Can there truly be a middle ground between the Jedi and the Sith...

Can there truly be a middle ground between the Jedi and the Sith? Can one use both the light and dark sides of the Force without becoming corrupted in the process?

>without becoming corrupted in the process?
The process itself defines the light or dark. All jedi, dark or light, share the same power. Its how you use it.

Not since the EU was written out

yes you can choose a third path between cuck and edgelord, basically most people not belonging to the orders are this, they use dark side powers for defense and the light side for the rest.

No, Dark Side IS corruption. 'Balancing' the force is about finding peace through control of your emotions, not that stupid middle-ground bullshit.

If a Sith and Jedi had a child together would that child have perfect mastery of both forces and be considered to have brought balance towards it since they were conceived by both light and dark sides?


No such thing as Gray Jedi anymore, RIP Jolee Bindo

What 'light' side? There's just force, there's barely even a way to use the force in a 'light' way since shit like the handwave is just crudely exerting power over someone's mind. The most 'light' you can be with the force is to refrain from using it and instead let it use you.

Using the light side involves meditation and a calm mind to attune to the force. The dark side is about speaking to the force through raw emotion. It's why Sheev is always laughing his ass off while using the force.

You can't use both because you can only be in one state of mind at a time. The dark side is corrupting because the way to get stronger is to feel stronger emotions.

well put

I just want to see a Sith Lord who strongly believes in the power of the dark side and how it can be harnessed to improve the galaxy and free the jedi from their shitty zen monk ways or even accuse the Jedi of being just as dark seeing as they akways try to kill Sith.

That's pretty much exactly Anakin in RotS.

I don't really know where it went so wrong.
Used to be that there was literally no difference between the Dark and Light side of the Force, beyond how you used it.

When did it get decided that you need to be evil to conjure lightning?
Isn't that something you could use for good? Electricity has many uses.
And why is healing a predominantly good thing? You're using the force to fuck around with biological organisms, what's stopping you from fucking someone's organs up using the same method?

>they use dark side powers for defense

>Yoda: "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defence, never for attack."
By that claim, if the "dark side powers" are used for defence, then that would make them "light side powers", though I still don't get why some sources act like there's should be a difference.

Can there truly be a middle ground between normal people and the child molesters? Can one use both the normal fucking behavior and sexualizing children without becoming corrupted in the process?

The answer is no. That's why the light side is so much better. It takes restraint.

jolee is just a normal jedi who doesn't work for the order. he is otherwise more or less identical to any other jedi.

He killed younglings and was a cry baby, I mean someone mature and doesn't resort to killing others, unless provoked and never an unarmed foe or innocent.

So you want Kreia, except without her hate of the Force?

Seriously though, if the prequels were right, it would have been so easy to make Palpatine or Vader this.
Instead of just spouting "From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!" a proper Anakin could have went on to lecture Obi-Wan as a blind fool. Anything like
>"And what if you defeat me here? What if Palpatine falls? What have you accomplished! Look at yourself and look at the order! For all your talk of peace, you couldn't save the galaxy. You squandered your power, allowed yourselves to be weak under the guise of not seeking conflict. And where did it lead? It took a single man to do what you dared not to, to gather power and take control. If Palpatine could do it, so could anyone. A warlord in the outer rim, a Hutt, it doesn't matter. If a single man can bring the Republic and the Jedi Order to its knees, what good are they? Isn't the Galaxy better off in the hands of a leader who is able to keep the peace, than in the hands of those who can't, just because they claim some useless moral high ground?"

>Used to be that there was literally no difference between the Dark and Light side of the Force,

No you retard. Luke specifically uses the dark side when he's enraged at Vader. The dark side requires you to use your emotions and basically chimp out in every fight.

>Not holding back = using a completely different power set

Luke used the dark side in the sense that he was angry and swung his lightsaber really hard, I'm not sure what the force has to do with that though.

Putting that joke on the end doesn't hide that you write like you learned everything you know about drama from anime.

If you control your emotions and don't act selfishly you're a jedi. Qui-Gonn didn't buy the dogma but he was still one of them.

Keeping calm vs raging like a chimp. Both have their ups and downs in a fight.

name one other jedi with a similar personality

It might sound like an Anime, but we're talking about the Star Wars prequels.
Doing anything else that has more depth than "From my point of view the Jedi is evil" would require throwing most of what they did right out the window, likely along with Anakin and Obi-Wan's last fight.


I'm not that guy, and I agree that Jolee stands out quite a bit, but since you said "similar", I think a point could be made that Atton is in ways a younger Jolee, just waiting to happen. He too has a very pragmatic look on life.


If you take the sources that were used to create the ethos of jedi,

add the fact that in the original trilogy there were no force "powers" besides mind trick and lightning,

And you get warrior monks whose "enlightenment" from training is just an egotistical projection of their own ideals.

Everyone is a "grey jedi" because everyone assumes that their power comes from the objective rightness of their ideals even though powerful people with conflicting ideals inherently invalidates this.

It's not about controlling emotions but rather embracing them when needed, but that doesn't mean you burn down villages and kill kids like an edgelord

I want a Kriea that stands for more than self interest, who actually believes in the Sith code etc.

>add the fact that in the original trilogy there were no force "powers" besides mind trick and lightning,
and force choke, force pull, force push... you're wrong