Gimme a nice evolutionary explanation for the existence of gay individuals among some species

gimme a nice evolutionary explanation for the existence of gay individuals among some species

A theory I have heard is that being gay was a trait that came randomly where individuals were less picky about who they had sex with. Those individuals survived and reproduced more. Kind of like how sickle cell anemia is the most prevalent where there is malaria, it is a survival mechanism.

tldr: fucking anything was better than fucking nothing, edge case of the gene potentially?


give me a nice religious explanation for why god created gays if he hates them.

Counter over population while still giving the person a sexual goal to work towards.

Overpopulation. When a species starts to reproduce faster then any disaster, predator, or human actions that can keep the population at a stable level (carrying capacity) individuals within a species will turn homosexual. Since homosexuals obviously can not reproduce, that means less babies are being born which means the population will start to decreasing to a healthy level.

Evolution isn't teleological. You don't have "an evolutionary explanation for something," that thing happened and natural selection may or may not give you a hook for telling a story about it.

He thought it was a fanny joke

It's been observed that homosexual behavior among pack animals is natures way of deceiving the alpha male in order to breed with the alpha female.

Over time the alpha male will disregard the threat of other males exhibiting homosexual behavior and go off hunting or grazing or whatever. When this happens the homosexual male will mate with the alpha female and pass along the genes.

This makes sense in today's context when you consider the homosexual adoration and worship of strong diva type assertive women. The "alpha" women of today.

Do they secretly wish to breed with these diva types? Likely not consciously. In order for homosexual behavior to work in this manner the subject must be fully committed and attracted to only males thus convinced of this attraction and life pursuit.

As for lesbianism... same principal a way to appear non threatening to the alpha female.

Just a theory.

Detrimental mutation.

are you trying to deny the fact that gays exist or the fact that evolution occurs? Perhaps homosexuality seems anomalous but it's quite clear both are real things

Life...finds a way

Gay men exist because of Alpha men.
See, they've always existed because there's a sudden hormone imbalance and change that occurs when the runt hunter doesn't get their pick of a kill. They wind up malnourished and are subjected to eating parts of an animal they wouldn't normally eat as well as just animals they wouldn't normally eat. The original gay men were just Betas but over time as those men were then allowed to breed (keep in mind in far less numbers than their alpha counterparts) the genetic imprint of a male parent with an altered diet and social status paired with a predisposition to both eventually shaped the homosexual male we see playing grab ass today.

God created gay men and lesbians as a true testament of human's will power and how it enabled them to continue believing in a higher power despite altering their sexual preference in opposition to the majority's accepted norm.
In other words, if you gay, you Job. Look that nigga up.

Pretty sure there's not a gene for it. The cause is not well understood, but I think the most plausible explanation is that it is the result of a hormone imbalance in the pregnant mother causing sexually dimorphic nuclei in the brain to form improperly.

Evolution doesn't produce perfection. If it's cheaper to ignore a problem than to fix it, the problem gets ignored. A low percentage of people who are uninterested in procreation is an easier burden for the species to bear that the resources that would be required to build and maintain a significantly more complex endocrine system.

actually god doesn't dislike gays or lesbos, he just said a man shouldn't lay with another man. he didn't like all the fags bumming each other in sodom too

there doesn't need to be a reason for it other than releasing sexual tension.
nearly every mammal has gays in it.

I don't think overpopulation has anything to do with the formation of gay men or lesbian women. That wouldn't make sense for a hormonal change to occur due to a societal problem. That's like people who think they can predict the weather because their knee starts to hurt before hand.

reduces sexual competition, increases social diversity and allows for new social dynamics

Well first off, I wouldn't hail any religious text as the undeniable word of God; last time I checked nobody ever saw him pick up a pen.
Second, anal sex in ancient times seems like it'd be the most disgusting shit ever, so there's your scientific explanation for that, man, not God was offended by that in particular.
Third, there doesn't need to be reason for lgbt people to exist, but that doesn't mean there isn't a scientific explanation.

Random mutation.

They give a reason for /mlp to live.

The main problem with Sodom was the extent to which the people were bathing in hedonism while still being cruel to their fellow man.

Not everything provides an edge in natural selection. It could simply be a random offshoot of a much more complex behavioural evolution.

Like, the evolution of mammalian eye was pretty complex, but the blind spot serves absolutely no evolutionary advantage and some animals don't even have it. It's pretty much impossible to guess what kind of weird shit might have happened during the evolution of something as complex as sexuality. And this goes beyond mammals too, since birds are often gay.

Thinking this way about evolution is dangerously close to intelligent design -- every bit must have a purpose. Don't be stupid, user.

Gimme evolution.

The gay theory is explained by over population - when there is a plague or rabbits for instance the males start to fuck eachother - it's natures way of reducing numbers.

existence of gays exposes evolution as a BS fairytale. but yall keep believin it, no harm in that.