Unpopular opinions thread

Unpopular opinions thread

I think the Stallone Dredd movie is better than the Karl Urban Dredd movie.

Fuck, you can say anything and it's unpopular here.

>I enjoy watching movies

You don't belong here.

Agreed tbqh

I think that Canada is better than America

>unpopular opinions

Oh wait, wrong thread, carry on you fat fucks

It's the opinion of any normal person outside of Sup Forums. Dredd completely missed the irony of the character

It was goofy and fun.


I mean Sup Forums

the Stallone Dredd is literally a 0/10 film

Wow, get fucked dude.

>Those stellar practical effects that Dredd 2012 could only dream of having

Nah m8. Dredd 2012 has some embarassing CG

I agree with you. I don't really think you can beat "I AM THE LAW." The grimdark Dredd doesn't really do it for me.

Plus I think Stallone Dredd does a better job showing off how much the future sucks.

>Those stellar practical effects
Yeah, too bad the screenplay is one of the biggest piles of shit ever

And how sweet was it when they got shot down by those mutants, and then the Chief Justice just happened to walk in the door? The variety I think for me really made the Stallone version better. There is a finite amount of dark hallways I want to see.

>this thread

The ABC Warrior still scares my shit up

I'm glad I finally found someone who agrees with me. I also really liked how the world in general was portrayed in Stallone's version--it reminded me a lot of a lighter Blade Runner.


"mistuh uh ehm de law"

You're absolutely right about the variety, I never thought about that. You spend way too much time in the tower in Dredd 2012 and you never get a grasp of what the deal is with Mega-City One

It'd be like if Robocop spent all of the movie inside OCP instead of letting you see Detroit.

I love cheesy sci-fi movies but Judge Dredd can't even be enjoyed ironically, it's that bad. The design of the city is the only thing it has going for it, everything else including the writing, directing, casting and performances is all horrible.

Oh and the underbaked clones were a cool set piece


However the old street fighter film i find enjoyable desite being really bad believe they both have the same director/writer

I hated Mad Max 2016 and Civil War

No the satire just went over your head, for example the homeless guy(weak and innocent) gets crushed by the security door designed to protect him (the law enforcement).

i agree, also jurassic park 3 is better than jurassic park.

Go kill yourself

Ooof I got to know why you think that.

I could even understand why someone liked JP2 more than JP1, but JP3?

it was a le joke user

>Rob Zombie made some OK films

There I said it. Idk what Sup Forums has to say on this.

i know u bait user but shit like that is literally played straight in the comics.

Well he hasnt really made any films that can be considered bad, i think the only ones are arguably the halloween ones but they certainly have a lot going for them.

Zombie is one of the only real auteurs working in the horror genre right now, and has made at least 3 masterpieces.

yeah, me too

it's pretty great

>This movie exists

Oh wow.


whoa there's a Mad Max 2016 now?

i think Spring Breakers is bone fide classic