybe I'd you could find the right vein to hold down at the correct pressure

>Suffocate them
If you're not talking about giga ultra holocaust nigger 2000 you could overpower someone and suffocate them with just your thumb. It is possible just not realistic.


just because it breaks the thumb doesn't mean the thumb isn't involved. Idk, thumb to the temple might cause some brain bleedin n shit?

I was thinking more of just clawing at their carotid artery.

Put it in their butt and keep it there. They will die after a couple days.

How big is this thumb we are talkin about?

Right, noone ever said how long the thumbnail is, you could totally stab someone in the throat with one

Sure , but it takes about 7 seconds to kick in.

Fair enough. Might be just a "bit" harder than just suffocate someone but if you're determined enough someone would get it done.


yeah you can but getting into the position to use it would be pretty tough

Push nose into brain with thumb gg

You can kill multiple
If your thumb is on a button

True, but the thumb isn't the one doing the killing, it's the bomb/whatever.

I could probably push my thumb into someone's throat enough to kill 'em.

guns don't kill people , thumbs kill people

No you couldn't.

>skin > larynx > Pharynx > trachea

if you stab it into one's eye then yeah

You didn't even go through the trouble of samefagging to /thread your own post.
You're a bigger a faggot than I.

try to hit your throat as strong as possible with you thumb and tell us about it

Stupid question. Yes.
How exactly does that make one an edgelord?

Everyone is so focused on the eyeball they miss the obvious. Press your thumb into the windpipe, done.

But that's not a mortal wound. Your thumb can't go far enough.
Hurts like fuck, though.

Grow out your thumb nail. File and sharpen it to a point. Dig at someone's jugular?

Or this

we need testing on that one

Thumb + eye socket + pressure = gray matter destruction

so yes

Absolutely. Drive it through his eye socket. If you push hard enough it will cause serious internal bleeding that will at best leave them with permanent brain damage, and can easily kill them.

thumb + throat + pressure = suffocation

yes, again

>take thumb
>place up someone rectum
>keep there until they die from not being able to poop

if youre retarded enough you can pull trigger with thumb