Look at this picture. Look at it

Look at this picture. Look at it.

Uppity look. Pursed lips. She looks like she doesn't really care, like she's got a bad taste in her mouth and she's sucking on her tongue.

She's got 3 pieces of gold on her, and I'm willing to bet they aren't fake.

This stuck up, flaunty bitch is the next president. You can imagine what she thinks of herself.

What do you think of her, guys?

Shes hot there

I used to have that watch that slick willie is wearing

Bills like dude kill me now this bitch has my balls in a box somewhere

She's still hot, power is sexy.


I think that now that Trump has been put on a leash by his handlers, Hillary finally has a shot at the presidency.

Twelve months of him being an ever looming threat that the Dems had no idea how to fight, but now at the last turn he's being reeled in and put on mood stabilizers or something, who the fuck knows.

Anyway, so long as quiet, predictable Trump sticks around, Hillary will bury him. He's willingly neutered his behavior, the only thing that made him different. Hillary dodged a fucking bullet.

This flaunty bitch is dishonest. This flaunty bitch is a criminal. This flaunty bitch allowed four of her people to die while she did nothing to save them. This flaunty bitch has no more chance of being the next president than the guy in the pic has.

Samefagging shills.

She's a cunt and she won't win. Americans are sick of her race baiting and pandering... and Bernie supporters feel betrayed.

she sucks. she seems like one of those crazy moms. you'd go to your friends house and she would start yelling at him in front of you guys and you would all play GTA in the basement while your friend got hollered at.

>i'm so terrified of women that an image of one rustles me harder than anything else.

I would so fuck her, she was a 7/10 back in the day

>I make assumptions about people that are dismissive and accusatory so that I don't have to rebuke or explain a counter viewpoint, and so I can just say "lul trold u" and escape the situation entirely when things go awry."

Do you honestly think you presented a worthwhile, reasoned view? Are you really that fucking stupid?

> you don't like her politics so you feel the need to hate every single thing about her even things that would never bother you about a person whose politics you approve of
> weak mind completely ruled by irrational emotional responses

Sent from my Android phone

Can't go anywhere on the internet without running into you paid posters. Is this really Trump's campaign strategy: to flood every forum and comments section of the internet with crap? Good luck with that!

> can't make a cogent argument
> hey user are you really that stupid??!?! gfdi so stupid yo!

Bitch is just eyeing some food. Bill's got some serious shit going on upstairs though.

I wouldn't say hot but definitely cute, especially when she was 17-22.
Pic related.

>predictable Trump

it's OK b-bernie bros I s-swear!

Looks like she should be in clerks