Alright. You know the rules

Alright. You know the rules.

So are these just Honeypots or what?


What's the point of this thread

Add Farmer4life.

Define sometimes.

This app has had its share of heat for being a hotbed for CP.

Id imagine they have some sort of identification algorithm built in at this point. No way this is secure.

What is a "honeypot"?


A (((honeypot))) is as follows

>Hey guiz join this chat room
>hey guiz look at all these illegal images
>hey guiz thanks for contributing
>*weeks go by*


add me



be careful of "Amy Lancaster" He's either a hoarder or an FBI agent


Lmao some people are legit pedos and shit but then there's the few people that aren't into this shit and cp. Its hard to distinguish between innocent people and the people looking for cp. If they post its obvious that they are but if they don't, who says that they are pedofiles lol

Why not leave the link?

In a court of law situation any IP linked to the chat would be labeled "suspected of possession" as they can see who posted but not downloaded.

how much of a newfag to kik are you?

I'm just saying, its still hard to see who has intent to get cp or is an innocent bystander too ignorant to know what's going on


have fun in prison

Lmao I have no intent to join that chat. Ik what it is

Add MyKneeGrows_97

Kik GalaticBaby

New group? Full

Add Pengoe

OP is a really shitty fed. You gotta try harder.

Add mistalifta

Add domdom1009