How do I get rid of these annoying fucking shits or stop getting them altogether? Not from biting myself on the lip...

How do I get rid of these annoying fucking shits or stop getting them altogether? Not from biting myself on the lip, I'm not retarded

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Cant get rid of it. Its herpes simplex 1.

Use abreva at first sign. Works like magic

they're caused by fluoride usually.

Try drinking more water and eating less sugar.

swish with hydrogen peroxide but dont drink it or you will die.

you're welcome.

Sugary drinks can be a trigger for them as well

Stop getting stressed out


They are from your digestive track, your intestines are acting up too probably? You get them when your stomach and all is outta whack.

Usually get them like once or twice a month, random spots. They suck in the front I can hardly brush my teeth.

lime with salt

I got one on my body .

Put some Alum on it and let it sit, will numb and dry it out. Just drool over sink the rinse after 2-3 minutes

You're all fucking autistic

It's essentially a cut inside your mouth. It works and functions just like a regular cut does.

OP, you can't kill them on the spot. It heals naturally over time. You can clean and sterilize it to keep bacteria out, but that's really it.

I got them from eating tomatoes, I now avoid tomatoes and I haven't had them since

gargle with saltwater 4x a day

It's caused my viruses in your mouth. Swish with whiskey and drink only domestic beer.

Poor diet, lack of sleep, stress, choice of toothpaste, or genetic predisposition.

Take your pick, although you wouldn't be able to anything about the last one.

Fuckin queerbate

Try this, check local CVS / Walgreens etc. Also Carmex

Brush your teeth

Sea salt on it, then rinse with water. Do this 4-5 times a day until gone.

they're just mouth ulcers, basically. canker sores cant really be fixed but anbesol and warm salt water help pretty well. i think they're caused by cuts in the mouth and shit like that from sharp food


Mine are all caused by stress as I've come to learn They also seem to be genetic since my mom also gets them and so does her brother. Buy some of the mouth numbing gel, it helps.

Grind an aspirin up (non-coated kind) and cover the little bastard with it. Numbs the area and seals it so shit doesn't get in it.


they're canker sores and we don't really know what causes them. stress perhaps, maybe acidic foods or sour candies.

This. Those are canker sores. Not cold sores (herpes). They'll heal with time just don't do anything like swish mouthwash as that can irritate the area.

its from stress
its an ulcer

I brush 2x a day and floss after all meals and mouthwatering rinse before bed

This OP! telling you mine were caused by tomato acid, haven't had them since, I was like you I would get them at least 1 every two three months


its from foot and mouth disease usually. just a fucking third world country shit that happens to you when touching dirty parts like your feet and then your mouth, especially if your immune system is weak. I get them too, pretty much use hydrogen peroxide or listerine with alcohol works well but you have to do it in morning and night and not touch anything and then your mouth. you must have a tik to doing that, I just have weak immunity.

Medfag here switch to biotene tooth paste
I used to get them all the time haven't had one since. The sodium lauryl sulfate in the toothpaste can irritate some people.

Its a type of ulcer OP, rinse your mouth with salt water or listerine, this will speed up the healing.

I get something similar when I eat fruit, which is all the damn time.

stop drinking soda for a while. water only.

if it's bad enough lick your finger and dip it in salt. apply salt to the wound.

It'll hurt worse than anything you've ever experienced but it'll go away.

>short term
>days to weeks

It's a kanker sore, I get them when I eat a whole bag of salt and vinigger chips in like an hour.


canker sores.

stop eating or smoking something that makes them appear.
sleep better, have healthier overall life.

I got these when I had little sleep and lots of smokes.

other thing it might be cancer if it doesn;'t disappear in few days

Just an FYI because it's not common knowledge: if the same one swells up and bursts repeatedly, go see your dentist and get a referral to an oral surgeon.

I had a damaged salivary duct and the gland had to be removed. It was worse because I assumed it was a canker sore & I waited too long.

It's a Mouth ulcer you dirty fuck brush your teeth more

it looks like an oral ulcer, the best way to prevent them is better oral hygiene, I used to get them a lot.

>short term
>which means you don't have to deal with it for months or years

Cut your meat intake drastically

as in hardly any

you've abused your body too much at this point

I get these all the time, put powdered alum on them for 2 minutes, then spit it out. It should go away within 48 hours.

If you get them regularly it could be a b12 deficiency get your levels checked. Also salt water helps

>Not from biting myself on the lip

Well, there's your problem.

Bite lip more.

for one, you could stop sucking dick!

These dudes are fucking retarded OP. If you swish with peroxide in the morning and before going to sleep it will heal mad quick. Thats what i do

Gargle on this shit mixed with a bit of water. Instant cure for me.

>Lets make Sup Forums great again


do you keep popping it and then it comes back? if so its probly a mucocele which i had and i just had it surgically removed it was really easy and quick and lifes good now. if not yea salt whatever

I normally just bite them off. hurts like a bitch at first but after about 14 hours the pain completely leaves.


It is Herpes Simplex 1.

Not the same as genital herpes, but same virus family.

It is permanent.

Most likely caught it licking pussy or sucking dick from Herpes.

It is possible to catch from kissing but not likely.

Lasts forever - foreverHerpes


ps/ you can avoid acidic foods to reduce outbreaks - plus acidic hurts that shit anyway. Please know you can pass that shit on while you have a sore....

Oops wrong photo. I'm too high dammit

Open them up and flush with mouthwash.

have you ate oranges or drank orange juice recently? are you stressed? are you brushing your teeth regularly?

As soon as I drink orange juice, i get one.

stop shoving your face with sugar and rinse your mouth with salt water

caused by breakdown in digestive system. You need to brush teeth regularly, drink water, eat more vitamins and fruit

This is incorrect, mouthwash will actually numb the area and kill the bacteria causing the ulcer. Its an ulcer, by the way. not a "cut in your mouth"

I've had those put salt on it and hold it against it it'll hurt but after a couple days it'll be gone

start taking 1000mg LYSINE tablets erryday. its an amino acid that prevents those very things. been using it forever. ama

a few sips of pure sunlight'l cure what ails ya

It's just a canker sore. Get some Zilactin or Kanka, and start using mouthwash. I haven't gotten one since I started using Listerine.

Put toothpaste on it.

It will sting for a second or two, but then numb it.

You're welcome.

Well, lets see the teeth. Because I don't believe this for shit

Bell pepper, touch the area with it,or its juice. It will hurt at first but after that, it wont cure it, but it will alleviate the pain for hours or a day

Salt water takes too long to clean and dry those out! Mix 2 parts Clorox with 1 part hot water. Much quicker. Flush with rubbing alcohol.

It's a canker sore. Put some Zilactin or Kanka on and start using mouthwash... I used to get them every couple months until I started using Listerine.

Well, I take back what I said. It is a canker sore, but it isn't "just a cut in the mouth", and mouthwash actually helps them.

it's not a cut you dumb nigger. it's a buildup of saliva

Herpes Virus

There is nothing you can do except avoid acidic foods.

Forget all that BS about swish with baking soda and other advice.

Probably got from licking pussy that had it.

Never goes away.

Ask any doctor if you think I'm wrong.

The reason I know is had a family member had them and they tried several doctors- literally avoid stress.

They can come and go and disappear for years and then come back.

Avoid grapefruit juice.

Sorry you licked a herpes pussy :(((

I used to get these a lot as a kid. Haven't had one in 11 or so years.

Stop eating candy!


It isnt fucking herpes. Its a canker sore, not a cold sore.

Canker sore, I had them as a kid pretty often. Eating too much acidic food or being overly stressed can cause them. Nothing to really cure them except time. Just get some gum-numbing gel from the pharmacy and avoid any acidic food.

I used to get them all the time. They stopped when I stopped drinking out of cans. I still drink sodas and beers but pour them into a glass first and now I never get them.

Your dad left when you were 11?

>30% of pop has it in mouth
>Absolutely contagious and transferable

Yogurt, trust me.

That's a canker sore. Baking soda left to dissolve in the sore will be painful but will more importantly will help it heal faster

warm salt water, swish around in mouth, spit, repeat 2 to 3 times. do this for at least 2 days


I'm all of the above and don't have this shit.

i already troll blm every chance i get

but Sup Forums hasnt raided in ages.. too many chillens, not good idea enough

We're not on WebMD. There's no need to pull the cancer card for a mouth sore.

some dentists can cauterize them. fixes it instantly. I used to get these all the time. a peroxide and water solution with swishing also helps alleviate the pain. definitely get them cauterized though. it's worth it.

Grats on not contracting leh herp brew

some people are sensitive to acidic food, oranges, tomatoes, any citrus actually and this is how the mouth responds.
>take lysine errday and eat whatever thefuck >you want

If you're implying I sucked my dad's dick and that's how I got them, you're dumb. Canker sores aren't herpes.

Are Cold Sores and Canker Sores the Same Thing?

No. Although cold sores and canker sores are often confused with each other, they are not the same. Cold sores, also called feverblisters or herpes simplex type 1, are groups of painful, fluid-filled blisters. Unlike canker sores, cold sores are caused by a virus and are extremely contagious. Also, cold sores typically appear outside the mouth -- usually under the nose, around the lips, or under the chin -- while canker sores occur inside the mouth.

Ya'll saying it's herpes are fucking dumb.


You're special.