Hey Sup Forums. Just got kicked out a couple hours ago...

Hey Sup Forums. Just got kicked out a couple hours ago. Can't sleep and I'm outside the house on lawnchairs to stay comfortable. I have 20 dollars to my name and I'm pretty sure my life ends here. What do I do...

It's only when we've lost everything that we are free to do anything.

you'll pull through. you always do.

Begin anew. With terrifying tenacity and resolve for obtaining self pleasure.

Play pokemen go

Protip: Dog food is edible, full of protein and pretty cheap.

Do you have any friends you could stay with in the meantime?

find a shovel.
break down the door.
kill everything in the house.
relax and watch TV.

You go to a city with plenty of jobs and start working. Then get a place.

Get a job before you start looking unpresentable, it doesn't matter where. Find a homeless shelter and get help there for now. Try and live on as little as possible and save up on better things. Don't resort to thievery, this isn't the end of your life. Back in the depression my immigrant family started from nothing and even in the hard times they became successful. A generation later we're wealthy. Good luck, OP.

This, go be that guy everyone wonders who fuck keeps taking their gyms all day everyday. Make your username sugdiq4dosh

1. Suck up and get back in
2. Wait until all are gone and sack up all valuables, booze, drugs. Then leave.

When everything goes to shit, get a loan

You just want to see loansharks eat him alive, ebin.

Go stand on a corner and suck dick for cheeseburgers.

Well. I live off in nowhere land PA . I'm 8 miles away from civilization basically... I can't survive

Cast Pro Ass Pally Healz


I'm sorry OP, please don't give up. Seek help and try to get a job as soon as possible. Keep yourself warm and buy cheap food. Stay strong.

Go to the rail yard and jump on a random box car. Ride it til you fall asleep then get off wherever you wake up. Start anew.

Dick. Learn to love it.

Be all about masturbation all the time.

Who were you staying with?

Do not find a job. A job is a fools resolve

It's summertime Sup Forumsro. You can survive for at least a few months. Get your shit together while its still warm out.

Not without reason for your socitey.

As long as he doesn't become that guy trying to go through my garbage all the time and me trying to tell him to fuck off, Everytime.

I put a couple bottles in there now so he doesn't rip open the fucking trash bags anymore.

I was in the same situation 2 years ago and I've lost everything. Now I have a giant and cosy apartment and a job, I lived in a homeless shelter for a year and saved 1500 euros then get my apartment, It's hard but don't give up.

You're in for a Walk, buddy.

But walking is good, should help you get your mind going.

If you don't got the balls to live on, get hit by a passing truck.

If you do want to live, goto the nearest homeless shelter for men.

And take these advices
Also Fuck Luck. Utilize your brain. You also got a Super Computer in your hand capable of doing tricks for you as long as you got wifi and power

Nothing is static, everything is evolving, everything is falling apart.

Lol how are you gonna pay for the phone your started this thread on?

Not OP but McDicks wifi familam open 24/7. Hijack the power outlet

Feed the world with your seamen. Transform your self into a planetary feeding tube. Get off on it.

kek im using fucking starshit rn for wifi since i just got my own appartment... fucking peacful as hell out though.

Ok op, you didn't say anything about what you have with you now, such as backpack,food, phone charger, etc. What do you have with you now? It's 3am, where are you? Do you have a friend to call? Have you started walking to the nearest town?

Details bro, else I'm thinking you're just havin a giggle on us m8.

Start a cult of cabbage worshipers

please tell me that you are 14 and though as fugg, a true rebel.

foodbanks/soupkitchens will keep you fed
mcdonalds/public libraries have unlimited freee wifi

you need to hitchhike to a well populated area
use couchsurfing to temp crash, bang random girls so you can use their shower/crash
thievery is your new best friend
join the thiefs guild they will take you in

Just sleep in the lawn chair and go back inside in the morning. It doesn't take a genius.

5 years ago I got evicted. i was depressed, behind on my rent, so ended up on the street.

I got on a train to the city and paid to sleep in a youth hostel (no deposit, pay as you go, and cheap). I took the first job I could find, made myself useful to the hostel staff so they were happy to have me there until I got back on my feet

>>Details bro, else I'm thinking you're just havin a giggle on us m8.

foodbanks and also starbucks throws away fucking great food cause its a day old at night (ive heard) also might have luck asking around BEFORE stores close if they are throwing anything away because its stale.

>Just got kicked out a couple hours ago
By whom?

>I have 20 dollars to my name and I'm pretty sure my life ends here.
Why? You have money for some bus fare, and I assume you are clothed?

>What do I do...
Start a new life on your own.
It will likely be very much an uphill struggle but it can be done.


I bet OP stormed out, so basically kicked himself out, and now he is too stubborn to swallow his pride and ask to be let back inside

Large cities will typically have 24 hour gyms, use them to shower and clean up, some even have couches you can crash on if you have a membership. It's also a good place to get a job, get yourself a backpack to carry your stuff in once you have cash. In the meantime you can apply for better jobs and keep working your way up. Get a notebook to write down your expenses and use it as a daily planner also to micro manage your time. Don't resort to thievery or begging for money, a good majority of homeless people are homeless because of their own devices, or they're junkies or alcoholics so don't be like them. The shelter can be a scary place to go but you get used to it after a while, they often have free food and networks for finding jobs and making it easier on you, take advantage of it. If you're in a city then walk around it, get to know the locals, familiarize yourself with all the routes like the bus schedules and train stations.

And last but not least, don't share cigarettes with people by the shelters, they run out faster than you would believe.

Good luck OP, I've been in your position and I know it isn't easy, when the day comes that you run out of your last 10 cents and you're sitting on a bench wondering what you're gonna fill your stomach with other than water, that will be the hardest day as you look back on your life. It happened to me and I sat there crying for a while, wondering if things would ever get better, later that night I tried robbing a liqour store which was not a good idea looking back on it. Just remember that there's always a better way to handle things

Good luck

Where are you now user? That's a interesting story though.

Welp op ain't here anymore it seems... the op that cried wolf...

Funny thing, I live on a sailboat down in Florida and am currently in college for a 1 year program for turbine generation mechanics. When I was homeless I lived in Edmonton Alberta, took me about a month to get on my feet again, I had a good job and apartment with a mustang before I went homeless. Got into theft and robbery pretty heavy, stole 200$ worth of groceries every week from Walmart, robbed a drug dealer for about 7000$ and decided to quite my job. From there I ate pizza/KFC, did all kinds of drugs, smoked cartons of cigarettes and just played video games for about 2 months with my buddy. I then had a minor heart attack, ran out of money and said fuck everything. Before I was homeless I always felt the urge like everyone owed me something, so I took what I wanted and didn't care for the repercussions. If you can learn to hustle and survive on the unforgiving streets then you can pretty much survive anywhere and it'll make you a stronger person, just don't get caught in the cycle of being homeless and stay homeless for years, those people are miserable.