Did I smoke weed laced with coke? Last night i smoked some bud that got me way too high...

Did I smoke weed laced with coke? Last night i smoked some bud that got me way too high. my heart was beating out of my chest and it was at like 140 bpm when i was lying in bed. I don't have anxiety usually but i was freaking out. my sister smoked too, said the same thing happened to her

why does it matter if you did or not? It's over. Stop thinking about it. It won't effect your health in any significant way. If you feel fine mentally then what's to worry about? If you don't then just wait to feel better again.

I've done it on purpose to my joint before. Makes you feel super geeked out like an uncomfortable feeling for those who wouldn't know what they're getting into. Odds are you just got really high

Nah you're just a fag

Coke is expensive

could've been spice or some other synthetic bullshit

please kys btw fucking junkie

Dude my sister got it fron some nig rapperfrom cali, shes like a 9 so she was hanging out with him. She didnt buy it.

Dude im a veteran tho thats the thing

Good advice and trips

Oh fuck off with your nigger cuck bait bullshit

Ya I'm sure she got weed from a nigger free of charge so she could smoke up her neck beard brother, fuck outta here

only hot girls get coke for free. Get over it you faggot

You probably just got too high because you're a lilbitch

I know it sounds ridiculous but why would this story give me a rise? Jesus fuck

Wow i said already she's pretty, and im her lil bro and she hooked it up.

Because you're a cuck, obviously

Post this supposedly 9/10 sister

You guys gon jack off to her.

Heres some of her face

Nah, sometimes weed can induce anxiety and even heart palpitations, or the sensation thereof. That's what you had. I have had it before.

why the fuck would your sister give you free coke?

I don't think the flame could cause sublimation or vaporize solid cocaine even if it was spiked

Probably, I've been smoking for years. I usually get my stuff from a friend who likes clean stuff. My other friend (girl) started dating a ghetto young guy. He offered me weed. I took one hit and I started feeling funny. Face was and arms were tingly, and my heart rate was up. Never got weed from him again and I never got that weird high again either.