Is it true that the American tourists are warned if they are taking their children with them in some of the European...

Is it true that the American tourists are warned if they are taking their children with them in some of the European cities (pic)?

Pic related is from Italy.

Americans also have nude statues of the gods.

Imagine the same done with HIllary.


I don't have to imagine it
Also, it sparked a viloent mob in NY


Well, imagine what would happen to that Trump statue in Bumfuck, Alabama.

I remember my first trip to Italy when I was 6. Nude statues everywhere and I saw boobs during soap commercial on TV.

Sex would happen

How to obtain this mode?

Squat 5x5
Bench 5x5
Accessory work or Incline/Decline Bench with dumbbells
Dips (bodyweight if less than 12 reps is your AMRAP), alternating close and wide dips

Deadlift 5x5
Bent over row 5x5
Accessory work, pull ups, chin ups

Front squat 5x5
Close grip Bench 5x5
Overhead press 5x5
Accessory work

Light Cardio, ~40 minutes

Find a catholic qt pie whilst praying the Lord

Diet: Mediterranean; more lentils and local fresh fish, less meat
Veggies every day
Whole grain or Farro pasta

Beard: have not faulty genes

Slut holding a cornucopia: included in the package

"Free speech is only allowed if I agree with it"

Why do Europeans love penises so much?
Especially Greeks

that's not free speech, that's modern """"""""art""""""""
this kind of """"art"""" is allegedly considered """"powerful"""" and ""enriched"" when someone is offended to the point he/she has to attack it

pic related, a mr. brought a stair and removed this obscenity

the place where you put your piece of shit is important

then again, we are allowing so many artistic atrocities I'm almost de-sensibilized

New Yorkers angrily felling a Hillary statue.

Trump statue stands looking proud.

Well you kind of a have to love penises, for humanity.

You are not into humanity?

Greeks had human gods, unlike everyone else before them

it's kind of hard to sculpt an assyrian birdcock

It did happen, and the lefties flipped out and attacked it

If your question is "do Americans do [insert some ridiculous bullshit]" then chances are yes there are probably people here that do it.

I like it

Yes. Kids are stupid and love running around everywhere and potentially getting lost in a country where you can't speak the language is the worst possible situation for a young child

It's not the government taking that statue down is it? Anyway on just craftmanship it's obvious conservatives can't do a half decent job

Your entire fucking religion is defined by penises.

t. The ethnic group with the religious practice that got the end of my dick sliced off

>Anyway on just craftmanship it's obvious conservatives can't do a half decent job