God tier food

God tier food.
Fuck you poutine.

Oh yeah!




Never post a dog's breakfast on a God Tier Food bread.

poutine looks nice but it seems to me it's overdoing majo and ketchup too much. like half of it would be better.

good fries taste good without having to add anything except salt. sauces should add to the taste, not drown it

canadians, do you like educated foreign immigrants? like people from scandinavian countries, germany, france etc?

That's a Halal Snack Pack (HSP) from Australia. And that's shredded meat with fries + garlic sauce, bbq sauce and melted cheese, not mayo or ketchup.

It's not poutine.

>thinking this was poutine
>not even educated enough to google what poutine looks like
>never seen poutine

>putting mayo and ketchup on poutine
>what the hell

That sounds like some good shit.

>god tier
>American heart attack level shit

At least get some taste you pleb US faggots. America has such shit taste in food.

Straya mate

>sauce and meat slapped together
>god tier

Americans kill yourselves.


I'm from Australia and I've never seen this saucey shit, is this Dominos pizza shit?

>not liking sauced up US heart attack trash is bait

Kill yourself Cleetus, because the rest of the world doesn't induce this trash.

Check out Facebook. Halal snack pack appreciation.
Oh, and get out a bit more

>implying the rest of the world even cares
>some of you motherfuckers eat rotten shark

>literally enjoying kebab shit smashed in sauce

Disgusting, you really have shit-tier taste in food.

kys traitor and fuck off out off Australia Muhammed.

Haram Dingo

>can't even green text logically

Are you calling me or yourself Candadian?


But who's going to do all the work if there's only lazy ass white bois left?

>Oh, and get out a bit more

Get race war'd Muhammed.

Remeber Cronulla when we bashed the fuck out of you cock guzzling faggots?

I dare you disgusting sand niggers to try it again.

>Remeber Cronulla
I was not there but you blokes did a top notch job

I'll bite a little harder though.
>Kill yourself Cleetus
>I'm calling this user Cleetus because he's American
So, in terms of actual logical flow, it's perfectly sensible for the first thing in my post to suggest, immediately after you made a statement on the nature of my niggerfaggot persons, that
>you may be retarded if you're not pretending
given that whatever education system you went through taught you how to infer information, instead of being spood-fed some nasty-ass poutine.

cheers mate, was a lesson to tell filthy lebs or muslims not to fuck around or ya get bashed.


>muslim shit skin damage control

Fucking grubs set the Nationalist Party of Australia back 20 years for 2 nights of fun.

you want any food with your sauce there m8?


It's Australian and the definition of beauty on the inside.

Hang yourself - it's the only way to regain honour.



Fucking amerifags, you all will die of liver explosion


Where is USA represent?

Fucking muzzie shit

contributing some actual god-tier food...

I believe you mean an AB, heathen




This is what I ate yesterday, 6 scrambled eggs and that bread with butter inside from local market.
I'm very proud of myself, because I have a really strong antitalent for anything related to cooking.

Tarte au camembert


Fried potatoes, onions and chorizo, in a bowl. Fried egg on top. Break yoke. Instantly have a food erection, that knocks bowl off your lap.

ayy lmao

Well, you get brownie points for the fact that it probably looks the same way coming out, as it did going in.

>brownie points

Garnishing a bucket of shit doesn't make it god tier.


I approve of this

dalmas? delish

This is American god tier food, by the way.


No it's not you fucking inbreed

BBQ cream sauce, "cheeze", onion, bacon and fries?

>mfw you can find this in any country but Eurotrash pretend it's some alien thing
>mfw europe is collapsing and being gang-raped by refugees but they're too cucked to realize so they argue about food

Nah nigger that's thousand island dressing and pickles.

so what's the white stuff? jizz?

That file name...

yes if you're from europe and not some filthy sand nigger.

Our current government is importing muslims as fast as they can many not educated at all


Close. You must not be from around here. Those are animal style fries from In 'n' Out. Fries, cheese, grilled onions, and their special sauce (basically thousand island dressing, or ketchup and mayonaisse with finely diced pickles).

Garlic sauce


So that the chef can execute order 66.


The only bad part of this meal was the steak. Cooked to rubber.


worst shit ever seen in a while

K i'm going to the grocery store now I just became infinitely more hungry.

Having the heat underneath burns off the fat, and means you can baste the pig in it later. Our way is slower, but better.

It's okay not to love manly food, sissy




You know that guy might be fatter than all shit.

But, you know all god damn well that might be some of the best barbeque that you'll ever have.


>mfw you're an insecure American
>mfw I'm an American who is very serious about my In n Out and who has traveled to Europe a dozen times and never found anything so delicious.

This is hot chips with done meat topped with cheese and then garlic sauce and chilli sauce. Oi Oi Oi

You'll get heart palpatine-tions if you eat too much of it

doner meat

god tier

Thank you, user. This is now on my lengthy bucket list.

Fillét of beef with duchesse potato.

Good ol' burger.

what the fuck is that


Pomme duchesse doesn't look like that at all.

It's the same thing, except instead of individual portions you sprinkle it around.

For fucks sake...

If that's not individually separated, that's no pomme duchesse at all.

Also, it's filet not fillét.

"Hello, bait"

Is that supposed to be a meal?

$70 dollars to eat a portion you'd use to conserve food, stranded on an island.

If you like "fancy food"
Kill yourself.

Calvados is the best alcohol ever made by mankind tho

Stock photo related


what is this?!!!

Should that pic say "jethuth cwithe"