what are some reasons to keep on living ?

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none, just kill yourself already.


can't think of any.

unless you enjoy nature.

You are on another planet. No-one understands what you are going through. But actually, they do. You don’t think they do because the only reference point is yourself. You have never felt this way before, and the shock of the descent is traumatising you, but others have been here. You are in a dark, dark land with a population of millions.



Food animals woman/men sex nudes that your partner or sex buddy sends

>sex nudes that your partner or sex buddy sends


I want to see how fucked up things get. Life is funny that even in your darkest hours....surprising things happen. I know its a cop out....but people belly ache about this stuff all the time. I have to drive 3 hours to find a building tall enough to jump off of, will a gunshot hurt, will this poison concoction make me feel sick. Sometimes you deserve the pain...sometimes the pain of living and suffering.

I wish i had the guts to do it

>sometimes the pain of living and suffering.
that's deep.


Well if nothing else, amusing Greentext

there are just two:
1. sex
2. sports

i keep living because i don't want to die. if you need a reason to keep living you should probably kill yourself


To see her breasts



descent into what?

>dont want to die
>if you need a reason...

not wanting to die sounds like your reason.

kill yourself.



I wish every loser who wanted to kill themselves did it. There would be alot less whining and self pity.

nah, don't feel like it. go ahead and set the example for me

there goes 3/4 of Sup Forums

I know....wouldn't that be great

does this apply to everyone who has ever had a suicidal thought?


Jesus Christ is soon here, you will love your life when he will be here :D Just wait a little buddy ;)

Thats a tough one...id go with the 24 hour rule. If you didn't want to kill yourself after 24 hours of the initial thought. Everyone gets one freebieWould you ever continue the tradition with your own kids? After that if you think about killing yourself. You have to do it for the better of mankind.

what? soccer is a sport. you're saying because i find passing a ball around for hours annoying that i like soccer? have fun showering with men before grappling in spandex

Lopsided tits

Rick and Morty season 3

Gambling away all my money is fun

so... after the first thought, you're on the clock and if you ever have a second thought, you're done?

or do two thoughts have to occur within the 24 hour window.

what about people that jokingly say they will kill themselves or the like (typically over some mundane problem, thus we all know they're joking)?

With lucky 7s like that I'd imagine you at least break even


Food, Fapping, Games and movies.

Yeah but 7s when talking about gambling!?! It's a sign alright

You don't want to do the world a favour.

won't discover anything weird or fascinating after cessation of brain activity

not really, but I'll do the world a flavor

something unlikely (1/100) happening once doesn't affect the chances of something unlikely happening in the future. luck is a description of the unlikelihood of a past event, not a force that directs the future

I'm thinking 24 hours to be depressed enough to think about suicide. Get it out of your system, buut know next time is for real so you better be serious. You can't sit in bed and tell people you are so depressed you can't get out of bed most days or your job is shit or life is shit.

Know the next time you want to end it all...it's stage 4 cancer or the police found your rape dungeon in your basement.

Finally, if people are joking around about suicide...its not funny. Any real suicidal person knows that you don't tell anyone if you are serious....and if you blab about it all the time it's a cry for help and attention.

Family to provide for

that's actually a reason to kill yourself. quit breeding moron there's over 7 billion people

impregnate some bitch

The fast approaching race war.

Might as well see where it goes. No real reason to die, unless you're in too much pain then you might as well kys.

I think about killing myself nearly every day.

highly doubt I'll ever do it, just because it's so final. if there were some choice to come back, maybe.

but I trudge through my day depressed lol it's hilarious when you think about it.

I think most "depressed" people are this way, they just don't let it show because they've learned to wear a mask. then there's the ones that have a debilitating depression, laying in bed all day yada yada... they typically have some other issue other than just depression, a lot of time it's drug abuse or major injury. yes, major injury is one of the leading causes of suicidal thought. a lot of people make it through these though, and not in just 24 hours.

I would be willing to bet if you went through chemo, your resolve would soften a little and probably have some suicidal thoughts of your own. not to say you will never get better, but at the time it would probably be a pleasant alternative.

not everyone with suicidal thoughts is as far gone as you think, and often times it takes longer than a day to get out of a depressive funk. most people give someone with depression a month to get out of it. if they are suicidal or depressed longer than that, help is needed.

but if we enact what you're saying, you'd find out a lot more people have suicidal thoughts than you presume. surprisingly, children have suicidal thoughts a lot. especially when they're in an abusive home. should they be subjected to this same rule, or should they be given a chance for a different life?

Who's side are you on? Niggers? Whitey?

Already have. Planning to stick with 1 kid. Less than the 2.4 or whatever to sustain the population. It's a selfish decision

to keep drawing smut like this

indians vs paki retard alabama is not the center of the world


Venus xD

Because my life is kind of awesome. Besides if I died my wife and all our GFs would be sad.

Remember btards, the best revenge is living better than everyone who ever irritated you. So show up at your HS reunion with 8 GFs and make out with all of them, while everyone else there hates you.

Same here b/ro

however mundane and depressing and tortuous, life is literally infinitely more interesting than the absolute nothingness of the alternative.

its just perspective.

and harden up princess

It is kinda hilarious when I think about it. Do I go and get ice cream or kill myself...I guess I will trudge down put in my mask and get ice cream. Do I pay may bills, i mean I might not make it through the week....might as well because I want to see the new game of thrones.

If your life is unbearable...cancer, pain, hopelessness....kill yourself....why subject yourself to endless misery. Especially if you have no control of it. If your life is unbearable then you should have the right.

If your life is bearable, but you are debilitated by the weight of depression. You might want to do it anyway, because things aren't looking any better. Tomorrow doesn't look too good.
If your depression stems from something you control...seek help then reassess.

I'm not talking about kids who constantly think of suicide and wanting them to end it. But as an adult, shit doesn't get easier if you have a suicide escapist fantasies. They turn into you trudging through life with a mask.

found your harem

nice, kinda feel like this is more applicable to Trump, and what happened in Brexit...

forgot pic need to go to bed

No one gives a shit about those guys. Ask the BLM protests in London....its world wide muthafucka


i can't die a virgin

People that joke about it are the worst kind, and should defo be killed. I don't need to hear that shit...

She's my reason, but we are both stuck with different people,

Oh Lord yes.

Lets see if I make it...

Any arbitrary reason.

Annoying morons and liberals.
Power tools
Being an asshole
Amusing myself at others expense

I enjoy hot sauce..
I keep stepping up how hot I can stand it and at this point I can handle the heat of a nuke. I like how before eating something super hot I get the shakes a little. Then you get the endorphin rush once your mouth is on fire and the tingling sensation is throbbing. The only thing I'm not a huge fan of is the fire shits, but oh well..


Yeah, this is true, I'm not sure how one gets out of that, I'm seeking help now, but I think I've done it for so long that it's ingrained in me.

The only reason I ever do keep on going is the hope that things will improve, and these thoughts will dwindle.

Still, you have a good take on it, thanks for sharing. Gave me something to think about.

the ugly people losers like the ugly guys losers is ugly as shit and lie bout being better then the popular people but the ugly people losers is ugly as shit and get rejected by the popular people and doesnt like the popular people cause the ugly people losers and the ugly guys losers is ugly as shit and smell like poop like beyonce and is ugly as shit and think is better then everyody but is lame and ugly


The hope that the zombie apocolyse starts.