When you boys review music, do you prefer to go song for song; like if the album has 10...

When you boys review music, do you prefer to go song for song; like if the album has 10, you like 8 then the album is an 8/10

Or do you prefer to judge as a coherent overall piece, possibly if there's a conceptual theme giving it more weight over songforsong.

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Who is this semen demon.

Jayde Pierce

a fluid druid.

Kinda, though if I really like all the songs except one, it's still a 10/10 for me.

depends on the type of album, if it's an album with a theme I'll take it into account, if it's an album where the songs are loosely tied together or not at all I just judge them individually

>mfw I share my board with these people
Liking every song in an album doesn't make it a 10/10. you can like every song and it can still be a 6/10.

>you can like every song and it can still be a 6/10.
Breaking news! A degenerate weeb fucks shit up literally every time!

More at 11.

It all depends on how much you like them.

I dont give it a number out of ten, that would be stupid


*hums earthmover*

Why is /10 stupid?

because it does absolutely nothing to review the music

Judge it as a whole.

It's only stupid if you just shit out a number, because people's scales can be different, and it does nothing to convey what you liked or what you didn't. With even a couple sentences detailing your thoughts, a score is fine, IMO. It's like a very thin summary, if that makes sense at all.

I guess it would depend on the genre. A pop record that's more a collection of singles I'd view as the former, albums made to be cohesive I'd view the as latter.

Side thought but related, because of the latter I do think an album can be a 10/10 while still having flaws, in the same way that a flawed and non-perfect voice (think Jeff Mangum) can add emotion and heighten the quality of a track more than a technically perfect voice (which sometimes comes off as soulless). So in that sense I could probably have an album that I consider perfect even if I dislike a song, though I can't think of one like that.

I just go based off the album cover. The better the cover the better the album.

That's like saying you shouldn't have a title and only a large summary in the form of several paragraphs because titles don't properly convey your feelings.

A rating isn't meant to be an elaborate form of judgement

>A rating isn't meant to be an elaborate form of judgement
No, but that's the first (and sometimes only) thing most people look at in a review.

You rate things for yourself, not for others to see.

a rating would be one thing but OP is asking about reviewing the music.

also a rating only carries much meaning when its in a collection of other records that have been rated.

are you baiting or literally just fucking retarded?

I don't review music. If I like something I keep listening to it and if I don't, I stop. Thats the extent of it.

You sound like a fag dude.


she's jailbait