Early good guys winning celebration thread

Early good guys winning celebration thread

Pic unrelated

Are you the fucker that said Portugal is sophisticated and highly cultured at Sup Forums weren't you?

Well, in case you didn't read my answwer the other day here it goes:

Portugal is a shithole full of dumb people

More people apply to reality shows than university

1 out of 23 portuguese people can't read

There's only football on TV

Portuguese people only watch crap Hollywood films. Only listen to shitty american music as well as Kizomba.

Portuguese people go by foot once a year to a place where some 3 little children claimed they saw the virgin mary. What a bunch of retards.

There's always a party somewhere and everyday there will be some party, some festival for people to go and get drunk.

I hate this country. I wish it didn't have a flag display, because i feel ashamed to live on this retarded ass country.

Just for you to see how retarded and shut down from the outside world the people on this country are:
Once i had an argument with some guy, because he kept saying there's no such thing as oil rigs in the ocean, because there's no oil underneath the oceans.

solid pasta, but are you guys drinking yet?

Congrats Portubros, I believed in you when TSUUU missed that penalty, when you were losing three times against Hungary, I put a 220e bet on you after that match because I knew Croats would choke and your open road to the finals. I believed you can win tonight, I believed in your mental strenght. TSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


Who is this Iberian demon?

Odiar o próprio país é um sinal de falta de respeito próprio e de fraca auto-estima. Tem isso em atenção.

Just posting to complain about refball in advance

Good win Portugal, you cheating cunts


how the fuck is 'tsu' supposed to sound like 'sim'?

You know how sometimes people say "Yes" in a way that sounds like "Yase?" or "Yuz?"
Same thing.

All we can hope for is an ISIS attack nuking the shit out of the final.

>The I'm different and I hate living in my country and I think other countries are superior fag


>the people in my country are so fucking dumb ugh it feels bad to be this smart and good in this shit country that I was born in filled with shit dumb people smdh

>Talking like that about your own country

People like you are fucking scum.

I thought the meme started because Portugal sounds like Por-tsu-gal when you say it fast.

I'm with this guy I don't see how 'sim' can sound like 'tsu' in any case.

I would be more ok with losing against Germany because the frogs have been talking trash for a solid month

if you said sim the way Ronaldo did with a deep voice it sounds like tsu

Singapore stands with Portugal

Literally kys right now

this guy gets it.

Memes à parte, a secção de vídeos do youtube populares em Portugal é o degredo completo.
Imagino que seja assim noutros países também.

>Once i had an argument with some guy, because he kept saying there's no such thing as oil rigs in the ocean, because there's no oil underneath the oceans.
There's incredibly dumb people everywhere. I had a (Swiss) classmate in high school who thought Brazil was in Africa.

Mata-te filho da puta, odeio-te de morte
Presunçoso da merda, se toda a gente fosse a pensar como tu então estávamos ainda ao nível de países negros africanos.

> Brazil is an African nation. That's a well known fact.

>With 82 per cent of its population tracing their ancestry back to the days of slavery, Salvador is described as “the biggest African city outside Africa”.
I guess she wasn't all wrong.

>portugal is shithole throughout medieval times
>leaders refuse to improve the economy
>the People systematically elect shitty leaders
>the People complain about an economic crisis but are fine with buying 800€ smartphones
>the people are genuinely stupid
>educational system is corrupt as fuck
>educational system is literally worse than the UK one in levels of smugness
>the People are too weak minded to improve their situation

K den

Never spent over 100€ on a phone desu

>>the People complain about an economic crisis but are fine with buying 800€ smartphones
Sadly that's very common, whether your country is rich or poor, stupid people will have their dumb last gen iPhones.
It's having a sports car levels of chav/bydlo/beauf status symbol, except it's cheaper and probably even more widely accepted as a good thing. I guess watches are a better comparison.

>portugal is shithole throughout medieval times
No in medieval times we were one of the best countries while others were dying with the bubonic plague, we traveled abroad in the sea in search of resources for a dying Europe and that eventually led to colonization.

>leaders refuse to improve the economy
>the People systematically elect shitty leaders
Since the greatest Dictatorship people always vote in the same shit, one is a corrupt socialist group the other is a cuckservative always for austerity.

>the People complain about an economic crisis but are fine with buying 800€ smartphones
>the People are too weak minded to improve their situation
Yes, its true some people are like this complain of how poor they are but are always with expensive things, with Salazar that wouldn't happen.

>some people are like this complain of how poor they are but are always with expensive things
Funnily enough that also happens in Switzerland, where there are basically no legit poor people. The people that get the worst pays here complain they're poor but they all have luxuries and go on holidays (usually abroad or skiing) several times a year.

you are such a meme country, but in a good way.

Alberta Barbosa

>Once i had an argument with some guy, because he kept saying there's no such thing as oil rigs in the ocean, because there's no oil underneath the oceans.

Buuuuuuuut duuuuuuude, jet fuel can't melt steel beams!

If true, TSU winning would give you how much dosh?

>Refball against the host country after the corrupt head of UEFA

we haven't stoped since wednesday
>mfw I can feel my body letting go

>portugal is shithole throughout medieval times
Portugal nunca foi uma merda quer na baixa ou na alta idade média. Para começar, Lisboa era das maiores cidades da Europa em termos de população e de riqueza. É verdade que no séc. XV adquirimos várias dívidas devido a empresas que falharam (e.g. a empresa realizada por Portugal com vista à conquista de Ceuta que não rendeu por a rota do ouro ter mudado face à intervenção portuguesa no Norte de África), mas nunca fomos merda ou irrelevantes. E por outro lado estávamos bastante ligados à melhores Casas da Europa, por via directa à casa de Borgonha e por via indirecta à casa de Clony. Havendo contundo intenções tanto castelhanas, como francesas e de borgonha que a casa portuguesa forma-se a "Espanha".

>leaders refuse to improve the economy
Sim, os secretários dos partidos querem perder votos só porque sim.

>the People systematically elect shitty leaders
Indica-me um bom líder ou um possível bom líder nos últimos 10 anos.

>the People complain about an economic crisis but are fine with buying 800€ smartphones
Isto é mais do que fenómeno nacional. É fenómeno de gente estúpida. Achas que Portugal tem um monopólio em estupidez e em tudo o que é superfluo? É um fenómeno ocidental da era em que vivemos.

>the people are genuinely stupid
"Tudo o que eu digo é mentira, Cícero."
-Os portugueses são estúpidos.
-Eu sou português.
-Logo eu sou estúpido.

Percebes a ironia?

>educational system is corrupt as fuck
O nosso sistema de educação é muito bom comparado com os outros países. Ao menos não temos tantas fábricas de diplomas com o mundo algo-saxónico.

>educational system is literally worse than the UK one in levels of smugness
Adapta-te. Sou capaz de lidar com pessoas muito mais arrogantes do que tu diariamente. Tenho colegas com contas poupança com 30 mil euros e professores que dão as aulas a despachar.

Para finalizar:

>the People are too weak minded to improve their situation
Verdade. Por isso é que existem pessoas como eu que lutam pelo seu país formando-se e procurando tornarem-se excelentes no seu campo para formarem pessoas para serem melhor que elas. Eu vou lutar pelo meu país mesmo sabendo que não é o melhor. Já tu preferes ter atitudes de crianºa e fazeres birras por défice de atenção ou de afecto. Faz-te à vida, rapaz.